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My insane life right now...

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  • My insane life right now...

    Ok, so it's not a new baby or a death in the family or anything, but...

    Anyone who's going to just read this and get pissed off or tell me to man up can just skip the rest, ok? I'm venting. It's cathartic, therapeutic, etc.

    As some of you know, Julie's commute has been just ridiculous. She commutes an hour and 45 minutes door to door each way, Monday-Friday. Most days this means she's up at 5, out the door to get on the 6am train, and not home until 5:15. One day a week she has to go in early and/or stay late or both. On those days she gets up at 4am and doesn't get home until 7pm or later.

    In the meantime, I've been working. But I got sick again in July. My tinnitus, which had been under control for a long time (I'd learned to live with and/or ignore it) really ramped up. Got dizzy, couldn't sleep from vertigo. Tired all the time. Headaches and earaches every day. At first felt like a cold/flu, then leveled out. Doctor said ear infection. Time for amoxycillin. Fine. Oh, and here's something to help you sleep. Ok.

    Took the FULL ten days but started to feel better. Great. Weaned off the sleeping meds. 3 weeks later... back again. Ugh. Doctor says "hmm maybe we missed something, ears look pissed off but not infected hmm". Augmentin this time, plus referral to an ENT.

    Audiologist says my hearing is perfectly normal, but both her and the ENT agree my tubes aren't working 100%. So the tinnitus has come and gone, still relying on the sleep aids sometimes, and pressure seems to affect it. Up and down stairs, even a few floors is fine, but get on a plane or take lots of elevators, drive far enough that the elevation changes, and my ears ache and ring like crazy. At the top of the mountain visiting my in-laws they're nonstop. Ugh. The ENT recommended ventilation tubes. Keep from getting 'em wet, shouldn't affect your hearing, see if you like 'em, blah blah.

    So I have to give them a few days but so far they seem like a POOR idea in retrospect. My hearing is COMPLETELY whacked, and although I no longer feel pressure and pain inside my ears, the eardrums are still pretty pissed off. Fine, WORST case scenario they grow out in a few months. Whatever.


    We headed to Chicago a couple weeks ago. Literally, 14 days ago we were in Chicago eating shitty Mexican and seeing the sights.

    WHILE WE WERE IN CHICAGO, my stepmother-in-law calls us and says "want to move closer to the city?"

    Turns out her childhood best friend's college roommate's mom finally moved into assisted living, and the house has been empty for months and they REALLY want to rent it out and she's only in town for 3 days and can we meet with her because she wants to rent to us, we're practically family (ha!) and... oh the rent is cheaper than what you have now. But can you move in November 1?

    We'd be FOOLS not to do it, even though it's going to be a GIGANTIC amount of work getting moved WHILE WORKING in the space of 4 weeks.

    But they hadn't tested for lead. Home was built in 1962-1963, so it might have it yeah? CRAP.

    SO I rushed up there on Friday after work and did the "Home Depot Special" lead test.


    Clean! WHEW!

    So daycare is more, house is slightly smaller, BUT much newer and central air and a new furnace and a one-car garage and one block from a nice park and 20 minutes from Julie's job. That would be, for those of you not following the story thus far, nearly THREE HOURS of her life reclaimed every day! Rent will be lower enough than what we pay now (although we're still bouncing it around with the landlord) to cover the difference in daycare. Logan's school is better (class size 10-12 instead of 25+), and has an afterschool program for the same price we're paying for simple babysitting now.

    The utilities will be lower, the place will be more convenient to everything, so the downsides are livable.

    But WHAT a time to try to move.

    I struggle to get through the day sometimes, between the ringing in my head, headaches, being completely distracted and having no motivation. Not to mention not getting a good night's sleep most of the time, and just general emotional "blah"-ness (I hate to use the term "depression").

    So time soldiers on. In the meantime, my boss wants to hire me out to a prestigious local university's business school which happens to be in Cambridge, about a mile from where Julie works. Wow, how cool! Except... that... the only way we make things work NOW is that I have flexible hours because she's out of house 13-14+ hours a day. So I had to tell my boss I just CANNOT be out of house 13-14+ hours a day for the next 8-10 weeks. Once we move, I'll be 20 minutes away and then sure I can work 9-5 in Cambridge. No sweat.

    AND did I mention I'm being sued by multiple collection agencies? Yeah, somehow all my old debts are coming back in lawsuit form, because SOMEONE figured out I had a job. Nevermind that half of them were already settled, they don't care. I'm fending them off, but THAT takes time and concentration I don't have, too!

    It's just too much to juggle at once. Everything is insane, and I'm ridiculously stressed. I try to keep myself distracted, because any downtime just ... I can't do downtime right now. I work (for work) and work (for us) and do family stuff and then force myself to play and "relax" but it's all active relaxing because the nap I desperately need won't come. All my usual anti-insomnia tricks are failing me, I just picked up some time-release melatonin but much like the prescription stuff that's only for at night.

    In the meantime, my novel isn't getting written (don't laugh), my guitar sits lonely and unloved but Guitar Hero cannot stand before my near-manic approach to every day.

    It's terrible when you SEE that you're not being healthy but can't figure out how to stop doing it.

    HOWEVER, there are positives.

    - We'll be in a great new place by November 1.
    - We'll be saving more money.
    - I have lost 20lbs. and NOT just to worry and mania. I've been eating better and exercising regularly. Before I started feeling really lousy (so back in June and early July now) I was exercising every day. Now I'm down to 2-3 days a week, which makes me feel lazy but is better than nothing! Actually starting to see results on the muscles and gut.

    Anyway, that's where my life is at. If I am not posting much over the next month, or if I'm posting a LOT due to a form of escapism, you'll all know why. And yeah, you're all "strangers" and I'm spilling far too much here, right? Whatever. Everyone's lives are available to hackers and anyone with enough money already. Might as well narrate mine myself.

    The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

    I'm the least you could do
    If only life were as easy as you
    I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
    If only life were as easy as you
    I would still get screwed

  • #2
    But at least ypu're bored out of your skull
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


    • #3
      Gurm, if you are depressed, and it sounds like you are, you might want to consider taking anti-depressants and/or seeing a therapist. There are tons of other things you can do as well, but start with the above.

      As for the medical issues, I have personally found that 50% or more of my health problems went away after I started getting treated for depression.

      And last, talking about your problems to anyone, including "strangers" can do wonders. Most people(myself included) think that they are the "only one" and nobody would understand, but it turns out we all have issues that are similar if not exactly the same. Consider f2f(face to face, not talking online)) talking with others.
      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


      • #4
        By reading between the lines I was more thinking that you were complaining you weren't getting any.

        But hey, with all your health issues, you're still kick some. I can't imagine what you accomplish when you're feeling great.
        Nice news about the new place. Have a great move!!


        • #5
          Originally posted by RhinoZ View Post
          By reading between the lines I was more thinking that you were complaining you weren't getting any.
          Haha. Well, one of the problems is that I'm really vascillating in that area - my OWN fault, nothing to do with my lovely wife! Which leads me to wonder about the depression thing. *sigh* I mean, I go through weeks where... *ahem* and then other weeks where...

          But hey, with all your health issues, you're still kick some. I can't imagine what you accomplish when you're feeling great.
          Nice news about the new place. Have a great move!!

          STORY OF MY LIFE. All my life it's been "imagine what I could accomplish if I gave a crap enough to really pour on the steam". Now it's like I feel ... I feel as though something really amazing was JUST out of reach, if I could just have a day without pain and noise and distraction. Seriously, I think I have a great novel or great song or SOMETHING in me, and just can't get it out for all the other crap. Of course, the greatest poets and musicians of the ages were like that, right? Beethoven had tinnitus AND profound hearing loss when he wrote "Ode to Joy".

          The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

          I'm the least you could do
          If only life were as easy as you
          I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
          If only life were as easy as you
          I would still get screwed


          • #6
            Originally posted by Helevitia View Post
            Gurm, if you are depressed, and it sounds like you are, you might want to consider taking anti-depressants and/or seeing a therapist. There are tons of other things you can do as well, but start with the above.

            As for the medical issues, I have personally found that 50% or more of my health problems went away after I started getting treated for depression.

            And last, talking about your problems to anyone, including "strangers" can do wonders. Most people(myself included) think that they are the "only one" and nobody would understand, but it turns out we all have issues that are similar if not exactly the same. Consider f2f(face to face, not talking online)) talking with others.

            Yes, I'm contemplating it. I don't think I'm ... well, sure maybe I have mild mania or clinical depression or something like that. Part of me hates the idea but... then again, there are mild anti-anxiety meds which are known to reduce/eliminate the ringing from tinnitus! Whee for Klonopan! Whee for Xanax!


            Yeah I'll likely talk to someone, but probably not until AFTER the move at this rate.
            Last edited by Gurm; 1 October 2007, 15:42.
            The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

            I'm the least you could do
            If only life were as easy as you
            I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
            If only life were as easy as you
            I would still get screwed


            • #7
              None of us are superman. But we can do one hell of a lot over time by doing a little every day. What gets done is good enough. Just figure out what's important to you and focus on that. That's what made the Beethovens of the world look so incredible. Some get famous. Some just put bread on the table. Both still did it every day.

              Toughest solo backpacking i ever did was from the bottom of the Grand Canyon to the top - i thought i was going to die until i ran into a group that was struggling even worse to get back up. Together we kept each other moving and wouldn't leave anyone behind, one step at a time.

              A favorite author -

              Good luck.


              • #8
                Hey heres my story the past couple weeks:

                I started to have a pain a tooth that had a root canal and crown done on about 6 years ago back right at the end of August..I went to the Dentist to find out that I have an Abbess on that same tooth now! I got put on Antibotics and that help take the pain away but they had to do surgery to fix it...but more on that later

                On the 7th I was out on date with a girl I know and we where kissing up on the boardwalk near where she lives when some drugged out chick comes out of no where and says:

                "Hey looks like you to are having fun, mind if I join in?"

                Of course I go into perv mood but it was only the second date and we where both flabbergasted when she asked that. Anyways that wasn't the highlight of the date...

                We get back to her place, she lives in Condo complex in a small town about 5 minutes from the beach, nice area...but to the north and to the west there are some very unsavory parts of town with lots of color. Anyways I was walking back to her place when I hear someone come up from behind us on a bike and this 16 yr old kid points a gun at us...and asks us for our money! The bastard then complains when I have only $15 bucks on me and she only had $15 bucks on her. He asks for my keys, which at this point in time I think about what I'm going to do about that, but I give them to him and he justs throws them in the street. Well at least no one got hurt, but I feel back for the girl since it happened less then 100 ft from her front door.

                That next Monday I go in for my Oral Surgury and they go in from the front..thankfully it didnt hurt besides the novacine injections..

                Thursday morning I'm going into work, I'm not paying attention for a second (was looking at my steering wheel or instruments) and see an Expedition in front of me with his brake lights (some moron in front of him panic stopped when they saw a county vehicle cutting the shoulder of the road) on with next to no room to stop...well I wind up clipping him with my Passenger side front quarter panel of my Mustang....I wind up doing $8655 worth of damage to my car

                With the Mustang being down, I've been though 4 rental cars...first one got a screw in the tire and was losing air, second one was a POS Chevy Aveo that wasn't the size the insurance was paying for, so had that for a day, then I got a Dodge Caliber, which I got a phone call this past Friday telling me that it has been sold and they need it back....but I think my luck has been changing since I got a 08 Jetta with 300 miles on it and it reeaks of a new car inside...

                I should hopefully have the Mustang back this week or next...

                Otherwise I'm good
                Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?


                • #9
                  So this morning - still can't really hear, still have the bad ringing, and feel lousy although done with last week's Tasmanian Death Flu - did I mention the death flu last week? Yeah. Two days of shivering and sweating and feeling like parts of me that didn't exist HURT.

                  Then I get to work, and the whole "two months in Cambridge" thing came to a head.

                  My bosses actually sat me down and asked if I needed them to hire someone to pick my kids up. As if THAT were the problem, and not the "Jason out of the house 14 hours a day while trying to MOVE in 3 weeks" thing.

                  I very nearly burst into tears afterwards, very nearly quit on the spot. I laid it out for them that the ONLY way we've been holding together as a family is because I do EVERYTHING that Julie would normally do. I HAVE to have the flexibility, and they were like well we can't have flexibility now this is an important gig.

                  I'm pretty mad. I was completely bewildered and lost, now I'm mad. Still feel like shit, but pretty upset. Not clear what to do though. They actually had the gall to ask if I could have Julie try to get her boss to give her extra time so I can work ridiculous hours.

                  The worst part is this is WHY we're moving. Once we move the hours are normal, not ridiculous. 9-5 is fine, it's the 2 hours getting there, 2 hours getting home, and an hour of wrangling children!
                  The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                  I'm the least you could do
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                  If only life were as easy as you
                  I would still get screwed


                  • #10
                    Your bosses seems to be a couple of nice asstunels

                    and if they could afford to hire someone to pick up your kids, they ain't paying you enough
                    If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                    Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Technoid View Post
                      Your bosses seems to be a couple of nice asstunels
                      Excellent word. May I appropriate it?

                      and if they could afford to hire someone to pick up your kids, they ain't paying you enough
                      No... you think? *sigh* Sorry, no need for sarcasm.

                      Actually they were thinking they could give me a few bucks and get me to hire a babysitter for the hour difference on the days Julie ran really late. I mean, seriously... *sigh*

                      I think the company is in a little... trouble. Anyone know of any jobs around Boston that need someone in November? (Or are real flexible between now and then?)
                      The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                      I'm the least you could do
                      If only life were as easy as you
                      I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                      If only life were as easy as you
                      I would still get screwed


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Gurm View Post
                        Excellent word. May I appropriate it?

                        Sure, I stole it from Ars

                        Torrent site Meganova received an identical letter from SMR&H, but responded publicly and with a bit less civility.

                        "Dearest little asstunnels, Let me start off by thanking you for your pitiful attempt to have your e-mails removed from the entire internet,"

                        Meganova's response says. "In case you haven't noticed, this site is located in Europe (I hope you can point it out on a map) where your stupid copyright claims have no base. But fair is fair you guys did suffer over the past week so here's bit of advice to you guys: F*** you! F*** you again! F*** you again and again and again!"
                        (I'm guessing that an "asstunnel" is what you get when a European whose first language isn't English tries to say "****ole." It seemed awkward when I first read the response, but the expression has since grown on me.)
                        If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                        Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                        • #13
                          I feel for your Wife and yourself.

                          Currently, i am "working" just outside Paris, at La Defense.
                          I get up at 6.30, and have to be out of the house by 7.15am.
                          I get the train to Paris at 7.34am.
                          I get to La Defense on via the metro (sardine tins) at 8.50am.

                          I finish at 5pm, get the 5.48 train home, get home just before 7pm.

                          I need nearly 9 hours sleep to be able to be at my best in the morning.
                          (i.e. i wake up just before the alarm, actually awake, not blurry eyed.)
                          Thats in bed by 9.30pm. leaves me just about 3 hours max. to do "my things".
                          I swore i wouldn't do this, but i don't have a choice.
                          The price of accommodation gets more expensive the closer you get.

                          If i was to buy a house now, i would have to go another hours drive AWAY from paris, and thats another 50 mins onto the train journey each way...

                          needless to say, at best, i get 7 hours sleep a night, and thats thanks to the beer mostly.
                          its not unusual to get to sleep at 1am, frequent in fact.

                          Luckily, i'm only doing a Microsoft Certification, not REAL work, and i only have 3 exams to go. (got one in the bag last wednesday)
                          But i have to be present every day or i don't get any unemployment money at all at the end of each month.
                          At the end of October, thats when the fun will start....

                          Moving closer will do all of you good.
                          Stress can be a bummer, and the cause of many physical and psycological ills.

                          Hold on, and just make the time. Relax a bit in the sun, it feels good. ( if any sun left).
                          PC-1 Fractal Design Arc Mini R2, 3800X, Asus B450M-PRO mATX, 2x8GB B-die@3800C16, AMD Vega64, Seasonic 850W Gold, Black Ice Nemesis/Laing DDC/EKWB 240 Loop (VRM>CPU>GPU), Noctua Fans.
                          Nas : i3/itx/2x4GB/8x4TB BTRFS/Raid6 (7 + Hotspare) Xpenology
                          +++ : FSP Nano 800VA (Pi's+switch) + 1600VA (PC-1+Nas)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Evildead666 View Post
                            I feel for your Wife and yourself.

                            Currently, i am "working" just outside Paris, at La Defense.
                            I get up at 6.30, and have to be out of the house by 7.15am.
                            I get the train to Paris at 7.34am.
                            I get to La Defense on via the metro (sardine tins) at 8.50am.

                            I finish at 5pm, get the 5.48 train home, get home just before 7pm.

                            I need nearly 9 hours sleep to be able to be at my best in the morning.
                            (i.e. i wake up just before the alarm, actually awake, not blurry eyed.)
                            Thats in bed by 9.30pm. leaves me just about 3 hours max. to do "my things".
                            I swore i wouldn't do this, but i don't have a choice.
                            The price of accommodation gets more expensive the closer you get.

                            If i was to buy a house now, i would have to go another hours drive AWAY from paris, and thats another 50 mins onto the train journey each way...

                            needless to say, at best, i get 7 hours sleep a night, and thats thanks to the beer mostly.
                            its not unusual to get to sleep at 1am, frequent in fact.

                            Luckily, i'm only doing a Microsoft Certification, not REAL work, and i only have 3 exams to go. (got one in the bag last wednesday)
                            But i have to be present every day or i don't get any unemployment money at all at the end of each month.
                            At the end of October, thats when the fun will start....

                            Moving closer will do all of you good.
                            Stress can be a bummer, and the cause of many physical and psycological ills.

                            Hold on, and just make the time. Relax a bit in the sun, it feels good. ( if any sun left).

                            Yes, so you get at least part of it! Now imagine that you have 2 kids to take care of and somehow have to figure out how to get them... but the daycare won't take them earlier than 7AM or keep them later than 5:45PM or keep them more than 10 hours total... oh and the kids don't wake up until 6:30 and 7AM respectively so you have to actually drag them out of bed... which adds an hour to your routine in the morning...
                            The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!

                            I'm the least you could do
                            If only life were as easy as you
                            I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
                            If only life were as easy as you
                            I would still get screwed


                            • #15
                              Yup. no kids here, i couldn't even imagine the, anything.

                              I have enough trouble getting myself out of the door in the morning
                              PC-1 Fractal Design Arc Mini R2, 3800X, Asus B450M-PRO mATX, 2x8GB B-die@3800C16, AMD Vega64, Seasonic 850W Gold, Black Ice Nemesis/Laing DDC/EKWB 240 Loop (VRM>CPU>GPU), Noctua Fans.
                              Nas : i3/itx/2x4GB/8x4TB BTRFS/Raid6 (7 + Hotspare) Xpenology
                              +++ : FSP Nano 800VA (Pi's+switch) + 1600VA (PC-1+Nas)

