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Watching Shuttle Launch!
I wonder if I'm "translating" hours correctly...
Launch in 0,5 h?
Or is it 1,5?
edit: I wonder, will Real from akamia would be better on 128kbps downstream than wmv from yahoo? Or perhaps much less crowded ta least?
I can probably still made it with installing...
edit2: RealPlayer 8 was the last good version, da?Last edited by Nowhere; 26 July 2005, 07:37.
Yeah...and I missed the exact moment of launch (and it was on TV...)
I hope it's all good...([black humour]it would be really ironic if the damage was caused this time by one of extra cameras falling of the tank[/black humour])
([tasteless humour]perhaps there should have been funeral ceremony before flight, that way the atronauts could attend[/tasteless humour])
I found their emergency plan laughable...
It was said on the news here: If the crew can't return with Discovery, Atlantis will be launched (with less safety checks) to go and fetch them".
What idiot thinks of these plans? ("hey, it isn't rocket science - oh wait, it is")
I mean, if it happened to Discovery, chances are it will happen to Atlantis as well. The emergency plan should be to return with a Russian craft (ok, it would hugely dent Nasas image).
IMO they need to mothball 'em, contract with the Russians to do the space station rides, use heavy lifts to get modules up and start on a capsule based CEV as soon as they can get a design that makes sense. To hell with the 2 group contest, let's get on with it.
Why capsule? 5 reasons (no particular order);
1. KISS - keep it simple, stupid!! Capsules for people, heavy lifts for cargo...not both at once
2. capsules can use an escape tower in case of a screwup.
3. an ablative heat shield that can't be screwed up by your thumbnail & is encased at launch.
4. the crew cabin of the STS is about the size of the larger CEV designs anyhow.
5. wings don't do you any good in freakin' SPACE!!
Prob. should have done this after Columbia.
Dr. MordridLast edited by Dr Mordrid; 28 July 2005, 01:21.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps
How hard would it have been to put the insulation on the INSIDE of the fuel tank? I mean, seriously, get it together guys...Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox
You don't even need to go so far as internal insulation etc.
The problem is this that NASA originally used a spray foam that stuck like crazy, something like those spray insulating foams that stick so well they started using 'em as a glue.
This worked great for 80 some launches.
Then someone at NASA got Enviro-Wacky and decided to use a different kind of foam mix that is supposedly more "enviroment-friendly".
Problem: is doesn't stick for S**T.
Once again human lives don't count as much as PC bulls**t.
Bottom line:
There are at best 20 more shuttle missions to finish the Space Station and do the Hubble rescue mission. The environmentalists can take a rest until those missions are done and CEV starts its run.
Problem is that someone has to get off their arses and go back to the less enviro-friendly but STICKY-AS-HELL foam mix, but will NASA have the kahones to tell the Enviro-Wacko's to go to hell and give 'em directions?
Dr. MordridLast edited by Dr Mordrid; 28 July 2005, 09:57.Dr. Mordrid
An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.
I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps