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SuperVCD creation?

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  • #31
    Walrus: My problem with bbMPEG is that I get a corrupt picture. When played in the Media Player it looks like 704x576 with my movie in the left 480x576 and garbled picture on the right side. On the TV it's just a mess. That's the reason I first started this topic, to find out the settings of bbMPEG. I haven't messed to much with it, just selected SVCD whereever I find it in the settings. But I do get a very good quality now using the Virtualdub to deinterlace and reduce size and then Mpegging with the Panasonic. This will at least play on the AVPhile.


    • #32
      Actually, I just finished a 38 hour rendering... to find some corruption in the files that may be like what you describe... I see random black blocks appearing in the files. It's very annoying, since the visual quality is incredible for 3.7 Mbit/sec.. Now to try LSX instead in progressive mode...
      Hopefully a future version of bbMPEG will fix these problems

      [This message has been edited by Walrus (edited 07 April 2000).]


      • #33
        Does anyone know a program that can split a frame into 2 fields, filter them and merge them back to a frame

        Adobe Premiere works preserving interlacing for most of its internal filters. You have to do editing with correct field order for this.
        If you choose frame based mode, the fields are mixed.
        Panasonic internal filters do field mixing.

        Deinterlacing helps to solve the problem of interlacing artefacts on PC screen, but degrade the movie smoothness on TV screen.

        In Premiere, you can write your own filter using filter factory filter. This works not very fast, but can provide image improvement. This filter works on fields, not on entire frame, if you don't forget to use field based rendering.


