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Jennifer Love Hewitt: give up the fries !!

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  • #31
    In California maybe. In Europe you can see 50-60y old topless women.


    • #32
      Yes, and Europeans have a much better attitude towards body image and nudity than Americans do.

      The fact that at 62 Helen Mirren can still do nude scenes is proof of that.
      Dr. Mordrid
      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


      • #33
        Originally posted by Nowhere View Post
        Oh, and fat != clinically obese.
        Exactly. If you have random bits of meat hanging off of your body, you're fat. That doesn't mean it's terrible, but fat is fat.

        If you analyzed JLH's body fat percentage, it would definitely be higher than her age. That's unacceptable for someone who's looks have a direct impact on her career.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Dr Mordrid View Post
          Know what? She's 5' 2.5" (if that) and wears a size 2 or 3. The matchsticks we all too often ogle over on the net are usually size 0.

          I can't think of too many women her size and body morphology who could wear a bikini in that lighting without their ass looking bad; strong shadows etc. etc.
          That's because most of the women you know are American, and American women tend to be somewhat chubby. We have an epidemic in this country, and having the attitude of being accepting of chubby women is only going to make it more common.

          I love how guys get defensive about chubby girls and automatically have to compare them to 80lb models. Look, If she's 5'2", I don't want an 80lb girl...but I don't want a 140lb girl either. Clearly, JLH needs to get in shape. Clearly, a sagging ass and cellulite are gross. Clearly, she's not nearly as hot as she was 4 years ago.

          Look at her: she still has a waist that curves in and such.
          No, it's just that her ass is so fat it makes it appear that way.

          And her stomach is no longer flat.

          Certainly better than Britney who has lost her waist totally, and 99% of real world women could not look as good under similar conditions.
          Bullshit. I wouldn't date a girl with JLH's current body. Now granted, I'm a picky bastard who dates pretty girls, and I'm somewhat spoiled in that department. The girls I date are probably more attractive than 95% of girls their age. Even more girls than that who i don't see as "date-able" still have a better body than what JLH's looks like in those pics. Off the top of my head, I'd have to say that at least 25% of girls I know between 20 and 30 are in better shape than JLH is now.

          That doesn't even take into account that she's not 18 anymore, she's 28, and as we all know NORMAL women do not maintain their 18 y/o dimensions as they age that extra 10 years.
          Right, but JLH is not a normal girl next door who works at Target. She's an actress and a MODEL for chrissake.

          Not to mention the effect all the hub-bub will have on young women struggling with their body images.
          Good. Women need to be realistic and realize that diet and exercise has its rewards. Obviously, bulimia and anorexia are extreme cases, but from what I've seen, many women need a wake up call in terms of what kind of shape they're in. When I see your average girl naked anymore, it makes me cringe.

          Also; at least 99% of the women who come to us for glamor shots for their hubby, boyfriend or girlfriend (you'd be surprised ) do not look near as good as JLH in those pictures. Can we make 'em look sexy as hell? You damn skippy!!
          Sure. But most girls I've seen who go to Glamor Shots are overweight. That's why they need the Glamor Shots!

          Factors involved: preparation (makeup, shaving legs etc.), outfit if any, pose, lighting and the focal length of the lens.
          All women should shave their legs (and other things) regularly. There's no excuse not to.


          • #35
            Originally posted by Dr Mordrid View Post
            The problem is your sample is flawed; a large portion of that 99% engage in self-censorship; they don't go to the beach.
            Wrong again. I see some downright awful bodies at the beach. But JLH isn't better than 99% of them.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Dr Mordrid View Post
              Yes, and Europeans have a much better attitude towards diet and exercise than Americans do.


              • #37
                Kooldino, Girls starve themself to death over body perceptions like yours.
                If there's artificial intelligence, there's bound to be some artificial stupidity.

                Jeremy Clarkson "806 brake horsepower..and that on that limp wrist faerie liquid the Americans call petrol, if you run it on the more explosive jungle juice we have in Europe you'd be getting 850 brake horsepower..."


                • #38
                  That's not at all established knowledge/not completelly deciding factor.

                  edit: oh, and I don't exactly see Kooldino preferring "model types"
                  Last edited by Nowhere; 4 December 2007, 18:17.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Kooldino View Post
                    And her stomach is no longer flat.


                    Actually I disagree about "flat stomach = good" mindset. I'm of opinion that the healthiest shape is "curve at front ~= curve at back". But many people disagree and torture themselves by holding their breath constantly... :|

                    Originally posted by Kooldino View Post
                    All women should shave their legs (and other things) regularly. There's no excuse not to.
                    Hmmm...OTOH I often heard from woman withvery soft body hair that the main reason they have to shave their legs regularly is...because they started at some point doing it irregularly/to get rid of those very small & soft one (I guess one would have determine if "shaving leads to thicker hair" is definatelly true before agreeing with them...)
                    Last edited by Nowhere; 4 December 2007, 18:23.


                    • #40
                      I think its awesome we've made it to page 3 in a thread about Jennifer Love's ass. I know there's a greater underlying issue here (greater than her ass? *cough... sorry...), but still...
                      Q9450 + TRUE, G.Skill 2x2GB DDR2, GTX 560, ASUS X48, 1TB WD Black, Windows 7 64-bit, LG M2762D-PM 27" + 17" LG 1752TX, Corsair HX620, Antec P182, Logitech G5 (Blue)
                      Laptop: MSI Wind - Black


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Dr Mordrid View Post
                        Look at her: she still has a waist that curves in and such. Certainly better than Britney who has lost her waist totally, and 99% of real world women could not look as good under similar conditions. That doesn't even take into account that she's not 18 anymore, she's 28, and as we all know NORMAL women do not maintain their 18 y/o dimensions as they age that extra 10 years.
                        Mine did (she's quite thin, actually - but not a stick! Curves where they belong, and nowhere else )
                        There's an Opera in my macbook.


                        • #42
                          This thread leaves me speechless...

                          BTW, women should indeed shave. And wear burqas. Keep the house clean and blow at any hint of need.
                          Join MURCs Distributed Computing effort for Rosetta@Home and help fight Alzheimers, Cancer, Mad Cow disease and rising oil prices.
                          [...]the pervading principle and abiding test of good breeding is the requirement of a substantial and patent waste of time. - Veblen


                          • #43
                            ROFL Umf


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Kooldino View Post
                              That's because most of the women you know are American, and American women tend to be somewhat chubby. We have an epidemic in this country, and having the attitude of being accepting of chubby women is only going to make it more common.

                              I love how guys get defensive about chubby girls and automatically have to compare them to 80lb models. Look, If she's 5'2", I don't want an 80lb girl...but I don't want a 140lb girl either. Clearly, JLH needs to get in shape. Clearly, a sagging ass and cellulite are gross. Clearly, she's not nearly as hot as she was 4 years ago.

                              I wouldn't date a girl with JLH's current body. Now granted, I'm a picky bastard who dates pretty girls, and I'm somewhat spoiled in that department. The girls I date are probably more attractive than 95% of girls their age. Even more girls than that who i don't see as "date-able" still have a better body than what JLH's looks like in those pics. Off the top of my head, I'd have to say that at least 25% of girls I know between 20 and 30 are in better shape than JLH is now.

                              Women need to be realistic and realize that diet and exercise has its rewards. Obviously, bulimia and anorexia are extreme cases, but from what I've seen, many women need a wake up call in terms of what kind of shape they're in. When I see your average girl naked anymore, it makes me cringe.

                              But most girls I've seen who go to Glamor Shots are overweight. That's why they need the Glamor Shots!

                              All women should shave their legs (and other things) regularly. There's no excuse not to.

                              Sounds to me like women are simply pieces of meat to you...
                              #1 DRILL SERGEANT PICK-UP LINE

                              "You make me hornier before 9 AM than most
                              people do all day!"


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Strahd View Post
                                Sounds to me like women are simply pieces of meat to you...
                                and the reason why I am rather prejudiced against people who see women as pieces of meat because I know what it does to their self-image in todays society.

                                I'm not saying, when you're not into what-was-her-name again, that you like anorexic women. But calling them fat, when they have some fat (thank god some do) and clearly not obese or just wearing horribly wrong garments is not something I think highly of.

