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  • Simpsons

    Ok, what is your favorite Simpsons episode? Mine has to be the halloween episode where homer tricks the devil, (flanders), and get his head turned into a donut.
    Love EM!
    Hate EM!
    "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."

  • #2
    Homer - "Let this be a lesson to you Lisa, Never love anything."
    Lisa - "Even you dad?"
    Homer - "Especially me."

    Of course I love the Simpsons!
    --Insert something here--


    • #3
      I must admit, i don´t really keep track of which episodes i like best, they are all pretty damn funny though, and I wouldn´t be able to point out a single favorite episode
      This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


      • #4
        Lights turn off as Homer and Marge are getting intimate.

        Homer: You're thinking of me right?
        Marge: Of course! arn't you thinking of me?

        Homer: I will now!!
        "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."


        • #5
          Originally posted by TDB
          I must admit, i don´t really keep track of which episodes i like best, they are all pretty damn funny though, and I wouldn´t be able to point out a single favorite episode
          I agree, I just can't think of a favorite. I must admit that the Vegas Mom episode had me laughing so hard, I missed everything that happened after she made Homer a sandwitch in the treehouse.
          --Insert something here--


          • #6
            "Lisa, Lisa, Lisa. Bart's a vampire... beer kills brain cells... tell me another story. Now let's go to that place... where our bed and tv... is..."

            - Gurm
            The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

            I'm the least you could do
            If only life were as easy as you
            I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
            If only life were as easy as you
            I would still get screwed


            • #7
              Homer: Son, a woman is a lot like a... a refrigerator! They're about six feet tall, 300 pounds. They make ice, and... um... [spots his can of Duff] Oh, wait a minute. Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, you'd step over your own mother just to get one! [downs the beer] But you can't stop at one. You wanna drink another woman!
              "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."


              • #8
                Homer: [reading screen] "To Start Press Any Key". Where's the ANY key? I see Esk ["ESC"], Catarl ["CTRL"], and Pig-Up ["PGUP"]. There doesn't seem to be any ANY key. Woo! All this computer hacking is making me thirsty. I think I'll order a TAB. [presses TAB key]
                "I dream of a better world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."


                • #9
                  Kamp Krusty!!

                  Bart (as a tornado tears apart their squalid cabin): Lees, I've been giving it a lot of thought and I've decided next summer, I'm getting a Job!



                  • #10
                    Uhmmm.... forbidden donut...
                    "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

                    P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT


                    • #11
                      My fav's are the halloween specials.

                      (read sig)
                      Titanium is the new bling!
                      (you heard from me first!)


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Byock
                        Homer: [reading screen] "To Start Press Any Key". Where's the ANY key? I see Esk ["ESC"], Catarl ["CTRL"], and Pig-Up ["PGUP"]. There doesn't seem to be any ANY key. Woo! All this computer hacking is making me thirsty. I think I'll order a TAB. [presses TAB key]
                        LOL I love this line!
                        Titanium is the new bling!
                        (you heard from me first!)


                        • #13
                          I was wondering how long it would take for Zokes to post... 48 minutes.
                          --Insert something here--


                          • #14
                            of course, he was on break...
                            "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                            "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                            • #15
                              But we all love Zokes...right???

