Sorry - I have been ofline for a while - I have a bit of trouble with my router.....
I dont have time to respond to all of the constructive discussion above - just one quick point of clarification -
- Well doh! al Q or anyone else ISNT GOING TO USE A MISSILE ON New York.... It will be a warhead in a container/freighter/transit-bloody-van! - thats what I meant - and you knew it.
The figures I cant get my hands on at the moment - but please, supply the links! dont worry about the pie, just take them all form the IMF..... and I really do want to know.....
the 1 trillion dollars referred to counts almost everything- we dont t
- Doh!
I DO know about the oil for aid programme in Iraq.... Wulfman & KeiFront did an excellent job responding to you, I feel. 1.1 Mbpd is the figure I have - less than half of Iraqs potential output (even with destroyed/damaged infrastructure, since the last war)
question - its already been asked, but there where no answers - How robust is this aegis crap anyway? How many missiles does a cruiser carry, armed and prepped to fire? How many missiles does it track? WHATS ITS SUCESS RATE? it would need to beat a patriot.... that was the wonder-toy of the gulf I, and it was a ineffective..... If N Korea was about to be invaded/attacked, dont you think it would be launching these things ALL AT ONCE.... by now it probably has more missiles than targets..... It wont be sitting by while the US pummells Iraq..... it will be building more and more of them.
nobody owns my ass but me! (and the wife
I dont have time to respond to all of the constructive discussion above - just one quick point of clarification -
Missile launch detection:
You can use radar and satellite data to track a missile back to its source, and many US allies have access and could verify the data. In point of fact a decent weather satellite can pick up the infra-red signature given clear conditions.
You can use radar and satellite data to track a missile back to its source, and many US allies have access and could verify the data. In point of fact a decent weather satellite can pick up the infra-red signature given clear conditions.
The figures I cant get my hands on at the moment - but please, supply the links! dont worry about the pie, just take them all form the IMF..... and I really do want to know.....
the 1 trillion dollars referred to counts almost everything- we dont t

I DO know about the oil for aid programme in Iraq.... Wulfman & KeiFront did an excellent job responding to you, I feel. 1.1 Mbpd is the figure I have - less than half of Iraqs potential output (even with destroyed/damaged infrastructure, since the last war)
question - its already been asked, but there where no answers - How robust is this aegis crap anyway? How many missiles does a cruiser carry, armed and prepped to fire? How many missiles does it track? WHATS ITS SUCESS RATE? it would need to beat a patriot.... that was the wonder-toy of the gulf I, and it was a ineffective..... If N Korea was about to be invaded/attacked, dont you think it would be launching these things ALL AT ONCE.... by now it probably has more missiles than targets..... It wont be sitting by while the US pummells Iraq..... it will be building more and more of them.
nobody owns my ass but me! (and the wife
