Hello everyone,
Its been a while that I haven't checked this board
Last night I had a phone conversion with a friend of mine who works at Matrox and I though I ask some stuff about all the romours around.
1) Matrox is NOT going out of business: He found it very interesting that people really believe that M is packing its bag. Matrox has not laid off anyone recently, however they are not hiring and they do not try to fill any vacant positions and he said thats a major factor beside the current market that M is not aggresive. Basically their R&D team is shrinking more and more.
2) McDonalld and Matrox ????!!!!! He told me that Matrox has signed a big contract with McDonalld to sell them G550. First thing I said was WHAT !!! No , no no , McD. is not adding internet cafe
However, they will be replacing their Menu signs with 6 Flat panel Displays and will use 3 G550 and its dual DVI feature to run those Flat Panels. Pretty cool I guess. As far as I know that is only for US. So for you guyz in England and Germany, you still have to order from those cranky plastic signs. While we order our BigMac from a FlatPanel which brings out the flavour with its high quality color display "POWERED BY MATROX".....
3) On going Projects: He told me that Matrox is working on 2 major projects right now. In Montreal they are working on the Mysterious next generation chip and in Toronto and somewhere in US they are working on its follower. He didn't know much about the next chip that will follow later on but he said they already have a prototype of the Matrox next gen chip and are working on its next revision that MIGHT go out the door. He wasn't really sure what the management is up to and what is going to happen but he didn't think they would release it before Christmass.
So there you go for those people in doubt, Matrox has a new design ready for release but they are not trying too hard to release it. I tried asking him about the size and some spec but he didn't really wanna say anthing. He is a very loyal employee
As far as the name goes, they call the design Paheelia internally or something like that but he said he doesn't think its name is going to be G800 or G1000 as the romours imply. by the way forget about Direcx8 , matrox new chip will be partially directx9 compatible if it ever comes out!
PS. When was the last time you smell your feet?
Its been a while that I haven't checked this board

Last night I had a phone conversion with a friend of mine who works at Matrox and I though I ask some stuff about all the romours around.
1) Matrox is NOT going out of business: He found it very interesting that people really believe that M is packing its bag. Matrox has not laid off anyone recently, however they are not hiring and they do not try to fill any vacant positions and he said thats a major factor beside the current market that M is not aggresive. Basically their R&D team is shrinking more and more.
2) McDonalld and Matrox ????!!!!! He told me that Matrox has signed a big contract with McDonalld to sell them G550. First thing I said was WHAT !!! No , no no , McD. is not adding internet cafe

3) On going Projects: He told me that Matrox is working on 2 major projects right now. In Montreal they are working on the Mysterious next generation chip and in Toronto and somewhere in US they are working on its follower. He didn't know much about the next chip that will follow later on but he said they already have a prototype of the Matrox next gen chip and are working on its next revision that MIGHT go out the door. He wasn't really sure what the management is up to and what is going to happen but he didn't think they would release it before Christmass.
So there you go for those people in doubt, Matrox has a new design ready for release but they are not trying too hard to release it. I tried asking him about the size and some spec but he didn't really wanna say anthing. He is a very loyal employee

PS. When was the last time you smell your feet?
