Spiral, eftychios etc.
I didn't claim all muslims want to destroy the world.
Fractions want the destruction of all heretics including their own brothers (like in Algeria).
Those fractions are heavily armed with high authority religious people and with guns etc. Consider them armed with all forms of mental and physical weaponry.
Many muslims who oppose them can't really do much against those people so they'd rather delay the end, hoping it'll never come knocking their door.
The Palestinian street could be a good example for this. Over 80% poverty, many people blame Arafat for caring more for his war than for his people (he claimed all the palestinians martyrs for the cause, he said many times that he'll sacrifice the blood and souls of his people). Many admit that while the Intidfada was the right thing to do, the timing and execution were very wrong. Many hate the Hamas and oppose them and their ways too.
BUT: they're poor, hungy and defenceless against both the Palestinin authority and the Hamas. Every day there are people executed in the streets with no trial for being suspects of collaboration with Israel.
So in the end, those people have two possibilities - 1.play by the rules and try to stay alive, or 2. don't play by the rules and prepare for death (whether by being dragged to the street and being shot in the head or worse tortured to death in one of the many torture basements.)
About education, none of you have seen the children's text books. You haven't got the slightest idea how they're poisoning their minds at such a young age.
Just as an example, those books don't speak of Jerusalem (an old controversy) but they're already working on new ones - Jaffa, Haifa, Acco... Espcially Jaffa.
If parents would try to educate their children differently, they'll be condemned and expect death in any of the ways above.
I'm not talking about what the media tells me. I knew Palestinian Arabs. I worked with them (I wasn't managing them, I was a worker below them only cause I was younger and unprofessional) in construction and ate with them from the same plate. Weve talked anything from women to politics and it was quite educating for both sides. in their own words - They ate the shit of the Egyptians in Gaza for so many years. When the Israelis couldn't get rid of Gaza in the peace process with Egypt (interesting ha? Egypt wouldn't accept Gaza back with Sinai. They left their "brothers" a.k.a the "ticking bomb" to blow in Israel) Israel started to throw a few crumbs their way. One of them was some education which allowed a few to reach university. With that and some help from Arabs around the world (some freedom was another crumb) those who could sent their children to get higher education and open their own universities.
The 'bomb' was still ticking only the 'bomb' got smarter. Now they had lawyers and scolars. They knew how much they've been f%&ked all those years. They also knew what to demand, how and from whom (the current responsible country - Israel).
Since Israel had amuch softer hand on them compared with the Egyptians, and since there was no problem of attacking Jewish authority as opposed to attacking muslims, the 'bomb' went off.
Now for some food for thought:
1. Why from the beginning did the Egyptians (Gaza) and the Jordanians (west bank) treat their 'palestinian brothers' so badly ?
2. Why during the peace process with Egypt didn't Egypt accept the return of Gaza with Sinay ?
3. Why did Jordan give up their claim for the west bank ?
4. Are those teritories still considered 'conquered' after the countries from whom they were conquered gave up all claim for them ?
5. Back to the issue, this was just a tiny little example about a nation of a few millions. How different do you really think it is in Iraq etc. ? I can see just 1 HUGE difference - there aren't Israeli/Zionists/Jews/Americans directly above them to blame and attack. Oh really ?
I didn't claim all muslims want to destroy the world.
Fractions want the destruction of all heretics including their own brothers (like in Algeria).
Those fractions are heavily armed with high authority religious people and with guns etc. Consider them armed with all forms of mental and physical weaponry.
Many muslims who oppose them can't really do much against those people so they'd rather delay the end, hoping it'll never come knocking their door.
The Palestinian street could be a good example for this. Over 80% poverty, many people blame Arafat for caring more for his war than for his people (he claimed all the palestinians martyrs for the cause, he said many times that he'll sacrifice the blood and souls of his people). Many admit that while the Intidfada was the right thing to do, the timing and execution were very wrong. Many hate the Hamas and oppose them and their ways too.
BUT: they're poor, hungy and defenceless against both the Palestinin authority and the Hamas. Every day there are people executed in the streets with no trial for being suspects of collaboration with Israel.
So in the end, those people have two possibilities - 1.play by the rules and try to stay alive, or 2. don't play by the rules and prepare for death (whether by being dragged to the street and being shot in the head or worse tortured to death in one of the many torture basements.)
About education, none of you have seen the children's text books. You haven't got the slightest idea how they're poisoning their minds at such a young age.
Just as an example, those books don't speak of Jerusalem (an old controversy) but they're already working on new ones - Jaffa, Haifa, Acco... Espcially Jaffa.
If parents would try to educate their children differently, they'll be condemned and expect death in any of the ways above.
I'm not talking about what the media tells me. I knew Palestinian Arabs. I worked with them (I wasn't managing them, I was a worker below them only cause I was younger and unprofessional) in construction and ate with them from the same plate. Weve talked anything from women to politics and it was quite educating for both sides. in their own words - They ate the shit of the Egyptians in Gaza for so many years. When the Israelis couldn't get rid of Gaza in the peace process with Egypt (interesting ha? Egypt wouldn't accept Gaza back with Sinai. They left their "brothers" a.k.a the "ticking bomb" to blow in Israel) Israel started to throw a few crumbs their way. One of them was some education which allowed a few to reach university. With that and some help from Arabs around the world (some freedom was another crumb) those who could sent their children to get higher education and open their own universities.
The 'bomb' was still ticking only the 'bomb' got smarter. Now they had lawyers and scolars. They knew how much they've been f%&ked all those years. They also knew what to demand, how and from whom (the current responsible country - Israel).
Since Israel had amuch softer hand on them compared with the Egyptians, and since there was no problem of attacking Jewish authority as opposed to attacking muslims, the 'bomb' went off.
Now for some food for thought:
1. Why from the beginning did the Egyptians (Gaza) and the Jordanians (west bank) treat their 'palestinian brothers' so badly ?
2. Why during the peace process with Egypt didn't Egypt accept the return of Gaza with Sinay ?
3. Why did Jordan give up their claim for the west bank ?
4. Are those teritories still considered 'conquered' after the countries from whom they were conquered gave up all claim for them ?
5. Back to the issue, this was just a tiny little example about a nation of a few millions. How different do you really think it is in Iraq etc. ? I can see just 1 HUGE difference - there aren't Israeli/Zionists/Jews/Americans directly above them to blame and attack. Oh really ?