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The russians cant listen to NDAs either.

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  • #76
    google good. Stands for Video Interface Port

    Looks like most video cards already have it (GeForce MXs anyway)



    • #77
      Originally posted by otlg22

      The pixel shaders are only 'techincally' not dx9 compliant. They _can_ do dx9 level work, but the DX spec calls for 4 shaders capable of doing a certain level of work, and the Matrox shaders appear to chained together so you only have 2 of them for more complex shading operations. (i.e. 4 simple shaders or 2 complex shaders, kind of like the decoder on the Athlon, it can issue a certain number of 'simple' ops a clock, or a smaller number of complex ops a clock)
      so it can "emulate" ps2.0 at half speed?
      This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


      • #78
        Anybody remember that reg hack a few years ago that enables Edge AA on some Matrox card (Could have ben G200, still searching Google)?

        I wonder how long they have been working on this?



        • #79
          Originally posted by Slougi
          Also does anyone see a difference here?
          take a look on the ground. on the right side the textures are more blurry, especially in the distance. while this is not very visible i think it will be when the you start moving.

          no matrox, no matroxusers.


          • #80

            I wouldn't use emulate as the word of choice, but yes, that's the basic idea.. it's either 4 v1.3 pixel shaders or 2 v2.0 pixel shaders..

            Distributed Computing just for fun...

            Check us out.


            • #81
              So does that mean that the card IS a full DX9 part?....
              note to self...

              Assumption is the mother of all f***ups....

              Primary system :
              P4 2.8 ghz,1 gig DDR pc 2700(kingston),Radeon 9700(stock clock),audigy platinum and scsi all the way...


              • #82
                I see!

                dx9 requires 4 ps2.0 units but parhelia´s 4 ps1.3 units can work like 2 ps2.0 units which isn´t enough for dx9 compliance, but any dx9 game that makes use of ps2.0 will run(slow) on it anyway, i guess this is transperant to the developer.

                is this something all cards with 4 standard ps1.3 can do or are these ps1.3 special in that way?
                This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


                • #83

                  This is the first time I've seen Pixel Shaders arranged like this, and it really it quite ingenious.. (other shaders aren't setup like this, although you might be able to emulate it via drivers, not 100% sure).

                  Fear not, I think when matrox moves to .13 they'll add the extra units in.. it doesn't look like it would be terribly hard to do..


                  By the letter for the law the card is NOT fully dx 9 compliant, however, the key point is that it can easily be made to be by Matrox, when they deem it necessary..


                  PS: I want to throw a disclaimer on all of this by stating, I'm working only from a block diagram and information in a bad translation, I could be 100% wrong across the board
                  Distributed Computing just for fun...

                  Check us out.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by superfly
                    So does that mean that the card IS a full DX9 part?....
                    it will run dx9 games, but matrox can´t brag about dx9 compliance in their PR material.
                    This sig is a shameless atempt to make my post look bigger.


                    • #85
                      Can anyone tell if that's a crossbar between the texturing units?

                      It looks like it, but I can't be sure..
                      Distributed Computing just for fun...

                      Check us out.


                      • #86
                        If anybody speaks russian, could they do a real translation?


                        • #87
                          I hope no body is mad at me for posting this info.

                          Sorry if I have pissed anyone off with this.

                          Mark (Kodiak from Arstechnica)


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Geek
                            I hope no body is mad at me for posting this info.

                            Sorry if I have pissed anyone off with this.

                            Mark (Kodiak from Arstechnica)
                            Just wait 'til Ant gets back...

                            He'll get you good, boy!!

                            Waiting on tech support...


                            • #89
                              Normall I would never ever break an NDA as I was under one for Lord Of The Rings (worked at a post house that did it), but seeing as this was already out there, and giong to be posted in here anyway, I figured I may as well do it first.




                              • #90
                                The only people to be angry at are the russians. Maybe we'll kill their bandwidth budget or something :/

