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g400max , finally here BUT IT IS SOO SLOW !!!!!

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  • #61
    Joelg , what score do you get in timedemo with your g400(max) at the resolution you played ?


    • #62
      Do you really call 15FPS PLAYING??
      Celeron 566@877 1.8V, 256meg generic PC-100 RAM (running at CAS2) Abit BH6, G400 16meg DH@150/200, Western Digital Expert 18gig, Ricoh mp7040A(morphed to mp7060A) Pioneer 6X DVD slot load, Motorola Cable Modem w/DEC ethernet card, Soundblaster Live Value Ver. 2, Viewsonic GT 775


      • #63
        I don't know if it was 15fps or 30fps or even 45fps, all I know is that I played for about 2 hours this afetrnoon with between 8 and 10 other ppl and had no problems. I even came in second place in one round. I've gotten to where I just don't trust the timedemos in Quake based games anymore. Because they sure as hell play better than what the timedemos report. I've also managed to learn that playing timedemos is boring and playing the actual game is better. I suggest you do the same.



        • #64
          Oops, my mistake. I thought you were talking about Q3T. Oh well.

          As for Unreal I do occasion play it online at 1024x768x32bit without any problems also.


          PS Where can I find a copy of UT demo? I would like to try it out also.

          [This message has been edited by Joelg (edited 08-07-99).]


          • #65
            Now THAT is the coolest answer i have ever heard ..MUAHAHAHAH !!
            "Don´t concentrate on timedemos , play the game " --> MUAHAAH (i can´t stop)

            You are very talented to become a polititian , because beiing able to hide the
            slowness of a g400(max) with this wise saying is too cool to overlook ;-)
            (i will remember this when somebody asks me
            if his/her card is faster than mine --> i just say "i don´t trust timedemos")


            • #66
              Well , let's put it this way. When the time timedemo gives me one reading and the actual in game frame counter shows at least twice that, then something isn't right.

              And I'm sure your one of those into comparing dick sizes too, right?



              • #67
                This just shows your lack of maturity. Oohh Ohh..I get 10fps more than you! Now lets whip out our tools and see who's bigger!

                Funny thing is, nobody cares what your FPS are when the final score pops up. Counting FPS is the last recourse of the skillz impaired, who are trying to justify why they get their asses kicked in every game. "I woulda kicked yer ass, but my FPS are too slow".

                But the truth is, if you have skillz, fps are meaningless. If you play multi-player on-line, fps are meaningless. This is all that really matters:
                (all played at a fixed fps of 25...where's all the FPS studs kickin my ass in these games? )

                All that aside, it's still obviouse that there is something not configured properly with your rig. You are just looking for a scapegoat to push the blame on, because you don't want to admit your own technical inabalities. If I can outscore you on a slower processor, with a slower model of the card, I think the writing on the wall is pretty clear.


                • #68
                  Just a thought.. I noticed that you said you have 384MB of ram. Oddly enough, this in itself may be causing a problem, since (many) of the chipsets for pentium only actually cache or write-allocate the first 256MB of ram. Any memory after that causes a performance hit for applications that require large memory bandwith, such as games. You won't notice the differance in Windows by just using normal apps.
                  I experienced this problem with an older motherboard which could only cache 128mb of ram, and I had 196mb at the time. When I dropped down to the max cachable size allowed by tyhe chipset, and I got a 20% peformance boost for intensive games and my memory bandwidth benchmarks.
                  Incase you're wondering, I have a VIA based chipset now (K6-III 450 clocked to 504.. 112mhz bus *4.5), and the 1mb L3 cache can write allocate cache 256mb of system ram. I confirmed this performance hit by adding memory to 384mb, and my games framerate dropped by 18%, and memory bandwidth dropped from 178mb/sec to 124mb/sec.
                  I'd check with the motherboard manufacturer to see what the max system cachable memory size is to make sure. Hope this helps some.


                  • #69
                    Hi rylan,
                    The current generation of chipsets work differently from the SS7 chipsets. On the P2,P3,Celeron,Xeon chipsets, the function of cacheable ram is determined by the chip itself, not the chipset. Early P2's could only cache 256MB, Current Chips, however can cache more than the chipset can hold (1GB on a BX). The only exception is the cacheless Celeron, which since it has no cache, cannot cache the RAM (DUH!!) so there is no limit to the benefit from the original Celeron.



                    • #70
                      Ahh.. cool. thanks M Ragsdale.
                      Guess my previous post won't be very helpful in solving the problem then :P oh well


                      • #71
                        Kruzin , who the f*ck has talked to you again ? I DONT TALK TO YOU , UNDERSTOOD ??
                        (teach someone else ;-)

                        You just cannot get it that the g400max SUCKS !

                        Games.......hmm....since I AM always the guy with the high FPS (i always have the best HW) it is more likely that YOU are the one , whining that you would have beaten me if YOUR fps had been higher ;-)

                        And in case you don´t know , size doesn´t matter , it is what you do with "it".

                        YOU say , i am immature ? HAHA ! Just look at what you wrote and then think again :"...where's all the FPS studs kickin my ass in these games? "

                        Just show me scores with a g400max and PIII>500Mhz with 3dmark at 1600*1200*32 and NOT
                        WITH A LOWER SPECED MACHINE , i am NOT interested in your conclusions how a g400max would have behaved , i want REAL SCORES !
                        never came to your mind that the "faster" g400max shows nearly no difference to a vanilla g400 ?)
                        I won´t stick
                        g400max into my PC again until it is faster than my tnt2ultra IN QUAKE3 !
                        There are so many complaints about the stability of the g400 chips that i think YOU seek a scapegoat . DO you really think that you are the only one that can configure a system the right way ?? Just read all those "corrupted image that looks like a winter storm ..bla bla....lines all over the screen ..hardware lockup !" messages and you know how stable the g400(max) is ..

                        BTW , i am very happy with my system ....i have tnt2ultra , g400max and v2sli ....there is NO game that I can´t play at a high fps !
                        I am using my high speed pc to reach higher resolutions and NOT to break the fps world record --> so if I play at 25 fps , i will do it at 1600*1200..hehe , you fool !

                        rylan, i tried it with 128 mb too and it did not change anything ..

                        And please , Kruzin , if you got no real scores for me than just shut up , ok ?


                        • #72
                          You pissy little twit.
                          I gave you one score already that showed I'm running faster than you with a lesser setup. This initself shows your theory is flawed.

                          If you weren't such a prick, people would be volunteering numbers for you left and right. However, because of you infantile attitude, nobody is willing to take the time to meet your demands.

                          So you want a it is:
                          Brothers of murc: 21
                          tomb-boy : 0

                          And if you think you're gonna spout off at me like that, order me to shut up, and expect me to obey your petty biddings, you got another thing coming, ya little pissant. You'll find that's pretty much the case with most of us Veterans of the G200 wars. Whiners like you are always short-timers, who thinks their sh!t don't stink. In a week (maybe sooner ) you'll be gone, and nobody will care about your little tantrums.


                          • #73
                            Uhh...i have a C366 (not overclocked) 128mb ram G400 32 SH OEM Cable modem and a MX300. I ran the timedemo of map 1 on the 1.08 Q3 version and got 28 fps at 1024x768x32, this is with everything on except sky and v sync. I dont brag about my skills...but since i got this card i finsh 1st and sometimes 2nd...i had 86 frags on a 15 min game of team DM on the tourny map(and the majority of the players pings were as low as mine...around 50)....i out scored both teams by like double the next highest player...Stop complaining about OGL game are MORE than playable at 1024x768x32 (Kingpin,Q3) runs real smooth..."Not a hundred mem or more could ever do...." oops sorry i had an eighties flash back...i hear a song for some reason...must be all that acid commin back ) Oh yeah...ive owned a V3, CL tnt2 Ultra, and a Viper V770 non ultra....and the G400 kicks their asses in the dirt. Im getting a P3 500 in about 2 weeks...when the price drop ill post some benchmarks for ya then. As of now....back to the arena for more fraggin....look for me while on yer TNT2...i go by CoolBreeze G400....ill be the sarge shove a rocket up yer ass....followed by a good ol taunt

                            CoolBreeze aka KAST

                            PS....Dont let this fool bother u Kruzin...he is obviously an idiot who complains that the best just isnt good enough for him...
                            P3 500(not overclocked)
                            128 MB PC100 SDRAM
                            SE440BX-2 Motherboard by Intel
                            Seagate 8.4 gig HDD
                            Diamond MX300 Sound Card
                            AOpen 40x CD ROM
                            Ethernet 32 bit PCI Card
                            Motorola Cable Modem
                            Matrox G400 32 OEM Single Head @150
                            17" CRT Monitor
                            Altec Lansing 2 Speakers and Sub

                            ----CoolBreeze aka KAST----


                            • #74
                              Oh yeah . Kruzin , YOU are the GOD of murc ....oh no ...wait ... YOU ARE MURC !
                              Kruzin.. you are SO ridiculous by thinking that you have something to say ...hehe.
                              "us veterans of the murc war" <---- MUAHAHHA.
                              Hey ! Wake up ! THIS IS NOT REALITY ! This is just the internet and there is NO murc war ! "brothers of murc"<--- MUAHAHH !
                              I think back in the days when you were at school you were the clown that always got his beating ....grandmaster kruzin ....

                              You say that in a while nobody will any longer be interested what i have to say BUT why are YOU always answering , Kruzin ?
                              I can tell you why : because you can´t cope with the fact that I am not accepting YOU as the "leader" of this forum !

                              Coolbrezze , i am very impressed by your q3 1.08 numbers ...<-- ahhaahha !
                              I get ~37 FPS with my tnt2ultra with your settings ;-)
                              And YOU don´t brag about your skills you don´t .....that 86 frags number must have somehow slipped into your message whithout permission from you I really fear the day when you (the sarge ..WOW) and i meet at the arena ...come on , coolbreeze , just say you think you are a good q3 player and don´t try to camouflage you bragging ....


                              • #75
                                Hey there, tumor!,

                                You are inbred, aren't you? Only an inbred would bicker over 9 fps. And yes we are like brothers here, we help each other out, to get the most out of our equipment, no matter what equipment we have. We all enjoy this, is it that hard to comprehend? We have tried to help you out, because it is obvious you need help if you really have a G400. I tend to believe otherwise, or you are just that dumb. Go away, you have nothing going for you here, you need to go to your jack off party to celebrate the extra 9 fps.


