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The russians cant listen to NDAs either.

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  • The russians cant listen to NDAs either.

    Hi all!

    Dunno if this is old news or what, but I have not seen it before so figured I may as well post it.

    No images of the actual card other than a zoom of some transistors etc.



  • #2
    Oh my God !!!! this card is a monster ......


    • #3
      Oh my god! my russian sucks


      • #4
        I was jut gonna post that this was in the Matrox Hardware forum, but you guys are too fast All I can say is HOLY SHIT!

        Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


        • #5
          This info surpasses my expectations. But it was about time then.


          • #6
            OW MY ****ING GOD!!!!!
            THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              3 fps in the car chase in 3DMark2001 ?
              KT7 Turbo Ltd. Ed. ; Athlon XP 1600+ @ 1470 MHz (140*10.5); 512MB Apacer SDRAM ; G400 MAX ; Iiyama VM Pro410


              • #8
                thank god, I was sitting while rushing through the charts...

                "Perhaps they communicate by changing colour? Like those sea creatures .."
                "Really? I didn't know they did that."
                "Oh yes, red means help!"


                • #9
                  Yeah well spoted :-/
                  Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe (nForce2)>>AMD 2500+@ 3200+ (Barton)>>1.5 GB Ram (PC400)>>Leadtek GF 6800 12x6(385/850)>>Western Digital 120GB (WD1200JB) & Fujitsu 20Gb(MPF3204AT)>>Cambridge Audio azur 540A>>Razer Viper(Mouse)>>V7 V7S20PD 20.1 TFT Monitor>>NEC 3510A>>Lite-ON (40x10)>>Cherry CyMotion>>CanoScan N670U>>Epson Stylus Color 760>>Windows XP (SP2)


                  • #10
                    HOLY COW!

                    I'm *insert- extrapolative type saying*


                    I have to get me one of these.


                    • #11
                      Oh, well. Let's call it The Week-end Where NDA Lost Their Meaning (TM).

                      Not that I mind too much, from a purely, err, interested point of view.


                      P.S. 3fps . . . well, if it's with 16x FSAA . . .

             — it's not so much bad as it is an experience.


                      • #12
                        OMG! It's a damn good thing I returned my GF4 TI4400!


                        • #13
                          Maybe its 30 and above. I think the picture is not complete, even the madonion logo is not in full half of it is missing. That would make more sence 16FSAA and 35fps
                          Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe (nForce2)>>AMD 2500+@ 3200+ (Barton)>>1.5 GB Ram (PC400)>>Leadtek GF 6800 12x6(385/850)>>Western Digital 120GB (WD1200JB) & Fujitsu 20Gb(MPF3204AT)>>Cambridge Audio azur 540A>>Razer Viper(Mouse)>>V7 V7S20PD 20.1 TFT Monitor>>NEC 3510A>>Lite-ON (40x10)>>Cherry CyMotion>>CanoScan N670U>>Epson Stylus Color 760>>Windows XP (SP2)


                          • #14
                            well here is some computer translation of the russian page ...

                            Position of the company Of matrokh on the market generally, and on the Russian in particular, sufficiently strange.Relation to this market even more is strange.Small did not find time to report (sich!)to its distributors (with exception of very individual comrades) about the output/yield of new product.What already to speak about the press...But, as the saying goes, who searches for...We found and we desire company together with her distributorskimi channels of great successes...

                            Why we did make this today, but not on 14 May?Everything is very simple.we do not have any obligations before the gentlemen from Canada and their European associates.By them IS NOT INTERESTING Russia.Point.Let us place point and we went...

                            On 14 May 2002, the already forgotten by the enthusiasts ed of visualization company Of matrokh Of grapyuichs Of inch. announces the chip Of paryuelia-shchy2, which belongs to the new generation of the architectures of graphic accelerators.Most accurate will describe this generation as Generation Kh9.. it is possible to say that the new chip from Matrokh is the second representative of this generation.priority for eDlabs (with some reservations) of that already announced of its flexibly programmed BY VPU by the name Py0.

                            Before close passing to the new creation Of matrokh.the basic culprit of this article, let us discuss one additional sign hero:

                            Mister IKS, the ninth (DirechtKh 9)
                            Preserving characteristic of a good secret dossier style, let us give the key innovations (from the point of view of accelerators) of the future version popular play API.

                            Increased accuracy of data presentation
                            The new sizes of textures and buffers of sequence are introduced.Each component of four (RGBA) now can be represented in the form of 32 or 16 bit numbers with the floating point in the standard sizes IYEYEYE Of fe2 and Fy'. each point will occupy 128 or 64 bits.and this will significantly raise requirements for the capacity of local storage of graphic accelerators.However, to use the similar sizes vezde and entire/all as yet there is no need.Basic purpose of precise sizes.the realization of different effects and models of illumination (for example, storage of the tables of those utilized in piksel'nykh sheyderakh).Contents of the buffers of sequence in the floating size they cannot be brought out directly to the monitor through RAMDACH or the digital interface.they are used only for the internal targets/purposes.For the increased accuracy of the idea of the integral information of that concluded on the screen is introduced new size 10:10:10:2 (RGBA), where each color component is transferred with the accuracy of 10 bits.A similar accuracy with the surplus covers/coats the possibilities of contemporary display units and substantially enlarges dynamic range, and, therefore, and the quality of the resulting image.

                            Maps/charts/cards Of displacement (Displachement Of mapping)
                            The litsenzirovannaya in Matrokh Of grapyuichs Of inch. (and, it goes without saying, realized into Paryuelia-shchy2) technology Of displachement Of mapping makes it possible to substantially increase the degree of realism and detail of relief surfaces.In contrast to the customary already

                            The map/chart/card of displacement answers after gruby1. relief, displacing the apexes/vertexes of triangles in the direction of the standard/normal, assigned for this apex/vertex.If necessary, together with the map/chart/card of displacement it is possible to use a traditional map/chart/card of relief (bump of map).for the creation thinner/finer popiksel6nyx. parts.

                            Of course the number of triangles must be sufficient for the transfer of all nuances of the rough relief, given by the map/chart/card of displacement.In order to create automatically these triangles (without driving in the head of programmers, the resource/lifetime of central processor and AGP busbar/tire) is used well familiar to us N -patci:

                            I.e. the technology of an increase in detailing models on the basis of additional tesselyatsii of triangles.The maps/charts/cards of displacement cannot be used without the apparatus support N -patce1.from the point of view DKH9 this technology only essential is addition to the algorithm N -patce1:

                            It is interesting that in DKH9 patchi underwent the essential improvements, for example the degree of detailing (number of partitions) now can be selected automatically depending on distance from the triangle to the observer.Thus, is achieved the more optimum, closer to the uniform (from the point of view of observer) partition of scene.all triangles have approximately identical visible size/dimension:

                            Furthermore, for the maps/charts/cards of displacement, just as for the usual textures, it is possible to use multiple filtration (mip-mapping):

                            In the sum obtaining the excellent result of bez of the special troubles:

                            Of course the maps/charts/cards of displacement can be used not only for the flat surfaces but also for the volumetric models:

                            In comparison with the traditional maps/charts/cards of relief (including popiksel'nyy relief on the basis of sheyderov), map/chart/card of displacement, undoubtedly, it is more than resursoyemki.joke whether to say, all parts of relief are transferred by triangles.But also are more realistic:

                            Of course in the real play applications/appendices, for obtaining the dynamic and realistic drawing it is necessary to reasonably combine these technologies.

                            Apical sheydery of the second generation (Vertekh Syuader 2.0)
                            Let us briefly describe the possibilities of the new apical programs:

                            256 assembler commands
                            As the minimum of 256 constants
                            12 registers of the general purpose
                            Control of performance.condition, cycles, passages, subprogram. The substantial limitations :control is possible only on the basis of the values of constants.Conditional jumps only forward.Cycles only back.The calls of subprograms cannot be inserted.
                            1 register with the value of the parameter of the cycle
                            16 registers with the constants for the task of the parameters of the cycles
                            16 registers with the logical constants for the passages
                            Possibility, when desired, to write down sheydery on S a similar high level language, compiled into the assembler code automatically
                            Piksel'nye sheydery of the second generation (Pikhel Of syuader 2.0)
                            Let us briefly describe the possibilities of the new piksel'nykh programs:

                            All calculations only with real numbers (with the floating point) from the beginning also to the end of sheydera.If it is necessary, result is converted to the integral size only during the writing into the memory.
                            Possibility, when desired, to write down sheydery on S a similar high level language, automatically compiled into the assembler code.
                            To 8 textural iteratorov (i.e. the computable for each point of triangle corresponding to it textural coordinates).
                            To 16 samples from the textures, including dependent samples on the preliminarily calculated in sheydere coordinates.Degree of the nesting of such samples.not more than 4.
                            Sheyder can include to 32 assembler commands of the addressing of textures and to 64 assembler arithmetical commands in the arbitrary order.
                            Appeared connected/bonded with the floating calculations the commands (yekhp, ravine, rsts so forth.)
                            12 temporary/time vector registers of the general purpose
                            32 constants
                            Gamma-korrekqi4 values.It makes it possible to increase the realism of the transfer of thin/fine color nuances, especially in the shadows of the synthesized images.Is conducted straight line Gamma-korrekqi4 during the record of the results of sheydera into the buffer of sequence and reverse correction upon the entering of initial data from the buffer of sequence or texture, it is possible to govern/control the value of gamma/range.
                            Furthermore, appeared so urgent/actual a size of the compression of volumetric textures.DKHVCH, litsenzirovannyy in NVIDIA.

                            Let us total .Essential rate is made (as in the case Of openGL 2.0 ) to the programmability of accelerator.An appearance of a high level language and a considerable increase in the flexibility of the programmed blocks will play their positive role.Dream of many companies, which develop/process graphic shift the majority of complexities (algorithms) of iron on the arms of programmers is personified by seven-mile steps/pitches.Now, inside the conveyors of accelerator, all data are transferred and are processed with the high accuracy, ensured by the floating size.

                            The appearance of the stabilized version MS DKH9 is expected at the end of the summer, and its official output/yield, judging by everything, will be christmas gift.

                            But now make it possible to present to you in entire krase new chip from Matrokh Of grapyuichs:

                            Paryuelia-shchy2 THE GPU

                            Block is the diagram:


                            • #15
                              I hope so :\

