I'm voting for a 1.4 injection Ford Fiesta that my housemate used to have.
due to fantastic design work from Ford engineers, oil leaked from the top of the engine. Right into the air intake. You had to run it at absolute minimum running oil otherwise it just choked itself with oil.
It would frequently overheat on long journeys. And short journeys.
In a shocking display of idiocy he then replaced it with a 1.8 non-turbo-diesel Fiesta. It was also awful. And sweated oil all over my drive.
Grrrrrr Ford.
due to fantastic design work from Ford engineers, oil leaked from the top of the engine. Right into the air intake. You had to run it at absolute minimum running oil otherwise it just choked itself with oil.
It would frequently overheat on long journeys. And short journeys.
In a shocking display of idiocy he then replaced it with a 1.8 non-turbo-diesel Fiesta. It was also awful. And sweated oil all over my drive.
Grrrrrr Ford.
