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Be honest!

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  • #16
    Alcoholic beverages only once every month or so if that, and in "small" amounts, i.e. a bottle or two of beer in a single evening, nothing more, more interested in stuff that tastes good as opposed to alcoholic content.

    Never smoked or took any other recreational drugs.

    As for medicinal drugs, I'll occasionally take OTC allergy medications (like claritin) and if I've got a bad cold some nyquil to help sleep. OTC pain relievers occasionally and only for bad headaches and when I've pulled a muscle or other such things. As far as prescription drugs, not on any.

    I entered this thread with some trepidation, as this is the kind of subject matter that can degenerate into Temp Forum material really fast.
    Bunch of drugged up hippies!


    • #17
      Tried marijuana back in high school... erm, yeah. Smoked from about my senior year in high school till shortly before I got married (say four years), though I still partake of a pack on occasion. Drink beer every so often (usually a few every other weekend) and mixed drinks even less often. I tend to drink more when visiting a certain friend

      Won't go into the prescribed drugs I've taken as they've been many, though I've been known to guzzle some NyQuil to help me sleep sometimes. Take Aleve for my migraines (which seem to have completely replaced the every day headache for me).
      “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


      • #18
        And ketamine? (My sister's a vet )
        DM says: Crunch with Matrox


        • #19
          Never tried any drugs... and never plan to, my relationships with my family is very close, so that helped a lot.

          Tried some wine, beer, XO... don't like it.

          Most of my alcohol consumption is from cooking.

          No smoking.


          • #20
            oh btw, I drink chinese tea and coffee a lot. As in daily.

            Probably not a good thing to do...


            • #21
              Caffeiene: Yeah, Baby!! One pot of coffee a day (though it's the lower caffeiene beans), sometimes a cup or two of tea in addition.
              Chocolate: sometimes, usually 70-80% dark (Lindt 70% is really great when mixed with their White chocolate coconut bar)
              Wine: can't stand the taste
              Beer: Tastes like piss (though if you're going to have any, it might as well be a Guinness or some "good" microbrew)
              Other alcohol: rarely - Bailey's in coffee is pretty good, though
              Cigarettes: one puff
              Chewing tobacco: one chew
              Prescription medications: sometimes, but rarely the full dose
              Other medicines (over-the-counter): basically never
              Marijuana: Never on purpose, but I may have been tricked into eating some of a pot brownie by one of my sisters (it tasted like shit)
              Everything else: never

              - Steve


              • #22
                Weed: tried 2 times
                Alcohol: a beer every few days up to weeks (very rarely some big drinking with other people)
                Cigarettes: 1 pack every 2/3 days
                Tea: rarely, definately not every day
                Chocolate: lately usually weekdays without it, weekend with few small ones
                Prescription drugs: almost exclusively as directed - apart from the fact that sometimes I've had troubles with figuring out whether I took them or not, ended with 2x the dose (it was noticeable) and came to conlusion that the effect can be usefull sometimes ; or less...
                Vifon (usually Thai, Korean spicy or...what's the adjective of "crab"; crabby? ): lately ~2 per day
                That would be all...


                • #23
                  Coffee (expresso, ...)
                  Chocolate (he, I'm Belgian, what do you expect?)
                  Medicine (prescription, but it should not create a physical dependency, so this probabely is not an addiction)

                  Does pizza count? And is less than once a week an addiction?

                  Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                  • #24
                    not enough


                    • #25
                      Re: Be honest!

                      Heroin: Never tried,
                      Cocaine/crack: Never tried
                      LSD: Never tried
                      Amphetamines: Never tried
                      Anabolising compounds: Never tried
                      Marijuana: Tried it many times in many different ways.
                      Other "recreational" drugs: I've tried shrooms ONCE.
                      Prescription drugs: Penicilin, mainly, but also rarely.
                      Over-the-counter drugs: Tylenol on the rare occasion.
                      Tobacco: The stuff makes me vomit, I have tried it with marijuana but straight up... no way.
                      Alcohol: I drink, but rarely to get drunk.
                      Caffeine/Theine: The occasional Bawls every now and then, then there's the not-so-often cup of joe.
                      Chocolate: Rarely eat the stuff, not a big fan.
                      Titanium is the new bling!
                      (you heard from me first!)

