I had cause to ban a newbie for use of foul language and abusive posts, here are the threats he has now made against me and this site for doing this. I have no problem posting these emails as they are a direct threat to our community. Despite his proxy claims the logs track back to his real ISP. I have forwarded the threats and logs to our network hosts' legal department.
Email no. 1
"watch it. first of all, i'm behind a multi-proxy.
second of all, i would get someone else to do it. third of all, you didn't moderate racist posts like you should have. you better watch yourself. i'm not going to get caught, because i didn't do anything. and i can also pull a few strings in the fbi. it helps to have friends in high places.
Email no.2
"you can e-mail me at ....... if you wanted to.
check out my board. i have thousands of members that would kill your board immediately. they'll do it so fast, that they won't be traced either. and besides, you can't hack my board. it's impossible for you to do that. infact, i DARE you to hack and delete my board without being caught, or having your computer hacked back before you ****ed up my board. you're nothing compared to the power of my board. good luck."
Email no. 3
"you knoe neither my e-mail, ip, or service provider. as much as you know, you think i live in canada. haha, what a bunch of shit. i told you, i have multi-proxy. secondly, my hotmail account, you cant use that in ANY WAY to your advantage. you'd know that if you studied law. and secondly, i'll find out if you tried something like that, and get the cops all over you. i told you, i have friends in high places. and they can bust your ass open. watch out, I can plant things on you, and then, report you. infact, i might be on your computer right NOW.
just, bud, ****ing with my account wasn't the smartest thing you could have done. that just made me more mad. your board is in danger. if my account doesn't return to normal within 6 hours. i'm sending out a call to talk to your host, and have them delete your account. trust me, I CAN and HAVE done that before. your site will LEGALLY be destroyed. you will be taken in custody. and your life will be ruined. just watch it. i can pull a few strings just about anywhere, so, i'm in the lead here. now, you have 6 hours to return my account back to normal. i don't even want to have to sign up with another account. you got that? good. 6 hours and counting"
Email no. 1
"watch it. first of all, i'm behind a multi-proxy.
second of all, i would get someone else to do it. third of all, you didn't moderate racist posts like you should have. you better watch yourself. i'm not going to get caught, because i didn't do anything. and i can also pull a few strings in the fbi. it helps to have friends in high places.

Email no.2
"you can e-mail me at ....... if you wanted to.
check out my board. i have thousands of members that would kill your board immediately. they'll do it so fast, that they won't be traced either. and besides, you can't hack my board. it's impossible for you to do that. infact, i DARE you to hack and delete my board without being caught, or having your computer hacked back before you ****ed up my board. you're nothing compared to the power of my board. good luck."
Email no. 3
"you knoe neither my e-mail, ip, or service provider. as much as you know, you think i live in canada. haha, what a bunch of shit. i told you, i have multi-proxy. secondly, my hotmail account, you cant use that in ANY WAY to your advantage. you'd know that if you studied law. and secondly, i'll find out if you tried something like that, and get the cops all over you. i told you, i have friends in high places. and they can bust your ass open. watch out, I can plant things on you, and then, report you. infact, i might be on your computer right NOW.
just, bud, ****ing with my account wasn't the smartest thing you could have done. that just made me more mad. your board is in danger. if my account doesn't return to normal within 6 hours. i'm sending out a call to talk to your host, and have them delete your account. trust me, I CAN and HAVE done that before. your site will LEGALLY be destroyed. you will be taken in custody. and your life will be ruined. just watch it. i can pull a few strings just about anywhere, so, i'm in the lead here. now, you have 6 hours to return my account back to normal. i don't even want to have to sign up with another account. you got that? good. 6 hours and counting"