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Whos too blame ???

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  • #31
    Joel, I didn't want to attack people like you

    I know that there are families where both parents just HAVE to work in order to provide their kids with a home etc. they don't have to be ashamed of (or better: others make them ashamed of!). Unfortunately, there's not an easy solution to this, because if parents get too much extra money from the state, people will start having kids for the money, and their kids will see nothing from that money. Society makes it hard to be good parents, but too many people don't even try. (I don't know if you HAVE to have two cars, I know it's pretty standard in america, and I would like to have one for me and the gf, too, but I don't know it's necessary - but it always depends where you live, etc. - BIG cars are unneccessary for people who live in urban areas, though. For the record, I don't know what kind of cars you own, it's just to provide a different view of things you might not have thought about because they're normal in the USA)

    Sasq, just because you mention daycare: Too many people just use it because they're lazy, or because working is more fun than looking after the children. (I don't say you would do that - I've gotten a bit cautious, because I don't know if I sound like I was attacking anyone personally).


    P.S.: I have an eight months old daughter who's still at the hospital, and I have yet to study (she was an "accident", as you might have guessed). So I have no experience yet, but I have thought about these things a little.
    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #32
      I think that Mother Nature surely knows what she is doing. Now or later, human race will be extinguished and all problems solved.

      After all, time is eternal and space too, so our live is simply a matter of nothing.

      (this is a positive thought and in deep, the solution for all world's problems. Really. The problem is that the solution demand to understand the affermation above, so if you are questioning yourself how this can be the solution, you have failed to found it.)
      Sat on a pile of deads, I enjoy my oysters.


      • #33
        I checked parents, teachers and dogooders.

        1. Parents for not understanding that the first four years are the ones where someone should be staying home with the kid and teaching them basic skills and the rules of living with others. Don't care if it's a single parent....put grandma to work. Anything's better than preschools where they get 1 caretaker for 30 kids

        2. Teachers for being PC dorks in general and undereducated morons the rest of the time. My middle sons science and math "teachers" were mostly lit. majors and phys. ed. minors.


        BTW: my wifes a teacher, but an unpopular one in the NEA. She's an advocate of such "conservative" causes as getting rid of tenure, school vouchers, school of choice, teaching your major or minor only, male only and female only acadamies & bringing back some form of corporal punishment

        3. Dogooders for turning the educational system into a sociology experiment where kids spend 2-3 hours in academics and the rest of the time in classes designed to make them "fell better" about themselves & others.

        No wonder at least 50% of HS grads need a years worth of remedial classes when they start college

        There is no lower primate lifeform, with the possible exception of tort lawyers

        4. The cops don't get a check because, by and large, they are the ones who have to deal with the fallout caused by the others. Talk about a thankless task

        Dr. Mordrid

        Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 2 September 2002, 17:24.
        Dr. Mordrid
        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


        • #34
          ...hmmm. I just see a dog chasing his tail. Exhausted, his feet are sore, he doesn't know why he's chasing it, but nobody can get him to stop long enough to cool his heals, drink some water, take a nap and then take another look at what he's doing.
          How can you possibly take anything seriously?
          Who cares?


          • #35
            I should've checked them all. Basically it's today's society. It seems we're more and more focused on the need to earn money, and less on the need to raise our children. This has gotten to the point that it's getting hard to raise your children properly because of outside interference as well as obligations. Cyclic logic (illogic?) rules, since we have to spend more time working in order to get by now, but spending more time working means less time properly raising our children, less time raising our children means more demand for the rest of society to do what we should be in the first place (in the form of laws and rules), more law and rules / demand on the rest of society means more money to run the society (more social workers, policemen, etc., etc.), more money to run the society means more tax dollars needed, more tax dollars needed means more work, more work means..

            This is just one way of looking at it, but it all comes down to society being focused on the wrong thing, and exerting that pressure directly on the family unit.

            Personally, I tend to neglect my work to the limit that I can and still survive. Because of this I'll probably never be among the upper-middle-class, because I just don't have the 'drive to make it'. However, I'd rather feel good that I've raised my children right than have the big $$ any day. Too bad it's not possible to really do both any more.
            " much for subtlety.."

            System specs:
            Gainward Ti4600
            AMD Athlon XP2100+ (o.c. to 1845MHz)


            • #36
              Originally posted by Indiana

              Actually, solely eating vegetables is the worst thing you can do to your brain. The brain needs B12, Folsäure and some other things that nearly only can be found in meat. The human nature is not to be a vegetarian and it is unhealthy to do so. (However I do agree that nowadays most people are eating much too much meat which is not heathy as well).

              There already were some of these greenish ecologist women that only ate vegetables and similar while pregnant, causing severe non-recoverable brain damages to their newborn children. I would put those to court for child abuse!
              Actually I know that, my point is that people are eating way too much meat. That they should eat some more vegetables. I'm far from Vegetarian. You have to have a well-balanced meal, plain and simple. All vegetables or all meat is just bad. You have to have a good mixture. And all these pesticides and perservatives that we stick in our bodies is doing a lot of harm as well. So listen up you primitive screwheads!

              Wah! Wah!

              In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship.

