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Parhelia needs .13 micron

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  • Here's the links mentioned as it appears you are too busy looking through your dictionary and thesaurus (attempting to "look" intellegent) to do a quick search on MURC etiquette:

    The most experienced and knowledgeable helpers are often long-time Matrox users, who don't take kindly to gratuitous insults aimed at the company, or themselves.

    scroll further
    Your post will not be well received if it consists solely of:

    "Matrox Sux!!", unless, of course, it's in The Soap Box.

    Insult people gratuitously on the following grounds:

    their spelling or their command of English. English is not the first language of many forum members. If there is a barrier to understanding, certainly ask about that. However, belittling people because they don't have perfect English is
    strongly discouraged.

    their lack of technical or industry knowledge. Some of us are professionals, some of us think our CD-ROM drive is a "retractable cup holder"... but sometimes we all run into a problem we can't solve ourselves. Be kind.

    Last edited by Dilitante1; 25 June 2002, 16:32.
    Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


    • Originally posted by [Ch]amsalot
      So... then... you were drafted into the moderatorship

      It never hurts to be friendly. On the otherhand, I'm a firm believer that if you're gonna get into a flame fest, at least have some clue as to who your target is and assess his defensive and offensive capabilities. And for Pete's sake, never make a misstatement of fact! :P

      MURC needs a guide to effective flaming, maybe I'll submit one.

      Mistakes happen, and I don't fear that many MURCers will be in any danger of being outclassed by you in the near future knowledge wise.



      • Honestly guys, I really think [Ch]amsalot has been quite nice, apologized, and for the most part, has returned posts with respect. Maybe it's just me but it seems most of you are being dicks to him. Basing your decision on his merits of a few lines in a couple of posts is just redicilous. I'll probably get flamed to death for this but I just can't sit back and not say how I feel. He is just debating like everyone else, so what!

        Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


        • I'm with Dave. I thought maybe Greebe was just having a bad day or something. I think Chamsalot made one misunderstood statement, and got ripped far more than he should have for it. He's tried to maintain his cool, and even be tongue-in-cheek when responding to insults.
          Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


          • I agree.
            Last edited by xortam; 25 June 2002, 22:43.
            <TABLE BGCOLOR=Red><TR><TD><Font-weight="+1"><font COLOR=Black>The world just changed, Sep. 11, 2001</font></Font-weight></TR></TD></TABLE>


            • Same here

              BRIAN: Look. You've got it all wrong. You don't need to follow me. You don't need to follow anybody! You've got to think for yourselves. You're all individuals!

              FOLLOWERS: Yes, we're all individuals!

              BRIAN: You're all different!

              FOLLOWERS: Yes, we are all different!

              DOGBERT : I'm not.


              • Here Here.
                Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
                Weather nut and sad git.

                My Weather Page


                • While I do agree with Chams on some points I also disagree on several others.

                  I was on a roll from the other night and do apologize for being a bit preposterous and the single error I made. But I also will not sit still and allow someone which this entire thread is based upon to make a preemptive strike against Matrox by declairing what needs to be implemented based on a (nV) viewpoint when the technology does not exist at this time.

                  With that said, what is the point of this thread and or any of his commentary?!
                  "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                  "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                  • Additionally Chams, while your attempting to slam me, how about addressing the other facts I've pointed out?

                    Insider trading, The SGI, 3DFX and Matrox lawsuits do to employee/technology theft.

                    Yeah what I thought. you can dish it but can't take it. Maybe you sir should look in that mirror of blasphemy and see what it reflects of who you are and represent.
                    Last edited by Greebe; 26 June 2002, 07:06.
                    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

                    "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


                    • Yo Greebe,

                      Don't take it so personally. It's an intellectual debate, don't be carried away by emotions.

                      Besides, it's bad for you


                      • I'm just disappointed you didn't respond to my last post mate

                        Edit: [Ch] I mean.
                        Last edited by Pace; 26 June 2002, 08:19.
                        Meet Jasmine.


                        • Pace,

                          Let me respond to the post I think you're talking about.

                          Really? Wait on benches. But as you say later, it will scare game/fanboys away, if it doesn't get 20,000 in 3DMark2003 (Build NV40) at 640x480x16 res
                          Very good call on the wait until the benches come out. Looking at Tom's reviews for an example, the only time GeForce4 really shines over Parhelia in terms of playable framerates is when you use Quincunx (which, as I've discussed in another post, has some problems). The Ti 4600 and Parhelia perform about the same when Ti 4600 is set to 4xFSAA and the Parhelia is running at 16xFAA - and usually that performance is too slow for both cards. The Parhelia is more than acceptable for today's games, however, again you need to factor in the $100 price difference between Parhelia and GeForce4 Ti 4600.

                          It has no OpenGL track record? If the current G400 ICD is anything to go by, and BBz comments, this OGL will be very good.
                          From my understanding the G400 is completely different architecture and the drivers are not compatible. Accordingly, you can't tack on the G400's OpenGL track record for the Parhelia. And I do seem to recall a fiasco involving the G400's OpenGL support - didn' it take over a year to get it fully functional?

                          Multimonitor from ATi? Have you heard of the G450/G550?
                          Sure I've heard of them. I have a G450 in one of my Dell workstations. So, any business professional will have a choice of ATI or G450/550 for multi-monitor suport. They need not spend $300-$400 for that luxury.

                          I bow down to your NVIDIA logo.
                          FYI, the logo came after I saw people misreading my original post. As I said previously, I'm not an nvidiot, I have that logo because I currently have an NVIDIA card.



                          • The G400s OpenGL did have problems, but it was fully functional. It had problems achieving its maximum framerates as its polygon throughput was limited for some reason. TurboGL was released to overcome this, but I didn't feel it entirely necessary.

                            The G200 had a poorer OpenGL record, it didn't have a real ICD for a while (but ICDs were just new at the time for all cards). I now believe the Gx00 ICD to be among the best.

                            I expect Parhelia to be the same in time, if not at release.

                            All I was saying is that Matrox offer multimonitor at low cost, this card ain't for low-end workstations. This is the top end.

                            I don't care about the logo, I realise its your current card. Just don't feel important that you have it

                            Thanks, hope we can get back on topic (honest, there was a topic )

                            Meet Jasmine.


                            • Helevitia, Wombat, xortam, Dogbert, and The PIT (I hope I didn't forget anyone):

                              Thanks for taking the time to see where I was coming from.

                              To Greebe:

                              Greebe asked,
                              With that said, what is the point of this thread and or any of his commentary?!
                              I can see that you can't simply let things lie. The purpose of my thread was to open up discussion about Parhelia and moving it to a .13 micron process to lower cost and increase speed. The feasibility of doing so have been amply debated here in this thread -- prior to your "feedback" I might add -- and I thank Wombat, Oboy and others for sharing their insight, education and experiences with me.

                              Greebe, you have added nothing to the table other than weak attempts to, as you called it, "pound" me, for reasons that still evade me. I have not in any manner attempted to make a "preemptive strike against Matrox" (again, your words not mine) nor is anything I say based "on a (nV) viewpoint."

                              If anything, my post reveals my desire for Matrox to come out with a better, yet less expensive product. That's the viewpoint of an enthusiast, pure and simple.

                              Finally, if you feel that by refusing to comment on your jabs at NVIDIA's poor PR (which is completely irrelevant to the instant discussion) I somehow can't take whatever it is you're attempting to dish out, so be it. I hope you take great comfort in your warm and fuzzy logic.



                              • With respect to my logo, Pace said,
                                I don't care about the logo, I realise its your current card. Just don't feel important that you have it
                                Actually I'm most impressed with Rags' logo


