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matrox in troubles ?

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  • matrox in troubles ?

    I was browsing matrox homepages to find some financial
    information but didn't found anything, why is that ? What are they hiding ?

    Also I browsed the support forum and there were people
    asking how to cope with the comanche 4 and matrox g400.
    Obviously Matrox personnels were having hard time to even get a single copy of comanche...

    One user stated that if Matrox does not improve game support for that game he will go for Nvidia products. Matrox personnel replied in a peculiar way (I could read between the lines that he tought that buying Nvidia's card for gaming purpose actually wasn't a bad idea)

    Summa summarum, I think that Matrox is going out of business
    very quickly which is a pity.

    P.S I tried Comanche 4 with G400 MAX and the graphics looked disgusting

  • #2
    Matrox is a private company...


    • #3
      Matrox is a privately held company with just 2 owners, and no stockholders, so they are in no way obligated to post any financial information to the public.
      They have also made it clear that their cards are not tageting the gaming market, and have on more than one occasion stated in their forums that if a user feels he/she would be better suited with a gaming card, they should go that way.
      The fact that a game maker has not supplied Matrox with a copy of a game for testing purposes only shows the short-sightedness of that game maker, who probably never tested their software on Matrox cards, and don't want to make it too easy to show how sloppy their programming is.

      Matrox is not going out of buisiness any time soon. They've been around for a quater of a century, and make much more than just PC graphics cards. They go after (and have a firm hold on) market segments that other companies don't touch. They will be around for a long time to come...
      Last edited by Kruzin; 30 December 2001, 20:19.
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4
        Although I am skeptical of their going out of business, their absence of new product could be a sign in the wrong direction.
        Let us return to the moon, to stay!!!


        • #5
          I don't believe that they're fully going out of business, either - I belive they're still making profits in their higher end video, Image processing, medical, ... areas.
          BUT has anyone thought about the possibility that they might be thinking about quitting just the consumer gfxcard market. From a company owners point of view this would only be a logical step if this sector is not anymore profitable (sell it or let it die). What if they'd be in fact laying off employees, but only those that are working in the consumer gfxcard sector - that would explain at least some of the rumors.

          Unfortunately for us it would be the same (I guess noone wants to buy a Matrox videoboard meant for medical solutions for several thousand $...)
          But we named the *dog* Indiana...
          My System
          2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
          German ATI-forum


          • #6
            They aren't quitting nothing... full steam ahead... stop listening to these BS rumours will ya'll!
            "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

            "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


            • #7
              what rumors ? it's a single person assuming since they don't have a new gaming product , that matrox is going out of business..

              i think he flunked economy 101


              • #8
                This isn't a single person thinking it... just read some of the posts in this forum and from other sites forums sometime and you'll get the big picture
                "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                • #9
                  Are you saying Haig is Lying??? (About Matrox not the MapleLeafs)
                  P4 1.6A @ 2.24 ghz
                  MSI 645 Ultra
                  256 Samsung PC 2700 DDR
                  Matrox Marvel G200


                  • #10
                    <Matrox is a privately held company with just 2 <owners, and no stockholders, so they are in no
                    <way obligated to post any financial information
                    <to the public.

                    Ok, they don't have to publish any information
                    but as far as I'm concerned they should
                    because they have plenty of loyal customers who might be interested in that kind of information.

                    I don't know much about Canadian legislation but
                    please don't say that it's impossible to gain information about Matrox's earnings ?


                    • #11
                      mariner how much mony do you have? There are lots of MURCers here that ae interested!
                      According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


                      • #12
                        Guru, just pay a visit to the tax office, I live also in Finland and it isn't THAT secret in developed countries..


                        • #13
                          It´s utterly ridiculous to claim that Matrox have no obligation to give out economic information. Of course they have an obligation to their customers to do so.
                          The fact that they are not forced by law is a totally different matter.
                          If they don´t, it´s not a strength it´s a weakness.

                          As customers we don´t want to buy hardware (or any ware) that is in danger of being obsolete in a couple of months - I´m talking support and driver development here.
                          And as we all know, assurances to the contrary aren´t worth anything after a while.

                          For all we know, turning out the lights in the standard gfx card department could be the proper economic way to go, as their current hardware rapidly is becoming very long in the tooth, and a comeback is getting harder by the day.



                          • #14
                            Matrox is privately hold just like Bitboys. Neither one needs to tell anything what they are doing or what's their financial situation is to the public.

                            Bitboys has been existed since 1995 (in nowadays form.), never got single thing to shelves (if licenses to Matrox and Microsoft about EMBM isn't counted.) and they haven't talked anything during last 14-15 months. That's what would I call a dead company, in case that I would not know, what I know right now...

                            and you are calling Matrox as a dead??

                            well, who lives will see.


                            • #15
                              Matrox is in business for many many years. The only remaining "Dinosaurs" are ATI and Trident, all the othres are gone.

                              I remember PC-Magazine in 1994, there were so many chips and companies out there...

                              Since then, matrox decided on a focus shift, out of the gaming business. It reminds me of another company, a very young one, with a very strong community like MURC.
                              They decided on a focus shift as well, and it brought their doom.
                              BeOS community still lives, but BeOS is gone.

                              Here it seems to be the opposite, Matrox still exist, but the community is almost gone. In the times of the G200 and G00 there were so many people here, so many debates, so much life !
                              I was used to see maggi and joel commenting more than once almost on every thred. Oh well...

                              Maybe matrox chose a better economic path, but in the long run, they have lost a very strong community.

                              After the G200 fiasco and all the wild goose chace we had with roumors (G800 anyone ?), many people feel a little betrayed by the company.
                              Seriously, I don't know how many people will buy a mainstream / gamer matrox product again.

