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The "Answer a question with another question" game

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  • The "Answer a question with another question" game

    The rules of this game are very simple. Aren't they?

  • #2
    which game is that hun?
    Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


    • #3
      the one we are playing, do you get confused easily?


      • #4
        Of course we get confused easily, didn't you know it's because we're guys?
        Yes I drive a 13yr old Volkswagen; Yes I'm a dirt poor college student; Yes every tank of gas is more $$ than the value of my car, but it is FUN to drive, so I don't care about your ego or how much your car cost, if you insist on going the exact same speed in the passing lane as the car next to you for 10 minutes, stop being a self righteous ass, move the hell over and just let me by!!!


        • #5
          vwdrivrco, aren't you a car?
          Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


          • #6
            How could you tell?
            Yes I drive a 13yr old Volkswagen; Yes I'm a dirt poor college student; Yes every tank of gas is more $$ than the value of my car, but it is FUN to drive, so I don't care about your ego or how much your car cost, if you insist on going the exact same speed in the passing lane as the car next to you for 10 minutes, stop being a self righteous ass, move the hell over and just let me by!!!


            • #7
              haha, Lizzie, shall we tell him?
              Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


              • #8
                feeling catty tonight, are we?
                Yes I drive a 13yr old Volkswagen; Yes I'm a dirt poor college student; Yes every tank of gas is more $$ than the value of my car, but it is FUN to drive, so I don't care about your ego or how much your car cost, if you insist on going the exact same speed in the passing lane as the car next to you for 10 minutes, stop being a self righteous ass, move the hell over and just let me by!!!


                • #9
                  tell me what?
                  Yes I drive a 13yr old Volkswagen; Yes I'm a dirt poor college student; Yes every tank of gas is more $$ than the value of my car, but it is FUN to drive, so I don't care about your ego or how much your car cost, if you insist on going the exact same speed in the passing lane as the car next to you for 10 minutes, stop being a self righteous ass, move the hell over and just let me by!!!


                  • #10
                    i dont think we should, should we?


                    • #11
                      haha, quit turning it back on me will ya, can't you come up with a better subject???
                      Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


                      • #12
                        haha sure, whats there to talk about?


                        • #13
                          sheesh, are you two ever going to just going to get back to topic and let it go already?
                          Yes I drive a 13yr old Volkswagen; Yes I'm a dirt poor college student; Yes every tank of gas is more $$ than the value of my car, but it is FUN to drive, so I don't care about your ego or how much your car cost, if you insist on going the exact same speed in the passing lane as the car next to you for 10 minutes, stop being a self righteous ass, move the hell over and just let me by!!!


                          • #14
                            what freakin' topic???

                            hey, did you hear the one about the jumper-lead who walked into a bar?
                            Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


                            • #15
                              no, whats a jumper-lead?

