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Does love exists?
Originally posted by The Rock
I love my car. Thats enough love for me. Its pretty dependable, fun to drive, looks amazing. No woman I've ever met can live up to that.
BartLet us return to the moon, to stay!!!
oils are gradually becoming more and more synthetic anyway (like a lot of female body parts), but if all else fails, STOCKPILELast edited by Agent31; 26 August 2002, 22:58.Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!
If the world runs out of oil, there won't be any more pantyhose, a lot less make-up, no vinyl outfits....
The car will <I>still</I> be quite an attractive choiceGigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.
or raise pigs for the methane
then you really would be Pepe (your new found nick) Le Pew (your car"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss
"Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain
Well Drizzt, I understand you and what you're going through.
I have a best friend who's exactly in that same phase.
Women and girls as we all know are nag nag nag all the time. When you finally get rid of one, it's like a breath of fresh air.
Now we still need women, and like you said, you had some short (propably no strings attached) relationships since then. So you get what you need yet avoid all this nag nag nag situation.
Mst married men here wouldn't admit it, but if not for having childrend, even the best cooker isn't worth all this nagging.
On a side note, Alice went back to Portugal this morning, if / when she reads this post, I'm dead meat.
...well... can't really resist.
In my experience, we get what we need, and need what we get. The only true wealth in life, that is truly ours, are our experiences and what we learn out of them.
So... want to enrich myself, wanna learn something? Cars are great, I "love" my BMW, pedal to the metal and it does precisely what I love, but it's ultimately rubber, glass and metal. I "love" my computer, but if I spend any more time in front of it, I'm gonna go as nuts as the 28 jillion people behind it. touchy-feely...
But if I really want experience, if I really want to get challenged on the whole spectrum of my existence, if I really want simultaneous heaven, hell and all in between, then nothing beats a woman. ...not because of the woman, but because of the polarities. Male-female, plus-minus, the dynamic of the poles, the source of all life and energy, without which there would be no life, no universe. Only when the poles meet, fly through jungle, desert, storm, dark and light, and find a delicate balance, is there peace ...and love. ...there is nothing like it! Just two people and a whole infinity to explore, as different from each other as their fingerprints, DNA...
My car, my computer, my woman, all my life experiences, are all a path to me, to fulfillment, to love. All seek a balance, and in that balance comes an inner peace ...and love. Albeit, that state of peace and love is oh so fragile. Can't possess it, can't buy or sell it, can't even give it away. Can only share it to the extent I have it. ...and it is only as great as the dynamics I dare, and only as stable as I am. And when it goes unstable... uh-oh, more to experience, more to learn... rollercoaster, here we go... whaahooo! Tears and laughter, hate it and love it...
...yes, love is, but it isn't an abstract I would intellectualize. I can only live it. ...without a teensy-weensy bit of it, I'm dead! Maybe not buried, still walking around, but dead! I wouldn't hack women, or men, or anything, just realize that the polarities are the gift of life.
...not even my computer will run without polarities... whatever I'd sometimes like to think, nobody and nothing is bad, or extra good, just sometimes off track, sometimes on... like me...
When there is no love, people do cruel and destructive things.
When there is love, everyone is precious, everything is precious.
What's the difference?
...whenever I think there's no love, I check back to where I made a wrong turn and missed it. Love is always around, but where am I?
I am the question, life has the answers ...and love the most...
For example:
I would love Matrox one helluva a lot more if they'd stop fiddling around and come out with a 256 Parhelia that'd really kick ass...
...that's LOVE!How can you possibly take anything seriously?
Who cares?
I love my 18 inch lcd.
Originally posted by The PIT
I love my 18 inch lcd.
This the sequence:
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I love my 18 inch
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Ahhh...Sat on a pile of deads, I enjoy my oysters.
LOL yeah. That's kinda like it was with me.
Would have been very impressive otherwise. OK, an 18" LCD is impressive, too
Pity I couldn't get hold of an 19 inch.
First things first. The answer is no.
Mutz, I'm not sure whether to think you're brilliant or insane... so I'll think both.
Drizzt, you're not alone in feeling like that (talking about your first post, not the 19-inch...)
I remember reading about an article about an experiment where they took some people who were "in love" with someone, and some who were merely "obsessed" with someone. The researchers took brain activity scans of these people while they were thinking about their someone, and found no difference between the "obsessed" and "in love" people. They concluded that love and obsession were the same thing.
And I must further conclude that all of you posting that love exists and you have it are just crazy obsessed stalkers...Blah blah blah nick blah blah confusion, blah blah blah blah frog.