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Revenge of the Sith Spoliers

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  • #16
    Originally posted by KvHagedorn
    I agree. The first film actually kicked ass. Liam Neeson and that Swedish chick that played Anakin's mom can actually act and that duel at the end absolutely rocked. Jar Jar was silly, but actually funnier than C3PO.
    See my problem with the humour in much of the prequels is that it was just there (or rather, thrown in), whereas in the originals it was far more situational and sometimes offbeat. Sure there were instances of that in the prequels, especially Episode III, but when your main comedic element is Jar Jar...

    Liam was good, if not a little underused, but then so were most of the veteran actors, in terms of actually letting them act. The duel, if you are meaning the one with Darth Maul, was awesome, but a little short for what I thought should have had more of a buildup.

    I will never go so far as to say the first movie kicked ass though
    “And, remember: there's no 'I' in 'irony'” ~ Merlin Mann


    • #17
      Yeah.. the BEST humor in the whole series is between Luke and Han on the Death Star, and the idiot stormtroopers.. and the mouse robot running from Chewie.. and the three of them in the garbage masher.. Damn, that was a great movie!


      • #18
        If anyone wants to know, the script was pulled from The Editing Room. They have a big list, some of which are far more entertaining than the films they were taken from:

        8 out of 10 women say they would feel no qualms about hitting a man.
        5 out of 10 referred to me by name.

