Round 1 results: Come On Over - Shania Twain voted off. You can see the results here.
Round 2 results: Greatest Hits Volumes I & II - Billy Joel voted off. You can see the results here.
Round 3 results: Boston - Boston voted off. You can see the results here.
Round 4 results: Thriller - Michael Jackson voted off. You can see the results here.
Here are the top 10 best selling albums of all time. Vote for your LEAST FAVORITE album.
Each day I will eliminate the album that everyone hates the most and start a new thread with the remaining albums until one is left, got it? cool. Now go vote!
Round 2 results: Greatest Hits Volumes I & II - Billy Joel voted off. You can see the results here.
Round 3 results: Boston - Boston voted off. You can see the results here.
Round 4 results: Thriller - Michael Jackson voted off. You can see the results here.
Here are the top 10 best selling albums of all time. Vote for your LEAST FAVORITE album.
Each day I will eliminate the album that everyone hates the most and start a new thread with the remaining albums until one is left, got it? cool. Now go vote!