Hi all,
I haven't been around lately but it's nice to see that the "New Murc Game" is still going on!
The reason I didn't visit the site was because my girl left me and I felt very bad about it. Anyway I think now I'm ready to start a new relationship.
A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about using one of those internet dating services like match.com. Where you put a profile of yourself and can make selective searches and contact the people you like.
When I finished writing my profile I realized that I've done it in a way in which everything I wrote was true but trying to make it look nice.
I mean my hair is not blonde is a ligth brown, I used my best looking photo among dozens of them (cameras hate me
), I've been a couple of times to the theater or an art gallery but I counted it as my hobbies ...
If I've done it, I guess many people did the same so can I really believe in what I see in the profiles? I guess no.
Then it comes to the section where they ask what are you looking for : relationship, romance, friendship, trip partner ...
Hell, rigth now I'm looking for SEX, I know it's kind of sad to use the internet to find someone for that but I'm a shy person
At the end I choosed romance and relationship. Then my profile got aproved and two days later I got 3 girls who wanted to contact me
I couldn't believe it.
One of them was twice my age, we didn't have any common interest (except for theater and art galleries).
The second one is living at 1.100 km from my home!!! no way I could get sex in the short term with her unless we do it thru the phone
Then came the last one, she was amazing. Short black hair, green eyes, pale skin, awesome smile. I checked her hobbies and she liked soccer, rock music and computers! among many other things and she lives just 35km away!!!
I thought we were made one for the other, it was like finding my other half.
I contacted her rigth away, we agreed to meet at a pub in her area.
I went to the pub at the specified time at the correct date but I couldn't see her. However she saw me and introduced herself, I was astonished, she was much more beautiful that I could have imagined looking at that blured photo of the profile.
We sat on a table to have a capuccino (or a "cup of cino" as a friend of mine from Walles used to call it), we started to talk about the weather and that stuff, then we moved into more interesting stuff but ....
she was the DUMBEST thing I've ever talked to (and I use to talk to everything animal, vegetal or inanimate). She laughted about everything I said, even when I excused myself to go to the toilet, she laught making a loud noise.
She didn't like soccer but Kluivert (F.C. Barcelona's striker), she didn't like computers but the shape of her flatmate's imac and what she thought was rock music was actually spanish country-pop music (the most cheesy one).
The date ended with me paying the drinks and blaming myself for being such an ****ole
I thought she enjoyed the date as much as I did but I was wrong. The day after she phoned me to go somewhere for dinner. I gave a silly excuse and told her that I'll phone sometime soon(tm).
I think I've wrote way too much.
Well my point is that you can't rely on profiles to know if a person suits you. I mean, if using an internet database driven date service, you probably need to have several dates 'til you find someone you like, honestly, I preffer to go down to the pub and just use the good old method of hanging at the bar getting drunk slowly and telling the poor bartenders about my boring life.
Perhaps one day I'll find my other half drinking besides me at the pub, I just hope I'll not be too drunk as to don't notice her
btw if you've ever used such a service don't be shy and share your experience with me.
see ya
PS: as always my most sincere apologies for my poort english, it keeps improving but slowly
I haven't been around lately but it's nice to see that the "New Murc Game" is still going on!

The reason I didn't visit the site was because my girl left me and I felt very bad about it. Anyway I think now I'm ready to start a new relationship.
A couple of weeks ago I was thinking about using one of those internet dating services like match.com. Where you put a profile of yourself and can make selective searches and contact the people you like.
When I finished writing my profile I realized that I've done it in a way in which everything I wrote was true but trying to make it look nice.
I mean my hair is not blonde is a ligth brown, I used my best looking photo among dozens of them (cameras hate me

If I've done it, I guess many people did the same so can I really believe in what I see in the profiles? I guess no.
Then it comes to the section where they ask what are you looking for : relationship, romance, friendship, trip partner ...
Hell, rigth now I'm looking for SEX, I know it's kind of sad to use the internet to find someone for that but I'm a shy person

At the end I choosed romance and relationship. Then my profile got aproved and two days later I got 3 girls who wanted to contact me

One of them was twice my age, we didn't have any common interest (except for theater and art galleries).
The second one is living at 1.100 km from my home!!! no way I could get sex in the short term with her unless we do it thru the phone

Then came the last one, she was amazing. Short black hair, green eyes, pale skin, awesome smile. I checked her hobbies and she liked soccer, rock music and computers! among many other things and she lives just 35km away!!!
I thought we were made one for the other, it was like finding my other half.
I contacted her rigth away, we agreed to meet at a pub in her area.
I went to the pub at the specified time at the correct date but I couldn't see her. However she saw me and introduced herself, I was astonished, she was much more beautiful that I could have imagined looking at that blured photo of the profile.
We sat on a table to have a capuccino (or a "cup of cino" as a friend of mine from Walles used to call it), we started to talk about the weather and that stuff, then we moved into more interesting stuff but ....
she was the DUMBEST thing I've ever talked to (and I use to talk to everything animal, vegetal or inanimate). She laughted about everything I said, even when I excused myself to go to the toilet, she laught making a loud noise.
She didn't like soccer but Kluivert (F.C. Barcelona's striker), she didn't like computers but the shape of her flatmate's imac and what she thought was rock music was actually spanish country-pop music (the most cheesy one).
The date ended with me paying the drinks and blaming myself for being such an ****ole

I thought she enjoyed the date as much as I did but I was wrong. The day after she phoned me to go somewhere for dinner. I gave a silly excuse and told her that I'll phone sometime soon(tm).

I think I've wrote way too much.
Well my point is that you can't rely on profiles to know if a person suits you. I mean, if using an internet database driven date service, you probably need to have several dates 'til you find someone you like, honestly, I preffer to go down to the pub and just use the good old method of hanging at the bar getting drunk slowly and telling the poor bartenders about my boring life.
Perhaps one day I'll find my other half drinking besides me at the pub, I just hope I'll not be too drunk as to don't notice her

btw if you've ever used such a service don't be shy and share your experience with me.
see ya
PS: as always my most sincere apologies for my poort english, it keeps improving but slowly