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Does love exists?

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  • #46
    ...Dogbert is awfully quiet... Dear DogMeat, looks like you've got a strong woman there with a good sense of humor. Don't think she's nagging you, just trying to get through...

    ...right Ribbit, I'm insane. If I look around at what's supposed to be sane, insanity looks like diving off Bangaram island...

    In the 16th and 17th century they had a big thing about isolating and analyzing life. They dissected every living thing they could tie down, cut them up live in tiny pieces. In the end they just had neatly labelled bottles of dead body parts, but never found life.

    Love is like that. You'll never find it. The harder you chase it, the farther and faster in runs away. The moment you give up, you find it sitting in your lap. ...but you can't give up to get.

    Tricky, eh?

    Ever met a shrink or a scientist who knew anything about love? You can read all about, hear about, see about, buy, sell sex everywhere, sitting on your face whether you like it or not, but love?

    Friendship is love, love can include sex, love can include many things, but can you put your finger on it, tie it down?

    You can let it come to you, let it happen, let it be, let it grow, let it go... let it come again. ...and above all, not get serious about it.

    If a butterfly lands on your hand, what happens when you close your fist?

    Love is insane. That's its beauty. You can't possibly make any sense out of it, you can't use it for anything, you can't get anything for it, it can drive you crazy. You dry up like a prune without it, you float on a cloud with it, you get dead miserable without it, you get scared to death with it, you can't lift a finger without it, you can leap tall buildings with it, cetera ad infinitum...

    ...and if you try to seperate love from life, you get dead meat too... who's kidding who?

    ...or is it whom?
    How can you possibly take anything seriously?
    Who cares?


    • #47
      mutz: very well said.
      no matrox, no matroxusers.


      • #48
        [eerie silence from my end...]

        Hey, I did also call you brilliant...
        Blah blah blah nick blah blah confusion, blah blah blah blah frog.


        • #49
          Very nicely worded Mutz, but I disagree. I gave up on women months ago and I'm still single. Love doesn't fall into the laps of ugly people. Women, being as shallow as most of them are, don't bother looking at the insides.



          • #50
   can't really have such a low opinion of yourself if you love yourself enough to give yourself a Bimmer. That's love! My love gave me a new Bimmer in November when my old one died of hidden rust. She knows I love Bimmer and just did it. Knocked me flat 'cause I never expected her to do anything like that.

  ! I've never met an ugly person. Only unhappy ones who do ugly things. Anybody who is only looking for beauty on the outside is in for lots of trouble and disappointments, but then again that's just another opportunity to learn something...

            Could it be that you have the barriers up 'cause you are afraid somebody is going to think you are ugly and that hurts?

            The most beautiful people I know wouldn't win any beauty contests. But they are living their lives for themselves, and it so happens that the love that they have for themselves has such a radiation that it attracts somebody who wants to bask and share in that love.

            ...and you can't say anything about women because every single one of them is just as exactly unique as you are. A little more respect for them will earn a little more respect for you. Be prepared to learn more the hard way, and when it hurts, just realize that pain is working some transformation in you. When the storm has passed, the clouds have parted, the sun will shine again. On you.

            Born alone, die alone will always be single. Enjoy it, and maybe somebody will join you in your joy. Just don't expect anything, then everything will be a gift.

            ...don't worry about it ...and don't listen to me...

            Just looking into chip tuning, whadauthink?

            ...what happened to Drizzt? He started all this...
            Last edited by mutz; 28 August 2002, 16:16.
            How can you possibly take anything seriously?
            Who cares?


            • #51

              And here's why:

              Love is only an intangible emotion or euphoria.(also easily duplicated with chocolate)

              Relationships NOW arent based on "LOVE", but mutual lust and that is why they usually dont last long, they are based on fun adult activities, but once bored, one or both walk away to find fun in a different place.......nice eh?

              The relationships that last, are based on mutual respect, communication, and teamwork................

              attributes NOT to be found in modern women....

              I have observed that the modern idea of marriage is to try it out and get divorced if you dont like it/isnt fun/ uninterested afterwards........

              (still bitter with wife if you cant tell

              Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


              • #52
                NO? what?

                ...if u r still bitter it sounds like you had expectations ...and she probably did too.

                Expectations imply disappointment ...better not to expect and accept what is. Anbody promises you a rose garden, better to say "Here, take a look at mine, weeds and all..."

                Don't get bitter, get better... life is too short... nothing intellectual about it...
                How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                Who cares?


                • #53
                  I am adding my infomation as I see it on "love"

                  if you dont have a partner willing to go thru thick and thin, it wont work out in the long run...................
                  and my wife's expectations were for me to work myself to death as she spent every penny we had from my working 2 jobs (7 days a week)

                  as for the rest, the knowledge is gained from talking to married couples with 40+ years of marriage
                  and observations of modern ladies ages 18-34
                  Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                  • #54
                    ...and just look how richer you are for the experience...

                    ...and just look how much wiser you're gonna be next merry-go-round...

                    ...and NEVER say never 'cause that's just begging for trouble...

                    ...but then again, it's usually trouble you weren't looking for that works out.
                    How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                    Who cares?


                    • #55
                      Kinda hard to discuss such matters when you're being heckled by a shallow putz, mutz.
                      "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                      "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                      • #56
                        Mutz buddy, I would kill my own mother to have your positive attitude. I wish I was .00001% as positive as you. I'd be a happy guy, instead of the bitter cranky a$$hole that I am now. But I ain't looking for love anymore, so its a moot point. I gave up. Now, if a single woman comes near me, I drive her away with as much anti-woman-bashing foul language as I can spew. Some of us are better off bitter and alone.

                        Could it be that you have the barriers up 'cause you are afraid somebody is going to think you are ugly and that hurts?
                        Nope. I KNOW I'm ugly. I'm not in denial about that. I know women think that, and I'm not hurt by it. Bitter, yes. Hurt, no.


                        The relationships that last, are based on mutual respect, communication, and teamwork................ attributes NOT to be found in modern women....
                        SO damn true. Amen my bitter brother. I wish I was born in the 1930s, back when marriage and committment meant something, back when 25 year anniversaries were a LOT more common than they are now.

                        And Mutz, don't waste money on chip tuning. You won't gain much horsepower that way, and it will cost quite a bit. BMW engines are tuned so well from the factory that even major aftermarket tuners like Dinan will admit you don't gain much speed, but the car shifts gears more aggressively and any top speed governor will be removed if you do upgrade the engine software. I know lots of people who got Dinan software upgrades and love it, but its too much $$$ for my blood.

                        P.S. To counteract all this bitterness, I saw love at a mall not too long ago. I saw an elderly couple (very old, 70-80 years old) walking through the mall. They were shuffling along very slowly, like very old people do, and they were holding hands. THATS love.


                        • #57
                          I had this big post on the subject. I re-read the title and thought deep down about it. I could spill my heart out and post it, but I don't think it would help the situation much.

                          I truly love 3 people and I'm pretty sure they know it. But friends and family don't count. (they do, but not in this contexte)
                          Titanium is the new bling!
                          (you heard from me first!)


                          • #58
                            Hi Greebe, talking about yourself or DogMeat?

                            Bart, I'm not positive. I'm everything, just like you. Some time ago I woke up and discovered that I can't breath, eat, drink, piss, shit, sleep, dream, think, whatever, for anybody else, nor can anybody else do any of the same for me, which indicates a pretty high likelyhood that nobody can live my life but me. I can do just what the feathers I want with it. Of course the same goes for everybody else too, which can complicate matters to the extent I let it. Depends on what I really want. Not in my head, in my heart.

                            So this is me and that's you. And I think you are a pretty rare bird if you are that honest with yourself and that honest with others.

                            Another thing I discovered is that love starts at home. Me home, not house or anycockamameyanybodyelse home. And I don't have to appease or please anybody but myself for that.

                            So you've got this seed, and you think if I put it there on the windowsill in the sun and fresh air with a beautiful view, it'll grow into a beautiful tree full of flowers and fruit.

                            No, it just withers and dies.

                            But if you poke it down in the dirt, damp, cold, surrounded by rocks and worms, it gathers the strength to climb to the sun. One day the flowers, another the fruit. Stronger for the adversity.

                            So you get bitter, I get frustrated, somebody else gets disappointed and another gets mad. Rocks and worms, par for the course. Just the polarities playing with each other 'til we find the middle.

                            Zokes, u r rich.

                            ...crack-crunch, my soap box just broke.

                            ...let's take Bimmers to a new thread
                            How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                            Who cares?


                            • #59
                              If love = bimmer then your shoes are too tight. The shallowness of your vanity shows straight through like your devotion to materialistic things. Love does not equal friendship, mutual respect on as little as a singular idea or thought is all that neccessary for that. What I find interesting (NOT!) is that whenever I encounter another like yourself who believes they are teflon and nothing can stick is smacked upside the head in the most extreme way. Typically finding out only then that their entire life was a joke and based upon a monumental lie. Also not everything in one's life is strictly controlled by yourself. Reality, like Murphy has a habit of giving you a wedgy like you've never thought possible and when you least expect it. One thing that your idealistic preaching completely lacks is EXPERIENCE.

                              This is no different than what nature is truely akin to. Take your tree analogy for example. Adversity/Diversity also breeds parasites of every shape and form, leeching from that life bringing perfection down, mangling/twisting it and in many cases killing it if not kept in check.

                              Not to say I disagree with all that you say but the spin you put on it is to say the least immature.
                              "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                              "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                              • #60
                                List of my belongings (b4 Alice has her way with me):

                                * Peugeot 205 1100cc (injection) 1995 metallic Blue with a few dents.
                                Accessories: Sony readio cassette player + 10 cd changer

                                * Computer:
                                Enermax 710b + 350W PSU
                                Asus A7V333
                                2x 512MB Transcend DDR 333Mhz dimms
                                AMD Athlon XP 1800Mhz
                                Matrox G400 DH 32MB
                                Hergules Game Theater XP
                                Intel 10/100 nic
                                3com 905c 10/100 nic
                                Pinnacle PCTV pro
                                Maxtor 740D 80GB IDE HDD
                                IBM 20GB (7200rpm) IDE HDD
                                Mag DJ700T 17" monitor
                                Micro$oft Natural Keyboard pro
                                Logitech Mouseman optical iFeel
                                Asus DVD x16
                                Plextor 401240A

                                * Yamaha HTR-5170 HT receiver

                                * Yamaha CDC-685 5 cd changer

                                * 2x Wharfedale Modus One Six

                                * 2x Wharfedale Modus Eight

                                * Wharfedale Modus Music Center

                                Sega Dreamcast (PAL)
                                Accessories: 2 game controllers, gun

                                I think it sums up all my belongings.

