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  • Circumcision

    Fellow Americanos

    Since circumcision is quite popular in the U.S., what do you think about it Socially, Relgiously, Medically etc. ? Were you . . . ? Would you do it to your son(s) ?

    Let the flames (err... I mean debate) begin !
    :cool: :up:
    :speechl: / :confused: :
    :eek: :mad: :down: [b]!!![/b]

  • #2
    Re: Circumcision

    Originally posted by Dogbert
    Fellow Americanos

    Since circumcision is quite popular in the U.S., what do you think about it Socially, Relgiously, Medically etc. ? Were you . . . ? Would you do it to your son(s) ?

    Let the [color]flames[/color] (err... I mean debate) begin !
    Woohoo, Im first at the flame pedistal!!

    I am not, and I wouldn't do it to any son I will have! (ouch)

    About the only argument I can make FOR circumcision is as a help against some STD's. (but even that arguement is pretty weak, as it isn't very well researched, and really doesn't offer that much more protection)

    The strongest argument I can make AGAINST circumcision is that I really don't have to moral authority to circumcise any sons I have. There really isn't any medical need, so doing it would only be to fill my social or relgious desire, which would be very selfish.

    So in this debate, I am taking the AGAINST side. (just thinking about it makes me wince, and I think "people actually do that")
    80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


    • #3
      I'm not against it as it is cleaner amongst other things, bla bla bla. But really; is there anything to discuss??? It's not something like abortion or the deathpenalty, this is something that nobody has any reason to be against. I'm not saying that you should do it, but if you want to it's nothing wrong with that.

      That's all from me.


      • #4
        I recall hearing of a study done a few years ago which concluded that the wives of circumsized men have a lower instance of cervical cancer than the wives of uncircumsized men. I'll try to find a link.



        • #5
          I am, my son is not and won't be if he doesn't choses to.

          KRSESQ (how do u pronounce that anyway?): This I've heard too. Thx if u do find the link. Guess it also depends on how a non-circumsized fella treats its mr. johnson.


          edit: Guess at the end of the day, I don't give a shit

          edit 2: Doggie, u dod raise the question, but didn't give your answer. I guess u aren't are are a verhement opponent of it? pls confirm
          Last edited by Umfriend; 3 November 2002, 11:23.
          Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
          [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


          • #6
            I'm not against it and I respect the religious and medical (practical) reasons of people who do it but since I'm not bound by religion, nor is the temperature high enough all year to justify the medical purpose, it's not something I would do to my future son(s).


            • #7
              Here is the only link I could find without subscribing to the New England Journal of Medicine.

              It's actually a rebuttal of the study. The upshot is that the statistical difference is insignificant and a higher risk factor for both penile and cervical cancer is tobacco use.

              I tend to think that the objections to male circumcision are as overblown as the benefits. Do what you think is best.


              p.s. ESQ stands for Esquire but I may have to drop it as it usually is reserved for reference to lawyers (formerly referred to a landed country gentleman authorized to bear arms).


              • #8
                Couldn't agree more!!!


                • #9
                  I think that a circumcised boy would soffer a few psicological problems as this would make him "different" from others, and that is not that good.
                  This not apply obviously to Hebrew wich are all circumcised, so no problems for their sons. And their religious belief is so strong that I think that none of their children would psicologically suffer from it.

                  Apart from this, I don't see problem to be circumcised if there is the medical need to do it. After all, I'm going to be soon circumcised for medical needing, so...

                  (Dogbert, maybe you are asking this because you are confronting with your future wife about yours sons? )
                  Sat on a pile of deads, I enjoy my oysters.


                  • #10
                    You mean uncircumsized, Drizzt? Most males here are in the US are (snipped), I think.
                    Last edited by Wombat; 3 November 2002, 14:35.
                    Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                    • #11
                      I wonder what Liz would reply?
                      Titanium is the new bling!
                      (you heard from me first!)


                      • #12
                        Abraham is an old Jewish guy who is a yarn merchant. He lives next door to the biggest anti-Semite in town.

                        One day the anti-Semite calls up Abraham and says, "Hey Jew!!!... I need a piece of orange yarn. The length must be from the tip of your nose to the tip of your penis, and I want it delivered tomorrow."

                        Abe says, "OK."

                        The next morning the Anti-Semite is awakened at 7 a.m. by the
                        sound of running engines. He runs outside to see a row trucks
                        lined up one after the other, dumping truckful after truckful of
                        orange yarn in his front yard. Soon his yard is a 5-feet deep
                        sea in orange yarn. Abe then presents a bill for $18,000 to the anti-Semite.

                        The guy starts yelling and screaming at Abe. "What is this,
                        Jew? This is not what I asked for! I told you I needed a piece of yarn from the end of your nose to the tip of your penis. Look at this place! What do you have to say for yourself?"

                        Straightfaced, Abe replies "I'm very careful when I deal with
                        people like you, that's why I got a few witnesses here with me. I may be off by a few miles, so I gave you a 2% discount;
                        but...the tip of my penis was left in Poland after my circumcision!"
                        How can you possibly take anything seriously?
                        Who cares?


                        • #13
                          I wonder what Liz would reply?
                          depends if she had a circumcised man ?

                          Wonder what people think of removing the clit from young girls in certain cultures ?
                          Rare and outdated ways, but it still happens.


                          Straightfaced, Abe replies "I'm very careful when I deal with
                          people like you, that's why I got a few witnesses here with me. I may be off by a few miles, so I gave you a 2% discount;
                          but...the tip of my penis was left in Poland after my circumcision!"
                          Last edited by Admiral; 3 November 2002, 16:03.


                          • #14
                            You guys know NOTHING about circumcision. It's obvious enough to tell who has been and who hasn't.

                            Fact:[list=1][*]If you ARE, it's cleaner and more hygienic.[*]If you ARE, it does NOT reduce sensitivity when having sex. [*]If you were to compare it to getting a clitoris cut off then you'd have to cut the penis off for it to be a FAIR comparison.[/list=1]

                            I don't obviously want my kid to get circumsized unless he has to but as far as I know it's not different than being born with green eyes than someone born with brown eyes. IT"S JUST SKIN!!!

                            Now, I'm not different nor do I have any psychological problems but I HAD to get cirscumsized. It happened when I was around 2 or 3 DAYS old. I don't remember it. And as far as my sex life? Well.... Let's just say I haven't heard any complaints, just compliments.

                            And as for the reason why, well according to my parents I had no choice. It was done for medical reasons. And there you go.

                            Now I hope your all a little more educated on this subject.
                            Titanium is the new bling!
                            (you heard from me first!)


                            • #15
                              I am circumsized, and I'm happy that I am. And I agree with Zokes on his three points.

                              There is no negative points about being circumsized. None what so ever.

