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  • #31
    [rant mode on]

    With all do respect to the far east, IT PISSES me off for their lack of care descency and honoring NDA's

    In fact, they don't care about copy rights, NDA, forgery etc..
    I hope Matrox acts fast and sue's the ass off the idiots that posted this information to the public. they should cut all contacts with them until they learn their lesson, huh

    [Rant mode off]



    • #32
      does the breach of the NDA, cause any damage to matrox?
      I don´t know much about the business issues in this regard, but I can´t really see what damge it does, I mean it´s not like the competition can make any use of a 3-day warning.
      Apart from the disrespect issue, i can´t really see any reason to be pissed.
      Last edited by TdB; 11 May 2002, 11:22.
      This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


      • #33
        Thinking along the lines of TDB having only one monitor...

        Although I have three moitors here at home, all are different sizes (17" LCD, 19" & 17" CRT), and I don't (currently) use dualhead.

        Is there a way to get a "letterboxed" version of a dualhead output for a single monitor, say at 16x12? It may seem an odd desire, but some may be willing to forego full screen in games to have the same field of vision as users with dualhead.
        Waiting on tech support...


        • #34
          I can't see much of a reason to be pissed either Elie.

          If matrox showed its hardware to people it couldn't enforce its NDA against, more fool them. (Unless this is all planned by matrox)
          80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


          • #35
            Didn't someone translate the actual report as saying, "although we are under NDA, we can leak some info," or something to that effect?
            Waiting on tech support...


            • #36
              TBD, what I'm "pissed" about is not only because of them breaching NDA's, and yes it will have an effect on business, which is why NDA's were created in the first place.
              Why I'm upset is because this is an ever growing problem that we seem to run into, especially in the multimedia arena, just think about all those idiots bringing digital camcorders to theaters only to sell it on VCD the next day. YES it's a growing market in China and in fact everywhere.

              Imagine, if you told someone a life threatining sectret, and that person revealed it on the net. what would you do?
              (Of coarse this is strictly an example, but you get my point)

              I'm sorry if my words were a bit harsh, it's just the burst of the moment



              • #37
                If it is a life threatening secret, one would think three times whom he tells. And the one who get your secret would think three times, before he tells anybody.


                • #38
                  With all due respect to web sites who cowtow to the hardware companies in fear of being cut off ... the people who posted it are not necessarily the same as who were under NDA. If not then they should be more concerned with their readers than the hardware companies ... in principle they would have done nothing more wrong than we are doing for spreading links to the information on message boards

                  Of course if the posters signed the NDA themselves Matrox should take measures to prevent this from happening again.
                  Last edited by Pinky's brain; 11 May 2002, 11:13.


                  • #39
                    I also feel a bit ashamed for their breaking NDA. Privacy (in any sense) is not so much respected in today's China as it should be. It's a pity, but I think they are changing themselves. Anyway, they didn't disclose the whole story. And the information they disclosed is actually no big secret, if one follows the parhelia story closely on the net.
                    Last edited by chaoliang; 11 May 2002, 11:14.


                    • #40
                      As I said earlier, do we actually know they broke a NDA ? After all the NDA they signed (3 days before the actual release) could be very different than a NDA for 3 weeks ago...And after all Haig had been hinting for triple head for some time.... And 512bits chip and 256bits DDR bus I dare say there was a consensus among us ignorants at MURC was going to be part of the official specs. So showing pictures of triple head in action only made be more eager for 14th may

                      My Specs
                      AMD XP 1800+, MSI KT3 Ultra1, Matrox G400 32MB DH, IBM 9ES UW SCSI, Plextor 32X SCSI, Plextor 8x/2x CDRW SCSI, Toshiba 4.8X DVD ROM IDE, IBM 30GB 75GXP, IBM 60GB 60GXP, 120GB Maxtor 540X, Tekram DC390F UW, Santa Cruz Soundcard, Eizo 17'' F56 and Eizo 21'' T965' Selfmodded case with 2 PSU's.


                      • #41
                        a hypothetical example:
                        a credible site leaks all the parhelia specs 4. may, how would that effect matrox in a bad way?

                        is it because matrox want the announcemet the 14. may, to have a big an impact as possible, hoping that it would sell better in the long run because of that?
                        Or is it because they want to suprise the competion?

                        I thought that all the hype and leaks was good for matrox, I mean most gamers would have forgotten all about matrox, if it wasn´t for those leaks.
                        This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


                        • #42
                          No TDB, Leaks are not good for any company, granted if Matrox wanted to leak info, they can do it themselves. hense
                          Saying leaks are healty is an excuse to justify the actions of those individuals that posted information about Matrox's new chip and others alike.

                          This is my story and I'm sticking to it




                          • #43
                            let me guess: what matrox really wanted was to jump out of nowhere, and yell: "We can beat everbody! TWICE!"
                            This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


                            • #44
                              LOL I guess so


                              • #45
                                If they were at one of the Matrox press briefings then they signed a NDA that forbade them from passing on ANY information presented to them until the expiration date. If people are going to attend these things knowing that a NDA will be required and knowing the terms and restricitons of that NDA then they should damn well honour it. By the terms of the NDA these people signed they should not have even been saying they had attended a Matrox press briefing, now some of you may feel that is too restrictive and is cowing down to the man but the terms are openly and willingly entered into, if you don't like them you don't sign, pure and simple.

                                It's these sort of actions that cause problems for the rest of us that sign NDAs and stick to them, sure those that openly break NDAs will never get one again but it has a knock on effect especially for webmasters as we all tend to get tarred with the same brush by some PR departments. It may not seem like a big deal to most of you but openly breaking NDAs in that manner really pisses me off.

                                End of Ant rant

