Sculking around the web to see if any ATI 9700 cards are around that are being made by ATI and I stumble upon Watford electronics.
Clearly on the description it leads one to think that it's an ATI 9700 pro. The OEM price is close too one or two out of stock advertised OEM prices by other companies.
I clicked on the information to double check and up comes the red ATi box and all the info. So I order it and guess what arrives.
A Sapphire Pro 9700 not the product I ordered.
Now I would give you web links but their web site has now gone down as I type.
Anyway just go off at sometime at go to graphics cards and then search for 9700. It will come up with one description. Click on info. Just try this too see if I haven't gone mad.
I've emailed them telling them to collect the card and ship the correct part. If they argue it's off to my credit card company.
Clearly on the description it leads one to think that it's an ATI 9700 pro. The OEM price is close too one or two out of stock advertised OEM prices by other companies.
I clicked on the information to double check and up comes the red ATi box and all the info. So I order it and guess what arrives.
A Sapphire Pro 9700 not the product I ordered.
Now I would give you web links but their web site has now gone down as I type.
Anyway just go off at sometime at go to graphics cards and then search for 9700. It will come up with one description. Click on info. Just try this too see if I haven't gone mad.
I've emailed them telling them to collect the card and ship the correct part. If they argue it's off to my credit card company.