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okay, lets get back to the g800

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  • #46
    <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Novdid:
    That's correct. and if I remember correctly it was clearly said that M was going to provide the next-gen graphics adapter for the amiga. Some Amiga guy said that they were at Matrox and that they were shown the G800 (yes he said g800) and that he was very impressed.</font>
    Don't hold your breath. Those sh*theads at Amiga Inc. like talking great things and doing nothing and sometimes (well, if I get to think about it more like most of the time...) give statements that are just misleading or plain wrong.
    Besides, they're changing their whole plan (and the OS and the kernel and...) every once a week if they feel it'll sound better.

    Even Commodore had more of a business-concept, and this one was leading them into bankruptcy

    (An old-time Amiga-user since 1988, and still using a nice A4000 with a 68060@50 / PPC604e@200 dual-CPU board - AND heavily annoyed by Amiga Inc. for the last few years)
    But we named the *dog* Indiana...
    My System
    2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
    German ATI-forum


    • #47
      That is maybe true but the point that I wanted to make (but somehow didn't) was that it will take a loooong time until we see some thing useful (note: for gaming) from Matrox.

      They have been cooperating with Amiga in well over 18 months. If they developed something useful (note again: gaming) they would have released it a long time ago.


      • #48
        Here is an very interesting article about Matrox & Amiga.....

        Read this, and you might understand why Matrox has "a lot" of work to do.....

        Lets hope for a PC version of what they are describing here!

        - [GDI]Raptor


        • #49
          This is only the OLD press-release from 24-jul-00! Since then NOTHING, not from Amiga, not from Matrox. They should get Bitboys as further partner, they'd fit very well in their "concept"...

          Again, don't believe everything those AmigaInc. guys are telling you.
          But we named the *dog* Indiana...
          My System
          2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
          German ATI-forum


          • #50
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Illusion[Spirit]:
            This is highly unlikely to be the case...isnt that why people are moaning?</font>
            I was referring to any future gaming card matrox may offer....


            • #51
              <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">That is maybe true but the point that I wanted to make (but somehow didn't) was that it will take a loooong time until we see some thing useful (note: for gaming) from Matrox.</font>
              What makes you so sure???

              Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



              System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
              OS: Windows XP Pro.
              Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


              • #52
                I think Novdid is right. I don't think we will see anything targeted specificaly at gamers(like hardcore gamers) for a long while, judging by that interview a couple of weeks ago. However, that doesen't mean that they won't release a card for normal computer users to use in their home pc.
                I'm holding out hope that they will release another version of the g550, targeted at this market. The g550 is in the same catagory as that 4-head g200. i don't think anyone will want it unless they want to use headcasting, so it's kind of a specilty device. it doesen't do much more then a g450, so i think that if a business really wants matrox in their box they'll get a g450 instead.

                so i think a revision of this card would fit my needs for a while, at least long enought to wait for their next hardcore gamer card. not only that, but it would also offer a more attractive option to business.

                p.s. from now on we should spin everything toward a "how will x feature or product be benifical/detrimental to business" standpoint,and not how it will benifit gamers, since matrox has made it clear that that is their strongest market.


                • #53
                  Topha: Nothing new about G800, but I think it will have HeadCasting...

                  To those who doubt the G800: Do you think Matrox are going to shut up shop after releasing the G550? I remember a little bit about the G200 being the end of M, then the G450 was a joke, the last card M would release. So is the G550 the same? There might not be a G800...but there will be a next generation chip.

                  NVIDIA refresh their products every 6 months...yea, so? Matrox haven't taken 2 years to refresh their G400 line...they did it with the G450 too, remember? Also, Matrox tend to release a whole generation at the one time...not release the G400, then a MAX, then an LE, then an LE MAX, comprende?

                  Why haven't the released the G550 Plus? Um, it's not ready yet

                  I have stuck with Matrox because of their quality, and features like DualHead. But...I haven't waited Matrox to release something good. They already have. It's called a G400. Ci? The G550 is a disappointment though, as Illusion suggests...because they've dropped the quality, and removed DualHead Oui?

                  I use my MAX with amazing satisfaction, I've been on a TNT2 for a year, and saw the release of GF# and G450, before I finally got a MAX. Wow And I am *so* not going back to NVIDIA.

                  Stringy: Adding a 128bit DDR bus isn't like MAX/Ultra - they are clock speed boosts, altering the bus needs a chip redesign. Wait for G800 for that. They stuck with 64bit DDR for thr G550 to keep costs down, via cheap memory, and pin compatibility with G450.

                  GT98: Why are OEMs disappointed with the same core? Does Mr. Joe Businessman go into the Dell office, and ask, are you still using a 2 year old graphics core? Or...does he ask, what kind of machine can I use to boost productivity, and workgroup cooperation? Take your pick...

                  Hands up if you've got a GeForce, and if you'd miss the T&L usage in games? Oh, that someone at the back? Ah, no, he's just scratching his nose T&L has been out *how* long? And you think you'll miss it on 6 months? You wont.

                  Elie: Very valid, although I'm personally less optimistic about HC!

                  Buback: Have you ever seen anything from Matrox targeted at gamers? Yes, it was called the m3D. You want a m3D '2001' edition? Ok, sure...I'd rather have a G400 (whatever edition ). You don't think anyone anyone will want it unless they want to use headcasting? Oh, you're someone else who think they've removed their renowned quality, DualHead and everything else you get

                  Kindest regards people

                  Meet Jasmine.


                  • #54
                    matrox vs. bitboys

                    based on the information I know about both companies situation, it is most likely going to be bitboys who get their chip for gamers (and for power gamers.) first out...

                    it is a shame for Matrox. Only time shows, how good their 2D quality is.


                    • #55
                      I sincerley hope that BitBoys can make the real splash that you believe they are going to make. Every industry needs it's small innovators to come in and stir up the establishment and give it a new breath of life. Hopefully BitBoys can do the same for the graphics market.

                      BTW wasnt there talk some time ago of the BitBoys having a couple of unknown sponsors? Any ides who they were?

                      regards MD
                      Interests include:
                      Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


                      • #56
                        <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by mdhome:
                        I sincerley hope that BitBoys can make the real splash that you believe they are going to make. Every industry needs it's small innovators to come in and stir up the establishment and give it a new breath of life. Hopefully BitBoys can do the same for the graphics market.

                        BTW wasnt there talk some time ago of the BitBoys having a couple of unknown sponsors? Any ides who they were?

                        regards MD
                        Actually, I don't need to just believe anymore... I know! (I am not joking here...) too bad that I have promised not to tell anything before I got a permission... (but I can say that BB's very long marathon is on final straight.)

                        and what comes to those sponsors, I don't have any idea... But I am pretty sure that Bitboys chip is the reason why Creative doesn't make retail version of GF3 at all. (they are using MSI as manufacturer their GF3. suprisingly, their own website doesn't have any documents about GF3 based card...)

                        after that chip is released, graphics industry isn't the same...

                        [This message has been edited by Nappe1 (edited 26 June 2001).]


                        • #57
                          <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">it is most likely going to be bitboys who get their chip for gamers (and for power gamers.) first out...</font>
                          Then they had better hurry up.


                          [This message has been edited by Joel (edited 26 June 2001).]
                          Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.



                          System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
                          OS: Windows XP Pro.
                          Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


                          • #58
                            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Joel:
                            Then they had better hurry up.


                            [This message has been edited by Joel (edited 26 June 2001).]

                            gosh... Joel, I don't excatly know what's matrox situation, except they have been working with something very long, but some reasons it had been pushed back to the drawing board several times...

                            BB's chip... well I would like tell you about it but I don't want break my promise. but you don't have wait to next big event, before you heard more about it.

                            if I understood you right, there is possibility that we matrox and BB's chip release almost at the same time... (or maybe behaps they are the same chip... but I doubt that.)

                            btw How would matrox users react if next Matrox gaming card would have BB's chip? that's a very interesting question....

                            [This message has been edited by Nappe1 (edited 26 June 2001).]


                            • #59
                              it wouldnt have to be a pure BB chip, how about a matrox/BB chip (matrox quality, BB features + enough speed to run those features)??
                              i would feel good about it


                              • #60
                                <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Nappe1:
                                Topha, you are turning this conversation to non-trouble free area from my point of view... maybe I should draw a line here. Sorry, but I can't comment that. </font>
                                Hehe, that sounds great. Maybe we can actually BUY such a card around Xmas? Looking at my crystal ball, I see the nVidia share price falling around this date... *lol*

                                main system: P4 Northwood 2.0 @ 2.5GHz, Asus P4PE (LAN + Audio onboard), 512MB Infineon PC333 CL2.5, Sapphire/BBA Radeon 9500@9700 128MB (hardmodded), IBM 100GB ATA-100, 17" Belinea (crappy), and some other toys...ADSL (1,5mbit/s down, 256kbit/s up...sweeeeeet!)

