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Aren't Some People Nice...

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  • Aren't Some People Nice...

    I had cause to ban a newbie for use of foul language and abusive posts, here are the threats he has now made against me and this site for doing this. I have no problem posting these emails as they are a direct threat to our community. Despite his proxy claims the logs track back to his real ISP. I have forwarded the threats and logs to our network hosts' legal department.

    Email no. 1
    "watch it. first of all, i'm behind a multi-proxy.
    second of all, i would get someone else to do it. third of all, you didn't moderate racist posts like you should have. you better watch yourself. i'm not going to get caught, because i didn't do anything. and i can also pull a few strings in the fbi. it helps to have friends in high places. "

    Email no.2
    "you can e-mail me at ....... if you wanted to.
    check out my board. i have thousands of members that would kill your board immediately. they'll do it so fast, that they won't be traced either. and besides, you can't hack my board. it's impossible for you to do that. infact, i DARE you to hack and delete my board without being caught, or having your computer hacked back before you ****ed up my board. you're nothing compared to the power of my board. good luck."

    Email no. 3
    "you knoe neither my e-mail, ip, or service provider. as much as you know, you think i live in canada. haha, what a bunch of shit. i told you, i have multi-proxy. secondly, my hotmail account, you cant use that in ANY WAY to your advantage. you'd know that if you studied law. and secondly, i'll find out if you tried something like that, and get the cops all over you. i told you, i have friends in high places. and they can bust your ass open. watch out, I can plant things on you, and then, report you. infact, i might be on your computer right NOW.

    just, bud, ****ing with my account wasn't the smartest thing you could have done. that just made me more mad. your board is in danger. if my account doesn't return to normal within 6 hours. i'm sending out a call to talk to your host, and have them delete your account. trust me, I CAN and HAVE done that before. your site will LEGALLY be destroyed. you will be taken in custody. and your life will be ruined. just watch it. i can pull a few strings just about anywhere, so, i'm in the lead here. now, you have 6 hours to return my account back to normal. i don't even want to have to sign up with another account. you got that? good. 6 hours and counting"
    Last edited by Ant; 15 December 2001, 13:52.

  • #2
    LOL what is this 1d10t think his doing! If this site goes down I think something bad could hapen over here
    Last edited by Ant; 15 December 2001, 13:53.
    According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


    • #3
      I have no interest in him or his supposed site, I've posted the above for legal reasons as it time stamps it and to let you all know.


      • #4
        wbahahahahaha!!! this is some funny shit!

        I hope the moron will piss his pants when he gets legal actions against him


        • #5
          I can't believe that anyone is this stupid. With an IP that has been logged to make threats like that shows that he really knows nothing about the internet.

          Someone that stupid certainly doesn't have "friends in high places" LOL

          What a moron.

          (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


          • #6
            Oh golly gee!
            I'm so scared!
            This stud is too tough for us puny MURCers.
            We'd better just crawl under rocks, and let him/her/it back on before he haxors us all!

            Watta dingus.

            And I'm being told by Ant that his 6 hours is up now!
            And our hero studmonkey is browsing the forums as I type this.
            Oh no! What shall we do????

            Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


            • #7
              Good one Kruzin

              It almost tempts me asking what the heck this board he has/had is

              Maybe he thinks Ant is a 12 year old Administrator as well, and he could fool him into shitting his pants like this

              I'd give him a link to "How to spell my grunted replies" first, and then fall under my desk laughing



              • #8
                New acronym: TSTL

                Too Stupid to Live.....LOL

                "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                • #9
                  That guy has to have a very uninteresting life...


                  • #10
                    Here's some more from our pre teen friend, more logged activity against him passed on to the legal guys. Seems he's getting a little worried now and starting to panic, shows he does not know much about tracing IPs, I and my hosts know exactly where he's from, more threats more evidence, thanks keep it coming.

                    "ever heard of a SMART PROXY??? it leads you to a real address. yes. you can be directed to a web host. you will have the fake ip. you will complain with that ip, then some poor ass, whose ip address i used, gets in shit. another thing, how are they going to get me in iran??? hmm...??? we dont have these shit laws. no one here will care about some bullshit i may have said. so, as long as i'm living here in iran, im gonna do just fine.

                    p.s. i use a new smart proxy every week. so, i'm not very tracable. havn't you used any proxy programs that let you enter in your own ip? i just go to my board, look up someone's ip address, and fill it in as my own. that way, sure, you have a real ip, but not MY ip. and another thing. like i told a couple people, i'm not going to do anything to this board because of 2 of your members. you might want to thank them for being extremely helpful and kind. sasq and guru. 2 great guys. i especially feel sorry for sasq, that just became a mod, so, i don't want to ruin anything for him. and i had told him earlier i wouldn't. i don't know what it is exactly, that you cant see about my arguement that what israel is doing is racist. that is what the world said in the un conference a while ago, and israel and the states walked out. so, the world knows they are doing the wrong thing too. just, think about it man. anyways, i'm gonna go sleep. possibly, i'll talk to you tomorrow."

                    I wonder how someone from Iran has such good contacts with the FBI, at least he's been giving me a good laugh he's a very funny guy. Hey how you gonna get the cops and FBI on to me then dude I live Antartica

                    Once again you were banned for using foul language and making asbusive posts in General Hardware, live with it, either learn to act like an adult (when you reach that age) or stick to kiddie sites. Here is what you were banned for, just to show everyone, you can try and turn it around into something else if you like but these are the facts, childish abusive posts laced with continuous threats.

                    " f**k you, i never said 68 was a good temp. that's what it was before i had to replace my f**king fan!!! not it's at around 43. but 51-54 is NOT a bad temperature. and i spelt it "degreez" on purpose, after my site's name, ZeroDegreeZ. the z has kinda stuck with me. and some people that cant afford to buy a f**king expensiver fan, might like to open their case. my computer barely makes a noise. i dunno about your hunk of s**t though. mine purrs as softly as a kitten with one side panel open. and it did wonders for the temperature. and those were all suggestions. now i suggest you pack your 3 inch penis, and f**k off! it turns out that you cant even help a guy out without a pack of b****s tryin to bite your crotch!

                    well well well motherf**er. i was looking at what the users that were online were looking at, and i saw this. so i decided to see what it said. if it's a year old thread, F****G DELETE IT!!! you heard of the control panel? go into it, and remove all threads dates back to whenever you choose. f**k, you're an asswipe. learn something about vb, ok?

                    is that cuz you're scared? or something? here's some news for you. first day i came here, i met a bunch of very helpful people, that tried their best to help me. then i thought maybe this was a good forum, and decided to stick around for a bit, and help people out. then YOU came along. here are a few things you should watch out for. i am a hacker. I have many other friends that are h ackers, and owners of big boards, just like me. and we're waiting to take down boards that piss us off. seeing as to how easy it is to hack vb. i think i might do that, if you continue to piss me off. i mean, seriously, if you knew ANYTHING about the coding of vb, you'd know how an experienced person like me could EASILY delete, or take over the board. watch it ass wipe. if it wasn't for those nice members like sasq, that had helped me out, this board "

                    Sounds more and more like Ali G the more I hear from him
                    Last edited by Ant; 16 December 2001, 06:47.


                    • #11
                      I'm always surprised again about how many times you can use the word f**k in one sentence.
                      Even more surprising how many letters you can type without actually saying something that makes sense...
                      It was more than about time the puberting (pubertating?) kid was banned. Still he's quite amusing at times. "ZeroDegreeZ" (ROFL) - that's todays kIdZ
                      But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                      My System
                      2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                      German ATI-forum


                      • #12
                        Each email is more evidence, more logged activity. Why doesn't he learn to leave well alone and go back from where he came, both myself and the network take threats very seriously. For someone blatently boasting about his rather illegal Net activities you would think he would keep a low profile and want to stay clear of attracting attention from the authorities, whoops too late methinks.

                        "i don't see how my last e-mail to you was a "threat". also, the reason that i was banned, doesn't make sense. i was being picked on by some asses, and had to defend myself. why is it that you try to moderate me and what i say, but don't give a F**K about what others say? hmmm......sounds kind of shitty. and oh, calm down will ya? if you don't post this message on the board, i will tell you in another e-mail, how i know people in the fbi. ok? e-mail me back at, ..."

                        I have been advised by the networks legal department that any contact should not come through me but through legal channels.


                        • #13
                          Guess the little guy is having his PC time before Mom puts him to bed. Feel free to talk to the vBulletin guys about this site.

                          "i am not getting scared. like i told you, i live in iran, and have nothing to be scared about. also, you do NOT live in antarctica. and also, just a question, you didn't buy your own version of vbulletin, did you! if you e-mail me back, i will tell you how i have contacts in the fbi. it's not very hard actually. how bout this, do a little research on corrupt cops. you will see that sometimes, more than half of them take bribes, and let people go for sex, and are involved in illegal activity. just, trust me on this. and yeah, i know lots of shit about proxies. how stupid do you think i am? another thing, don't call me a kid, i'm 32 years old. i'm not sure about you though........"

                          Hmm now I do believe you have contacts in the FBI, how else could you discover I do not live in Antarctica?


                          • #14
                            Kids like this are the reason that I stopped playing some games online. I hate this |33t, I am a hacker, fear me BS mentality.

                            You know, if this guy were standing face to face with us right now he would crap his panties before he would tell someone to F' Off. That is what gets to me. If someone spoke like that to my face I would (and could) push their teeth through the back of their head.

                            He's an internet tough guy, and that's as lame as they come.

                            Oh and he isn't in Iran either. I know a lot of people it the government over there and they have never heard of him.

                            BTW: if he has been having sex with corrupt guys in the FBI there is a whole substory I don't want to know. LOL
                            Last edited by Pneumatic; 16 December 2001, 10:31.

                            (The artist formerly known as Kindness!)


                            • #15
                              Seems he's dropping the tough guy image. Am I supposed to be thankful to him that he now says he is not going to fulfill his threats? Too late it's out of my hands my young friend.

                              "i STILL don't understand how me saying "i'm not going to do anything tot he site because of guru and sasq" is a threat. if in your city, someone says, "i'm not gonna hurt you", but you take that as a threat, and go to the cops, i would understand, maybe it's a cultural thing. like, if i send you a card, you're gonna report me, saying that I was threatening you. when asked how, you would say, he threatened to send me even more cards. don't waste YOUR time bud. like i said earlier, if i was going to do anything, i would have done it by now. oh, let's see. this is going to get posted to, right? cuz it's a ""threat"". so, i'll just add a few things for the people.

                              about that guy that wanted to block all zip files from opening up. in explorer, click on tools>folder options. then click the "file types" tab. at this point, locate the zip extension, and either remove it, or change it to be run with another program. hope that helps."

