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Nobel Peace Prize just lost 90% of its credibility

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  • #46
    You would be correct in your assumptions, but it was compounded by Louisiana and New Orleans government officials spending Federal monies targeted for levee improvement on everything but.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


    • #47
      Originally posted by Lizzard[MPE] View Post
      You gotta be kidding me.
      OK, Provide me with the scientific evidence that the thinning of Kilimanjaro's snow cap is because of climate change. It MAY be, but it could equally be due to deforestation of the Congo's rain forest providing less humidity, through evapotranspiration, to the upper troposphere, reducing the precipitation. There is no proof, one way or the other, at the moment. Or it could even be a combination of both these plus some other factors. I don't know, you don't know, scientists don't know. Only Al Gore knows.

      Most parents kid their kids with Santa, Eater Bunny, Tooth fairy etc. and the kids swallow the stories wholesale up to the age of 5 or 6. They believe in them implicitly because their parents say so. Many people believe Gore in the same way because he is just as convincing with his self-serving lies. But it is evil to serve out lies under the guise of scientific truth, thus reducing the credibility of the real science. It gives science a bad name and this is why there are many naysayers, who don't believe in Santa - or Gore.

      I would much rather the public believed the scientists and not the media, politicians and unqualified naysayers, 99% of whom just repeat the lies, disinformation and misconceptions of others, if they don't make up their own.
      Brian (the devil incarnate)


      • #48
        Originally posted by Lizzard[MPE] View Post
        You gotta be kidding me... tell me why the governments expert was forced to concede that it wasn't correct, not that hey this guy said it wasn't true so it must not be.

        I edited my post awhile ago to finish what i was saying because i knew it would be misunderstood.


        • #49
          He still got people talking.
          I watched the movie.
          Than i immediately got online and started doing my own research on different environmental subjects so I could be more educated on the matters.
          I'm sure I wasnt the only one that did that.


          • #50
            You know whats funny, I had forgot about.

            When I watched the movie I muted it and put on the captions and read it because i cant stand to hear Al Gore speak. ha

            Maybe more al gore haters should have done the same, there wouldnt be so much bitterness!


            • #51
              When I hear some level headed arguments for GW that are reasonably backed up by science by someone who's not after money or a fanatic I'll consider it
              If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

              Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


              • #52
                Originally posted by Lizzard[MPE] View Post
                Maybe more al gore haters should have done the same, there wouldnt be so much bitterness!

                I honestly believe that the fact that there are so many gore haters actually helps his cause.

                I also believe that the barrage of pseudo/armature scientist-wannabe farts out there, who enjoy competing among themselves with who is can find a bigger hole in Gore's movie, or who can quote another fart's "scientific" findings, is even a bigger help to the cause.

                Now, I don't credit Gore for this marketing genius, any more then I credited him for inventing the internet, I am old enough to realize that top dog professional marketing people helped him architect this campaign, so that most of the media time he gets (like he gets over here) is free. it still is impressive. The puppets still run their mouths, and the people and governments are pushing a no BS effort to control CO2 emissions.
                Last edited by FatBastard; 13 October 2007, 05:50.
                Originally posted by Gurm
                .. some very fair skinned women just have a nasty brown crack no matter what...


                • #53
                  I couldn't have explained it better then this guy

                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.
                  Originally posted by Gurm
                  .. some very fair skinned women just have a nasty brown crack no matter what...


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by FatBastard View Post
                    ......Now, I don't credit Gore for this marketing genius, any more then I credited him for inventing the internet, I am old enough to realize that top dog professional marketing people helped him architect this campaign.......
                    Now, those are the words I couldn't find Friday to tell you why I don't think he should get the Noble Prize. Just for being a celebrity?

                    It reminds me of a Paris Hilton, sentenced to serve time, yet released instantly just for showing up...... .

                    Oh, and Brian?! You got my attention with your solid knowledge and unforced willingness to share it with people, including us. Also, you do put the money where your mouth is, you live to make a difference.

                    Diplomacy, it's a way of saying “nice doggie”, until you find a rock!


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by FatBastard View Post
                      I couldn't have explained it better then this guy

                      Yup! That's clever and well produced.
                      Brian (the devil incarnate)

