Guess I should feel ashamed that as an English minor I'm not more taken aback by the horrid phrasing of things like "Saving Private Ryan" 
Slogans, bylines, and even movie titles have never required one-hundred percent grammatically correct structure. Modern English, on either side of the pond, would be considered bastardized by those from previous centuries. Language evolves and there are far more important things to be uptight about.
God save some souls if some people ever have to learn a language that routinely discards these things held so dear in English.

Slogans, bylines, and even movie titles have never required one-hundred percent grammatically correct structure. Modern English, on either side of the pond, would be considered bastardized by those from previous centuries. Language evolves and there are far more important things to be uptight about.
God save some souls if some people ever have to learn a language that routinely discards these things held so dear in English.