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  • YESH!!1

    The retail outlet where I bought my MAX just called to tell me my MAX came in today and is waiting for me to pick up tomorrow. I'll be the guy standing in a puddle of drool as they unlock the store door. YES (doing my happy dance) I can finally take the loaner Rage IIc out of my hardware sig and proudly wave the Matrox flag. I been very patient waiting for this card(suprised meself actually) and now that it's here, I'm glad there's all you Matrox experts here at MURC to rely on. I may have 20 yrs of hardware hacking behind me, but it's comforting to know how many of you know Matrox

    C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
    C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U

  • #2

    Hi MackJ,

    Congrats! I'm sure it'll be worth the
    wait. You know you could probably get $1000
    bucks for that card here. hehe
    Just kidding!

    If you haven't read any of the posts for tips, I would read them to save yourself some hassle, sure helped me.



    • #3
      That's good advice DK thanks!
      I've been here for about a month drinking up all the good advice members have been passing on to help each other out. I know it's just a Graphics card, but Geez Louise what a card it is! (I'll know tomorrow what it feels like) I'm just a matrox newbie, but with 20 yrs of PC tweaking behind me I hope to be of some assistance here along the way. I only had to wait six weeks and I feel lucky for sure, but if I get one retail, they must be ready to show up everywhere! I'm hopin... in the meantime for your viewing pleasure I have footage of above mentioned "happy dance" available for those with strong stomachs.

      C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
      C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U


      • #4
        What store is this? And what area?

        Ami Y. Koriuchi -
        Asus P2B 1010 - P3-500
        256MB 6NS
        70 GB of 10k RPM SCSI UW style.
        Still waiting like a militia member in a Texas compound for the G400's to come to Earth.

        Ami Y. Koriuchi - MY EMAIL IS DEAD

        Asus K7V266 - Athlon XP 1800+ - GeForce 4 TI 4600 128MB -
        1024 MB PC2100 DDR -
        200 GB UDMA100 7200 RPM - 60GB LVD 160 10K RPM

        Asus A7V133 - Athlon 1.4 - G400Max
        768MB PC133 - 75 GB of 10k RPM SCSI UW



        • #5
          Hi PHZ
          It's called A-Power in Vancouver BC Canada. I had one on paid pre-order and since they merely waited till the card made to "their" distributors channels, I would think they must be ready to show up all over. This type of store would not stock merchandise as they work on extremely low margins in the cut-throat Vancouver PC market. But if you are curious, the card was $319 Canadian which would make it about $210 USD. This or close to it should be available throughout the area, but I forgot to mention pst and gst (another 14% in tax ouch)

          C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
          C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U


          • #6


            I can imagine how you will feel tomorrow, I would probably call in sick just to mess with it. oops, I did that hehe

            I have been working on computers for 14 or so years and some of these younger people coming up now simply amaze me with thier knowledge! I still learn something almost everyday.

            Have fun



            • #7
              Hi DK

              If I wasn't on holidays already I bet I'd be sorely temted to do just that. And about those young PC whizzes? We got tech school near graduates on loan for job experience at work and their fluency with Unix is amazing. Just trying to keep from becoming a dinosaur is a full time job!

              C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
              C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U


              • #8

                and ty%&§!° went down again



                • #9
                  This is not a post to pick on you old guys, it's just a comment on what I see as a social issue:

                  This younger generation (and by this I mean the folks now 20-25, since the folks in their teens now are ignorant, maleducated twits) seems to be remarkably facile with computers and technology.

                  But I don't think it's any incredible amount of education. I think it's a comfort thing. I was never ever, not even once, intimidated by a machine. When I was 7, my parents got an Apple IIe... and I was VERY upset that they wouldn't let me take it apart.

                  I, you see, had been programming since I was 5 - and wanted to see what made THIS machine different from the TRS-80's I was using at school... hehe.

                  - Ash

                  Portions of this message may have been Copyright 1999, Jorden van der Elst. All rights (and lefts) reserved.
                  Specs? You want specs? Yeah. Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up. See this? This is my boomstick! It's a twelve gauge double barreled Remington, S-Mart's top-of-the-line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop Smart. Shop S-mart. Ya got that?! Now I swear, the next one of you primates, even touches me...


                  • #10
                    "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                    • #11
                      Hey! Who are you calling a 'ignorant, maleducated twit'?!!? I don't take very kindly to that, thank you very much! Once I turn 20 in 6 months or so, then I'll agree, but now!


                      My PC houses one of these things which seems to affect some people's lives far too much...


                      • #12
                        I'm sure Slarty's comment was a generalization that didn't include members of this board. Steve, surely you've noticed that most people in your age group do fit well into this generalization. The only exceptions seem to be us computer geeks. Everyone else is an idiot, but that can only be good for us, since they won't be taking our jobs
                        Lady, people aren't chocolates. Do you know what they are mostly? Bastards. Bastard coated bastards with bastard filling. But I don't find them half as annoying as I find naive, bubble-headed optimists who walk around vomiting sunshine. -- Dr. Perry Cox


                        • #13
                          Beings as the first Apple IIs didn't show up in school until I was in the 6th grade, and that's when I started working with them, I'd almost have to agree.

                          I shake my head in dismay as to what is being taught in "Computer" class in the local high-school. If it won't run on an outdated Mac, they won't even look at it.

                          The computer "TEACHER" was more interested in what carpet selections she was going to make than whether to run apple-talk or twisted pair for the networking, hence they are still running apple-talk. Talk about slower than MOLASSES in JULY in ANTARCTICA...

                          They actually look at a 28.8 connection to the internet as an improvement.


                          Anyways, been doing this here thing since the 6th grade, started programming professionally as a Sr. in high-school. Skipped College, and have been working for this company ever since. I do get to play with some of the newest/funnest equipment, though. So I guess I'll look at that as a benefit.

                          Most of the new College graduates have to be retrained before they can be productive in our environment. Most have never heard of the Progress RDBMS that we use.

                          Whoa - way off topic. Sorry for the rant.
                          Gaming Rig.

                          - Gigabyte GA-7N400-Pro
                          - AMD Athlon 3200+ XP
                          - 1.5GB Dual Channel DDR 433Mhz SDRAM
                          - 6.1 Digital Audio
                          - Gigabit Lan (Linksys 1032)
                          - 4 x 120GB SATA Drives, RAID 0+1 (Striped/Mirrored)
                          - Sony DRU-500A DVD/+/-/R/RW
                          - Creative 8x DVD-ROM
                          - LS120 IDE Floppy
                          - Zip 100 IDE
                          - PNY Ultra 5900 (256MB)
                          - NEC FE950
                          - DTT2500 Cambridge Soundworks


                          • #14
                            Got my max this am and not sure when I'll get over staring at the beauty and actually put it in(these things take time) They told me the local prorders are being filled and not sure how many cards will be left in channel for drop by purchasers. Next week though they expect more...Great! On the Old Timers PC topic.. any of you remember the Commodore PET or the early Atari's with the 1k memmodule upgrade slots. Pc's are the most fun when you can get into the guts and add your own touches. That's why Overclockin and tweaking remain important to me, as it seems to be for many on this board.

                            C366@550 ABIT BE6 256MB PC133 Quantum KA18.2G and CR13.3G MATROX G400 MAX Mits DP900U
                            C300A@450 ABIT BX6R2 256MB PC133 Quantum CR13.3G ATI RAGE FURY Mits DP900U


                            • #15
                              Oh Man,
                              I just came down with sig envy.

                              (erstwhile cjolley) celery 333@500mz 2.2V, Abit BH6, 128meg@cas2 gh, 10gig IBM 7200rpm UltraStar, Princton EO75, SB Live Value, V3 2000 PCI (still waiting on my MAX!)

