I played Guild Wars with my girlfriend yesterday! Sweet! 
Only difference between playing with her and my friends is that we say we love each other during the game.
I also had to makle some serious upgrades to her computer so that she could play, but I got to upgrade too so it's all good.
Playing GW with GF test
Playing with gf test
difference test
all good test
@Admniral: tell me more about this 50 posts till level up test

Only difference between playing with her and my friends is that we say we love each other during the game.

I also had to makle some serious upgrades to her computer so that she could play, but I got to upgrade too so it's all good.
Playing GW with GF test
Playing with gf test

difference test
all good test
@Admniral: tell me more about this 50 posts till level up test
