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Koenigsegg breaks own record (for Guchi ?)

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  • #31
    Originally posted by GuchiGuh
    Az: You live in a good country. You have good chances of becoming financially indepenedent. Will you seize that chance or will you just bum around? That's what I mean by that.
    Its not poor peoples fault that they are poor sometimes. eg being born in a poor country with little or no education facilities. consider yourself damn lucky dude. and if you don't like how it works, why don't you do something about it?
    Yes, I am lucky, "dude". People in other countries might not be so lucky, people with health problems aren't so lucky (not even here, and this really is one of the best places in the world to be sick - no sarcasm). Some people may even live in a good country and be healthy, and just lack the intelligence needed to study. Does this mean it's OK for them not to get any jobs, or to work for minimum wage, just because there's so much competition on the "job market" (what a word). I certainly don't want to be a construction worker or a trashman, but what would the world be like without them? Don't they deserve to make a decent living off jobs most of us wouldn't want to do?

    I think - totally contrary to what KvH thinks - that we need a unified world economy, with unified laws and wages. There would be no need for expansion into low-wage countries, there would be no need for stupid nationalism and protectionism, etc. One may dream...

    BTW, I do my civil duty in trying to protect the world from getting worse: I vote. This way I can at least try and get the lesser evil in charge.

    and Az: doesnt have to be a car? How about a 10 million dollar house? a heavy 100 grand watch? a 100 carat diamond ring? etc.

    There's an Opera in my macbook.


    • #32
      Originally posted by GuchiGuh
      Az: You live in a good country. You have good chances of becoming financially indepenedent. Will you seize that chance or will you just bum around? That's what I mean by that.
      Yes, that's the one thing the germans are VERY good at: complaining when there's no real need to complain.
      I don't like the current german government at all and to be honest, they did nearly everything wrong economically - but still in germany most everyone has a quite decent standard of living compared to other places of this world.
      Still everyone (and here going through all income groups) cries as if it would endanger his whole existance when there's the danger of him losing only 3% of his income...
      But we named the *dog* Indiana...
      My System
      2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
      German ATI-forum


      • #33
        I think - totally contrary to what KvH thinks - that we need a unified world economy, with unified laws and wages. There would be no need for expansion into low-wage countries, there would be no need for stupid nationalism and protectionism, etc. One may dream...
        Isn't that called Communism?

        Anyway I doubt it will ever happen....People as whole have so many differences between then that making a single world body or what not is next to impossible. Just the cutural differences between Europe and USA would make it impossible
        Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


        • #34
          What's so bad about communism?

          And of course right now we have too many differences for this to happen, but I believe eventually (long after I am death, for sure) we will be wiser. Or die


          I agree completely. Maybe this didn't really become apparent in my last posting, I wrote it in a hurry. My family (me, gf, daughter) belong to germany's "poorest" people, I think (If you're a lot poorer than we are, you're doing something wrong), and still we are quite rich compared to most other people living on this planet. We have everything we need, and we're very grateful we were born here, in a society that doesn't let even the weakest (the sick, who are unable to work, for instance) become really poor. I am also tired of people here - as you said, through all classes - whining and bitching like they'll all starve when they'll have 3% less income. Such we germans are: We don't want to take responsibility for ourselves.

          There's an Opera in my macbook.


          • #35
            Originally posted by az
            What's so bad about communism?

            Communism is not a bad idea, but will never work when such things as greed and lazyness exists. If you get the same, no matter if you work or not, then why would anyone work? If the system then chooses to not give anything to people not contributing, then is it still communistic?

            (This is based on my somewhat limited knowledge on communism)
            We have enough youth - What we need is a fountain of smart!

            i7-920, 6GB DDR3-1600, HD4870X2, Dell 27" LCD


            • #36
              Yes, I am lucky


              Don't they deserve to make a decent living off jobs most of us wouldn't want to do?
              its called minimum-wage

              Still everyone (and here going through all income groups) cries as if it would endanger his whole existance when there's the danger of him losing only 3% of his income...
              and wouldn't you cry if your wage was cut short by 3%?
              Well not cry, but at least be a bit sad.

              Such we germans are: We don't want to take responsibility for ourselves.
              speak for yourself man


              • #37
                You are such an arrogant...

                No, I would NOT cry about friggin three percent. I'd rather give that up and have a few more people employed, or some of the employed people actually earning something, or get good health insurance (which we still have - yet). When you make a million a year, three percent amounts to 30k, which is a lot (in fact more than my entire family lives on), but DOES IT MATTER? It's only three percent.

                You know, I really think having rich parents didn't do you a lot of good. You're so out of touch with reality, it's not even funny.

                I don't understand your last sentence, sorry.

                AZ, seriously angry about that level of ignorance.
                There's an Opera in my macbook.


                • #38
                  Dude, take a chill pill.

                  I think lets clear somethings up:

                  You are talking about rich business OWNERS
                  I am talking about employees like u, like him, like me.
                  People who work for someone!
                  So for me, (once i Graduate and start working I mean), 3% would be a lot.

                  If i was arrogant - why would i bother discussing this with you? I'd just go , screw u, u poor ass, I am higher class than you because my wallet is 1 inch thicker than yours. Go eat food leftovers from the bin.

                  I have MANY friends who are so rich that they put business men here in Perth to shame. And these guys are like...18 years old? And I have many friends who completly support themselves at uni. They go work, study, buy their own car, manage their own taxes, bills, uni fees etc. I think that is very amazing.

                  So I think its kinda unfair that you telling me I am not in touch with reality. I know what kinda shit goes on in the world, I know how to handel money, I know when to spend and not to spend.

                  My parents may be rich, but I am just another average teenager. I don't just walk up to dad and ask him for 100 dollars. He'd kick me in the butt and tell me to go and study. Its not raining dollar bills here, alright? If it was, do you think I'd still be on 56K?? Or have this computer which I got for free from one of my kind friends??
                  I get my set allowance per month and if my marks are not up to scratch, its bye bye money. And sadly, one is nothing without money. No going out with friends, no buying books for uni, no buying food at uni, no fuel for the car, you get my drift.

                  Anything else you want me to clear up? Sorry if I have been offensive in any kind of way, but I just want you to know that I am not arrogant like you think.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by GuchiGuh

                    and wouldn't you cry if your wage was cut short by 3%?
                    Well not cry, but at least be a bit sad.
                    Well, at least I would not. If the "öffentliche Dienst" (which I'm in now) has to work 42 hours instead of 38 for the same wage, this doesn't touch me at all - since I normally work 9+ hours a day and up to now never wrote down only one single of those extra hours.
                    So at least in my case it's more a correction of the duty to the real state than anything else...
                    But we named the *dog* Indiana...
                    My System
                    2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
                    German ATI-forum


                    • #40
                      Official apology to Guchi. I got carried away and misinterpreted you.

                      Won't post much here in the next few weeks, renovating and (finally) moving, thus only a short post (v. tired).

                      There's an Opera in my macbook.


                      • #41
                        apology accept man!
                        No worries, i get carried away all the time

                        All the best...


                        • #42
                          I've just got wind of this thread and think everyone here who is arguing that someone who has earned a load of cash should give it to the poor is severely misguided. By the same token would all the american and europeans here please donate all barring $5000 of their salaries to the third world to pay for all the even poorer people out there?Thought not. The fact is that many of these people with mega wealth put there arses on the line, like risking losing everything they had and going bankrupt, when starting their business, and as far as i can see every one in a free democratic land has that right which means you or I could do it, but we dont because its harder than drawing a weekly/monthly salary provided by the risk takers that earn the millions.

                          And as for employing chinese workers at discounted wages, dont ever think that in doing this we are depriving them from starting up their own businesses that could compete with ours. Think of the R&D and technical advancement they would need to design microproccesors, automobiles ect. We are employing them where no body else would otherwise do. If you pay them more all their doctors suddenly find they can get better wages by working in factories and you completely mess the structure of the economy up. And if americans or Europeans put electricals together we's all be paying 50% more for our goods, assuming that the people existed in the economy who were willing to work and not otherwise employed.
                          Using developing labour is why america has 8% annual GDP growth, and allowing people to keep what they earn is what "the land of the free" is based around. Personally i want to keep as much of what i earn as possible, and congratulate business owners who make a mint by risking their asses in the early days.
                          is a flower best picked in it's prime or greater withered away by time?
                          Talk about a dream, try to make it real.

