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g400(max) users , attention , THIS IS CRAZY !

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  • #46
    Well, I see you guys are getting along a bit better today. Hugs, Kisses!!! This is alot better than yesterday. But what's with this Rectal Exam stuff????? Come on guys that's just a bit too friendly, don't you think???

    "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


    • #47
      Ragsdale , if a card costs 250$ then i think benchmarks are VERY important , ok ?
      I understand you want your card to perform, but benchmarks are not the only way to compare performance, okay? If cards within range of each other, then it could be said that they are fairly equal on benchmarks (and it is well known that the drivers by certain mfrs. are optimized for particular benchmarks, in effect making them lie.), the real judge of performance is your own eyes, sit down, shut off the damn time-demos, go online and see how it performs. I generally believe that benchmarks are good for seeing how different settings affect your system, not getting down to 10 fps and saying vid card A is better than vid card B. Think about it for a minute it will sink in.

      And why all the funking around with people, why not just try and be productive. Yeah, I read your original posts, and I agree that you were not flaming anyone. I also agree that there is something wrong with your setup, and that your numbers could be vastly improved. And the reason you are being flamed now, is because you simply think that you have the answer for everything, you think you are so much smarter than everyone, and can not possibly make a mistake in your setup. You just want to bicker. Now knock it off.

      BTW, there is nothing wrong with my setup. I have tried the speed counter in Q3 test on 2 different (totally different) setups, with the same NVidia drivers, and the time demo lies on both of them. Whether the drivers are doing some trickery, or Q3 is funked, I don't know. But I can tell you that I don't trust the TimeDemo in Q3.


      Some people call me the Space Cowboy.....


      • #48
        If you have that kind of money, why don´t you actually *pay* someone who knows to check up your system?


        • #49
          Ok , enough of that flaming thread thing but if i get flamed then i want to be flamed for the right thing (you just don´t like my "being superior" behavior ) and not for imaginative reasons (i am a whiner and can´t setup my system correctly).

          Ok.....ragsdale : i get ~ 3000 3dmarks at 1280*1024*32 bit , 32 bit z-buffer now and i think that this number is correct now .
          (piii 540 , 120 fsb , g400max not oc , 5.13 powerdesk)
          (if someone is getting clearly higher scores at this res then please post them !!!!!!!)

          Cu ..and have a nice day .


          • #50


            Hey man thats not fair to Kruzin, I have seen him post here and other places and I swear, I have only seen him try to help people with G400 problems and other help too.
            I'm not sticking up for him, I am stating facts! I'm sure anyone here would be more than glad to help you, previous posts said to calm down and don't shout. It makes no sense to attack someone, its just a waste of time, its just words man.
            Listen to the previous posts, lets start from the top again before the damage is done, if its not already with some here.
            most People only flame if they get flamed.
            I agree with most here that say something is wrong with your setup, I have seen other benchmarks that are higher than what you stated. (foot inserted in mouth about my benchmarking comment)



            • #51

              D*mn! should have read to end of thread!

              Where's that foot again



              • #52
                Actually, DK...I intentionally made sure I was no help at all to Tombman, after his first flaming incarnation. So what he says about getting no help from me is true
                Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                • #53
                  Unfortunately Kruzin cannot prove afterwards that he could have helped me so he says that he didn´t want to .....i think it is all clear .


                  • #54
                    You're is clear. You're not exactly Mr. Popularity around here. You pissed everyone here off in your first few days, and even got yourself banned for all the flaming you did. Almost nobody wanted to help you. And when you re-registered with your new name, it was pretty obvious who you where (flames or not), so once again nobody wanted to help. Wether or not I could have helped you is not my point. The point is your piss poor attitude puts people off, so they don't want to help. If you treated people decently, you'd have suggestions coming from every direction.

                    Oh well.
                    You're so great that you don't need our suggestions anyway, right?

                    Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


                    • #55


                      • #56
                        I got banned because ant didn´t dare to ban you (beta testers never get banned). Since you are Mr . Popularity that title was no longer available and believe me , i would rather die than having this name ;-)
                        And please don´t talk in the name of others
                        , just speak for yourself . You just can´t admit that you could not help me and if you had been able to but didn´t it shows what a weak character you have , because flaming is flaming (fun) and helping is helping (serious). Your ego didn´t let you come down from the "newbie exposing hunter" side of your psyche .....if you would really be the "over-the-top-all-knowing" Kruzin that you would like to be than you would have shown some greatness in letting me know all the secrets of g400(max) tweaking ....and in the end i would have to thank you for your help your ego would have gotten a much greater boost compared to the way you "solved" things ......but i think this treatment would require a better self
                        consciousness .....

                        p.s.: and i did not piss off people , i did piss off g400max performance but for you matrox addicted people this seems to be the same ;-)

                        [This message has been edited by deprived (edited 08-23-1999).]


                        • #57
                          Alright, I know I said I was done with this thread, but here it keeps returning to the top. I wish you'd let it stay buried the next time tybastard does his thing. Deprived (what kind of irony is that?) I'd love to have a G400max and a Sony GDMF500, and all the other stuff you've got, but I wouldn't trade friends for all the money in the world. It's a real shame how you are so spoiled with material things that you were unable to develop a decent personality and a sensitivity to others. It's really very sad. If your parents didn't give you their time and love, and bought you off with expensive gifts, I'm truly sorry. But every day is a new chance, and if you would practice being decent to people, you'd really feel better. So why not try it?

                          Kind Regards,



                          • #58
                            KhV , who has said that i am spoiled ?
                            (i hope you didn´t take this "buy whatever i want" saying to seriously .)
                            And the nick "deprived" has a very serious meaning that i am not willing to unveil now .
                            My friends know what it means and believe me , it is a well chosen nick.
                            Having a F500 and a g400max doesn´t make me rich , just believe me ..
                            In fact i was raised in the baddest environment you could think of and i know what poverty really is ..
                            I bet you earn twice or thrice the money i do .


                            • #59
                              I got banned because ant didn´t dare to ban you (beta testers never get banned). Since you are Mr . Popularity that title was no longer available and believe me, i would rather die than having this name ;-)
                              And please don´t talk in the name of others, just speak for yourself.
                              Do you have a problem with people don't believing you. You finish nearly every sentence with
                              ... and believe me
                              spoken in the word of others and mine of course (I'm sure I'm right): We don't believe your inferiority complex!!!!!


                              [This message has been edited by Helmchen2000 (edited 08-23-1999).]


                              • #60
                                Sorry if I misunderstood. And for whatever reason you chose your name, if it has some secret meaning that reflects some event that has scarred you, you have my sympathies.

                                Kind Regards,


