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*URGENT CPU overheating*

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  • #31
    If that's what if took to solve your problem, good idea. Sounds like it is something you had better make sure you do periodically.

    You probably should go one step further and remove the heatsink, clean it and the cpu core, and then reassemble them with a minimum of heat-transfer compound. It sounds like you are on the ragged edge as far as heat dissipation goes.

    [This message has been edited by Brian R. (edited 24 July 2000).]


    • #32
      whatever...u Murcs just coddle little miss
      Nehal and flame anyone that posts ideas u
      dont agree with....this forum has got to be
      one of the most snobbiest testiest bunch of
      snivelers I've ever seen...and Rags?...
      partnership for an idiot-free America??
      and you name urself after a tampon?... outta got
      rid of someone that ideas are different than yours...
      P650E@806(slot1),BH6 mobo,128M PC100,vanilla G400,SB X-Gamer,Pioneer
      6X DVD,10G Maxtor,13G Fujitsu,17" Samsung,Altec
      Lansing ACS56,Logitech
      Cordless Desktop


      • #33
        And hopefully that is the last we'll ever hear from him.
        "That's right fool! Now I'm a flying talking donkey!"

        P4 2.66, 512 mb PC2700, ATI Radeon 9000, Seagate Barracude IV 80 gb, Acer Al 732 17" TFT


        • #34
          Bite me yosh


          • #35
            Yashit, that's because we're the most mature, educated, helpful bunch on the net... and yes, go fly your kite in somebody elses park would ya!
            "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

            "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


            • #36
              FYI, I set up a system for a relative over a year ago with the k6-300 (the 66fsb one) and it's been running perfect so you shouldn't have any probs with it, however, I did use a very large heatsink (about 2" high) and take Greebe's advice about applying new white "goop"

              Abit BE6-2 with P3 700(cb0) @ 7*150=1052 using an MC-1000!
              15.3 gb Maxtor ata66 and Twinmos 128mb pc-133 ram
              G400 vanilla 32mb @ 168/210 @ 2x
              Sblive with Altec Lansing speaker combo
              384k DSL and Realtek nic
              Windows 98se with DX7a
              Worn out reset button :O)

              PIII-500mhz @ 620 ! with an Abit BE6 mobo
              128mb pc-100 cas 2
              Mill G400 (vanilla!!!) 32mb @ 167/208 with MGATweak-417mhz, (2.5, 2, 2.5), PD 5.5010 & bios 1.5-22
              Maxtor 14.3 gb Uata66 hdd
              SB Live!
              Winblows 98se & DX7
              and 384k DSL!


              • #37
                KRAP ANOTHER PROBLEM,

                your goin to laugh at this, i just realized that the temperature that my windows program was detecting is always 8 degrees C lower than my bios was detecting so instead of being 42 degrees C my CPU Temp is 50 degrees C, i think im gonna have to get a new heatsink or fan or sometin.

                P5A-B AMD K6-300
                Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP
                Creative SB Awe32 (a classic, superb card)
                Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                64meg Ram
                Ali V agp chipset
                <font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
                VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
                Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
                128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
                Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
                Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
                Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
                Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
                Actima 36X CD-Rom
                Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
                Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
                Windows 2000 (primary)
                Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>


                • #38

                  Is that the best you can come up with?? My name is not picked by me, it was picked by my Grandfather. I have heard it all before, so some 12 year old typing on his keyboard doesn't affect me a bit, junior. I am proud of my name. If it bothers you, then stick in your ass.


                  Partnership for an idiot free America


                  • #39
                    urm, how come everybody is coming down on Yosh12 so much?
                    His first post was actualy quite civilized, though I must agree that when he started bitching about getting a job, he wasn't being very smart.
                    The rest of his posts are all in response to (somewhat) flames though. It's not necesarry to become so upset so fast is it guys?

                    [This message has been edited by Aerobed (edited 26 July 2000).]
                    Rob, a great fan of the Aerobed


                    • #40
                      Aerobed, yes it is neccesary to flame this guy, he is the most immature person i have found in these forums. He called me lazy, said things that weren't true such as
                      its obvious that hes not happy with the performance of his comp
                      he called me neandrathal
                      And I dont know why I get picked on when others on this forum have said the same thing to Neandrathal when he spoke his mind
                      this is what he said about rags
                      and you name urself after a tampon?...
                      the guy is a total loser, lets just forget about him.

                      P5A-B AMD K6-300
                      Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP
                      Creative SB Awe32 (a classic, superb card)
                      Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                      64meg Ram
                      Ali V agp chipset
                      <font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
                      VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
                      Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
                      128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
                      Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
                      Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
                      Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
                      Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                      Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
                      Actima 36X CD-Rom
                      Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
                      Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
                      Windows 2000 (primary)
                      Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>


                      • #41
                        Hey guys ,getting back to the cpu prob.
                        1 thing running a K6 at 3x100 is not going to produce any more heat than running it at 4.5x66 ,afterall the overall cpu speed is the same.As long as the cpu is stable at 100MHz FSB then its ok
                        Ref the AFR66 K6-2's which were down rated to 66MHz bus only ,If I remember correctly this was done for timing issue reasons & not for any heat problems.


                        If you say that you found a lose fan connection that was probably why your cpu hit 75C! ,BTW as long as it is still running OK now then it should remain OK though you may have shortened its life a bit.
                        If you removed the heatsink from the cpu ,was there a sticky pad between them? ,if so then reusing it might cause poor contact.Clean it off & replace it with a thin layer of heatsink compound

                        I guess I won't recruit for my team here Team Anandtech
                        Team AnandTech - SETI@H, Muon1 DPAD, F@H, MW@H, Asteroids@H, LHC@H, Skynet POGS.

                        Main rig - Q9550 @3.6 GHz, HD 5850 (Cat 13.1), 4GB DDR2, Win 7 64bit, BOINC 7.2.42
                        2nd rig - E5200 @3.73 GHz, GTX 260 c216, 4GB DDR2, Win XP, BOINC 7.2.42


                        • #42
                          i think that might be the problem because the heatsink is never HOT but only warm....

                          where can i get this thermal gooey paste sticky thingy from.... i live in canada.... over here we have a future shop a couple o radio shacks and thats all that is here as far as big electronics/computers stores go.... and how much would it cost CDN..?? i wont bother if its too pricey....

                          P5A-B AMD K6-300
                          Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP (oh, lets party)
                          Creative SB Awe32 (a classic, superb card)
                          Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                          64meg Ram
                          Ali V agp chipset
                          ICQ UIN: 24730025
                          <font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
                          VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
                          Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
                          128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
                          Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
                          Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
                          Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
                          Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                          Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
                          Actima 36X CD-Rom
                          Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
                          Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
                          Windows 2000 (primary)
                          Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>


                          • #43
                            Radio Shack has a cheap brand of thermal paste. Works fine. Not expensive, maybe $3 Canadian for a small tube.


                            • #44
                              Actually, running a processor at 3x100 will produce more heat than 4.5x66. You're making the bus interface run 50% faster.
                              Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                              • #45
                                if/when i get this thermal paste... how do i put it on? is it easy to put on? i dont want to take off my old paste to find out i cant put on the new paste

                                P5A-B AMD K6-300
                                Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP (oh, lets party)
                                Creative SB Awe32 (a classic, superb card)
                                Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                                64meg Ram
                                Ali V agp chipset
                                ICQ UIN: 24730025
                                <font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
                                VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
                                Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
                                128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
                                Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
                                Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
                                Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
                                Realtek 8029A NIC Card
                                Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
                                Actima 36X CD-Rom
                                Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
                                Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
                                Windows 2000 (primary)
                                Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>

