The retail outlet where I bought my MAX just called to tell me my MAX came in today and is waiting for me to pick up tomorrow. I'll be the guy standing in a puddle of drool as they unlock the store door. YES (doing my happy dance) I can finally take the loaner Rage IIc out of my hardware sig and proudly wave the Matrox flag. I been very patient waiting for this card(suprised meself actually) and now that it's here, I'm glad there's all you Matrox experts here at MURC to rely on. I may have 20 yrs of hardware hacking behind me, but it's comforting to know how many of you know Matrox

C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U

C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U