Michigan has a white New Years -
The wind chill is -5°F (10°F actual) and there's at least 5-6" of snow on the ground. The plows & salt trucks have barely started. They usually don't until the snow fall slows and it hasn't, but one snow plow that did go out is in a ditch after hitting black ice.
One local reporter said, with a straight face, that due to the heavy snow and ice on the freeways speeds are down to 45-50 mph. Yup, that fast and there aren't even significant tracks worn in the snow yet.
I would recommend visitors not drive. Either stay in or have a local drive you. If the latter, don't forget to take your Xanax 30 min. before leaving.
Another report was about area Polar Bear clubs having their New Years Day swims yesterday, They go out on area ice covered waterways, cut a big opening, get in their swimsuits & bikinis and jump in. The ice was 8-10" thick.
But Michigan State won the Rose Bowl !!
Fun days
The wind chill is -5°F (10°F actual) and there's at least 5-6" of snow on the ground. The plows & salt trucks have barely started. They usually don't until the snow fall slows and it hasn't, but one snow plow that did go out is in a ditch after hitting black ice.
One local reporter said, with a straight face, that due to the heavy snow and ice on the freeways speeds are down to 45-50 mph. Yup, that fast and there aren't even significant tracks worn in the snow yet.
I would recommend visitors not drive. Either stay in or have a local drive you. If the latter, don't forget to take your Xanax 30 min. before leaving.
Another report was about area Polar Bear clubs having their New Years Day swims yesterday, They go out on area ice covered waterways, cut a big opening, get in their swimsuits & bikinis and jump in. The ice was 8-10" thick.
But Michigan State won the Rose Bowl !!
Fun days