Originally posted by |Mehen|
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I must say, however, that the shape a woman, or anyone for that matter, keeps her body in is a reflection of her personality and behavior. When people "give up" staying healthy, that might tell you a lot about that person - and give you an indication that they might not be the best match for you.
Why? Maybe because many girls who mind their diet and exercise are more healthy conscious, are less likely to abuse their bodies with drugs, etc, have good self-esteem, and so on. Proper diet and exercise has positive effects on people besides the obvious.
Ever notice how many overweight, homely girls often have issues beyond their looks? One thing effects the other.
Hell, I've watched close female friends gain a lot of weight, and gain many non-physical problems along with them. It's a downward spiral.
My point is: Take care of yourself. Eat reasonably and exercise at least a little. If not, it may cause problems for you down the road.
Also, don't be so accepting of people failing to do the above. Do I know and love people who don't? Absolutely. Do I forgive them for it and make excuses for them? Not a chance. If we all agree to "accept" unhealthy living, we'll all be tubs of laird within the next century.
Respect your body and appreciate it. You'll be better off for it.
On the other hand, short term weight gain might simply be episodic and may not accurately reflect that person as a whole.