If an individual were to say this, they'd probably go to jail. If you're a Catholic, I urge you to get your leadership to change their stance, or the burden of the deaths this will cause is on <B>you</B>.
No announcement yet.
I can't believe the Catholic church is this stupid
Condoms only reduce the risk of AIDS. Drastically mind you, but they are not 100% effective against stopping AIDS. So the Catholic church is partly right ... though I doubt their campaign is scientifically driven in any way.
After all, every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm gets wasted, god gets quite irrate.
Jammrock“Inside every sane person there’s a madman struggling to get outâ€
–The Light Fantastic, Terry Pratchett
Bloody Catholics.
(Said with best Graham Chapman voice...)
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
This is outrageous!
It once more reminds me of why I say the church is evil (though the christian religion might be good, the church as an institution has a lot of blood on its hands).
The archbishop of Nairobi, Raphael Ndingi Nzeki, said: "Aids... has grown so fast because of the availability of condoms."
In Lwak, near Lake Victoria, the director of an Aids testing centre says he cannot distribute condoms because of church opposition. Gordon Wambi told the programme: "Some priests have even been saying that condoms are laced with HIV/Aids."
Originally posted by Jammrock
After all, every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm gets wasted, god gets quite irrate.
Originally posted by az
Yeah right. So every little boy who wakes up with wet sheets goes to hell. Every man, too, since millions of sperms get wasted trying to make children, and only one succeeds. Also, the stuff is built "on demand". Guess god shoulda read his own spec sheets.
This is hardly surprising, since its the stated policy of the Church that you should keep it dry until marrage, and if you don't then you sow what you reap.
Its not too much of a stretch to say that the Catholic Church is indirectly promoting Darwinian natural selection by discouraging condom use in these nations, since those who escape AIDS long enough to reproduce will have a natural survival advantage over those who do get infected (expect the population of much of Africa to decline over the next 50 years or so)...
I've long believed that nature would solve the population crisis for us when we demonstrated that we couldn't control our own numbers. I just find it a little ironic that the Church, which claims to sanctify life above all else, is unwittingly assisting in nature's agenda.
I can't wait to bring this up with my wife (she's Catholic) when we take our evening constitutional. Don't worry, she'll think this is every bit as stupid as any reasonably intelligent person would.
every sperm is sacred. Every sperm is great. If a sperm gets wasted, god gets quite irrate.
OKOK, you got me there
For the record, I didn't believe that to be Jamm's opinion, I just thought it was his parody of the catholic church.. but it kinda fits the mindset, and it really cracked me up.
Hmm yes.. I haven't even seen that it rhymes.. bear with me, it's late here (actually, It's early already).
What's sadder still is that in much of the catholic church, people (lay and clergy) do not DARE to challenge the beliefs/dictats/pronouncements of the chuch authorities. A good minority of the intelligent, thinking people in the church (at least in the UK anyway) do however, but as ever with catholocism this disagreement brings with it a fair amount of guilt.
(BTW I was brought up a catholic, but have been an athiest for a number of years now, sometimes bordering on being a nihilist...)DM says: Crunch with Matrox Users@ClimatePrediction.net