Joel, I didn't want to attack people like you 
I know that there are families where both parents just HAVE to work in order to provide their kids with a home etc. they don't have to be ashamed of (or better: others make them ashamed of!). Unfortunately, there's not an easy solution to this, because if parents get too much extra money from the state, people will start having kids for the money, and their kids will see nothing from that money. Society makes it hard to be good parents, but too many people don't even try. (I don't know if you HAVE to have two cars, I know it's pretty standard in america, and I would like to have one for me and the gf, too, but I don't know it's necessary - but it always depends where you live, etc. - BIG cars are unneccessary for people who live in urban areas, though. For the record, I don't know what kind of cars you own, it's just to provide a different view of things you might not have thought about because they're normal in the USA)
Sasq, just because you mention daycare: Too many people just use it because they're lazy, or because working is more fun than looking after the children. (I don't say you would do that - I've gotten a bit cautious, because I don't know if I sound like I was attacking anyone personally).
P.S.: I have an eight months old daughter who's still at the hospital, and I have yet to study (she was an "accident", as you might have guessed). So I have no experience yet, but I have thought about these things a little.

I know that there are families where both parents just HAVE to work in order to provide their kids with a home etc. they don't have to be ashamed of (or better: others make them ashamed of!). Unfortunately, there's not an easy solution to this, because if parents get too much extra money from the state, people will start having kids for the money, and their kids will see nothing from that money. Society makes it hard to be good parents, but too many people don't even try. (I don't know if you HAVE to have two cars, I know it's pretty standard in america, and I would like to have one for me and the gf, too, but I don't know it's necessary - but it always depends where you live, etc. - BIG cars are unneccessary for people who live in urban areas, though. For the record, I don't know what kind of cars you own, it's just to provide a different view of things you might not have thought about because they're normal in the USA)
Sasq, just because you mention daycare: Too many people just use it because they're lazy, or because working is more fun than looking after the children. (I don't say you would do that - I've gotten a bit cautious, because I don't know if I sound like I was attacking anyone personally).
P.S.: I have an eight months old daughter who's still at the hospital, and I have yet to study (she was an "accident", as you might have guessed). So I have no experience yet, but I have thought about these things a little.