one of the factors holding the P's clock back is the voltage restrictions put on the AGP specs. and from the looks of things i'de say all the other video- card companies are having the same problem... Until they can make the move to .13 micron it takes to much power to get the clock rates as high as they can go. Having said that looking at pictures of the 9700 i noticed the nice little 4-pin molex on the card and i have to tip my hat to the ATI boys for it. it's genius, they can make the card fit the AGP specs. and deliver the extra power neccissary to get those nice high clock rates. So why doesn't M use that innovation on their 256-meg version of the P to increase the clock rate, maybe they could even reach the original target clock rate of 300mhz for the core. In the end more RAM alone will not justify the price increase. In the end what we all want to see is not necissarily that the P is Killing the competition, but just delivering the numbers we know it's capable of. We all know the technology is outstanding, it's just tough to see the small details holding it back. Finally i want to explain i am NOT saying the P is a dissapointment, or that it doesn't perform outstanding, so don't flame me. I just want to see Matrox really push the P as far as it will go and blow us all away with the technology they designed.
P.S. thought this might be a subject for the soap box, but because the P-256 meg is an announced product and not vaporware it would fit better here.
P.S. thought this might be a subject for the soap box, but because the P-256 meg is an announced product and not vaporware it would fit better here.