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g400(max) users , attention , THIS IS CRAZY !

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  • #61
    Hi tombman,

    Why don't you just give it up. It is quite obvious that you are here for one reason and one reason only. To bash the G400 and anyone who disagrees with you. You came here under the guise of needing help and we tried. We have shown you that even lower end machines are doing better than yours, which should indicate to you that something is not right with the setup, only to have you tell us we are wrong and that all we want to do is defend Matrox at all cost. Which indicates to me that you really are not here for help. So why don't you just go away, nobody wants you here anymore.

    Libertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.


    System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
    OS: Windows XP Pro.
    Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.


    • #62
      It seems the deprived tombman is at least learning some manners. Less SHOUTING, I think I am seeing. When he starts to use a bit more conventional punctuation, I think hw will become an established member of your (our? no, I am just a humble junior here) nice community.

      Beta testers not getting banned? I actually thought that a "beta tester" status was granted by Matrox itself, not by MURC, or Ant. I doubt that Ant even knows the names of all beta testers in the world. Of course, if you have a long-lasting net relationship to another person, the threshold for banning get's higher.

      MURC seems to be a fairly strict community (and highly efficient, by the way, on advancing the common purpose, making most of Matrox products), and trespassers behaving badly will get immediate feedback.

      I can understand that people coming e.g. from Rivazone, where outbursts of the sort, shouting out loud etc. are common habits, feel a bit lost here. Different worlds. Better live with it. This is for the better people. Love and peace. Sun is shining.


      And the ever popular "'xcuse my poor English". I'd rather write in Finnish. You do not speak Finnish? Don't you go to schools? Even my kids speak Finnish.
      year2000:Athlon500/MSI6167/256M/10GIBM/6GSamsung/18GSCSI IBM/CL2xDVD/RR-G/HPPSPrinter/G400DH32M/DeltaDC995/MX300/ADSPyro1394/AHA2940UW/3comXL100


      • #63
        Joel , NOW my system is working correctly .
        Why do you always repeat what has happend a long time ago . There WAS nothing wrong with my setup . It is clearly matrox´ or futuremark´s fault when the performance is different at 100 hz compared to 60 hz in 3dmark99max !!
        AND NOT MINE !
        I know you and a few others here love to see me as a stupid , spoiled child that is as stupid as it is rich but i have to disappoint you . I am not rich and i am not stupid , in fact i am pretty smart
        (just suck it down joel

        p.s.: and "giving up" is a phrase i am not familiar with

        p.p.s. english is not my mother tongue , so excuse my maybe incorrect english .

        p.p.p.s.: i find it interesting that my posts are always attracting more than 50 replies ---- maybe i should do a job in advertising ?

        [This message has been edited by deprived (edited 08-23-1999).]


        • #64
          Hi Guys !

          I surely did not read the whole thread (too long), but reading the last ones let me think that

          - VSync was on
          - 60Hz vs. 100Hz gave different results

          Is that the core of this discussion ?


          Asus P2B-S @ 112MHz FSB - Bios 1010 final
          Celeron300A @ 504Mhz
          128MB 7ns SDRAM
          G400 DualHead 32MB SGRAM @ 201 MHz memory clock
          Despite my nickname causing confusion, I am not female ...

          ASRock Fatal1ty X79 Professional
          Intel Core i7-3930K@4.3GHz
          be quiet! Dark Rock Pro 2
          4x 8GB G.Skill TridentX PC3-19200U@CR1
          2x MSI N670GTX PE OC (SLI)
          OCZ Vertex 4 256GB
          4x2TB Seagate Barracuda Green 5900.3 (2x4TB RAID0)
          Super Flower Golden Green Modular 800W
          Nanoxia Deep Silence 1
          LG BH10LS38
          LG DM2752D 27" 3D


          • #65
            Where's that Ant when you need one.. I can see that lock swinging this way.

            This all started fairly nicely but then it went down quickly. Why? Tombman surely cannot present his opinions in a respective manner but that shouldn't give other people a reason to start flaming him.
            Maybe he really had a problem (with his PC). Maybe he is stupid, but what kind of frustrated people start yelling that at someones face?

            But I'm out of this because it doesn't make sense to me. No hard feelings on my behalf, so don't start flaming me.



            • #66
              Respective manner ???????
              Just look how respecting some others like coolbreeze and spider and even yourself are !
              "maybe he is stupid...bla bla bla "

              Maybe you are stupid .......

              p.s.: no hard feelings buuri , so don´t flame me


              • #67
                hey guys !just ignore this theread & dont POST any replay...its useless,this guy is a sick egoist , having fun screwing us around..dont give to him that pleasure..IGNOR IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE IGNORE x100000000000000000


                • #68
                  Lock time.



                  • #69
                    Gee Smartass,

                    can't you see that people do not want you here. If you are so smart, then why come back here even after you got baned???? Man you simply do not get it? Why don't you just get another card and leave us alone with your arrogant tone and pissed poor attitude. everytime you post you get flamed or you flame someone....

                    Please Ant ban this sucker again... just like the first time. some smart people simply can't learn from one experience....



                    • #70
                      You don´t get it , army , do you ?
                      I don´t flame people , i flame g400max and in RETURN i get flamed !
                      For a few days i don´t have problems with my g400max anymore but you keep yelling for ant to ban me again !
                      I am not like tylau , i do not try to break this server nor do i START flaming people , i just flame BACK if they attack ME .
                      The only thing I do is showing the weaknesses
                      of the g400max and/or the drivers , this is all that i do and you all should be thankful that i remove the pink glasses from you eyes to see the truth of g400max .
                      Btw , i still think that g400max is a very good product , BUT NOT A PERFECT ONE !
                      If you want ant to ban me beause you don´t like me personally than say so , just say : "i don´t like you tombman/deprived and that is why i/we want him to leave this forum" .


                      • #71
                        deprived: if this G400MAX sucks so bad, please do yourself a favor and sell it to me!



                        • #72
                          Are you crazy ? (hehe)
                          I love my little g400max but for now i think
                          it needs little more cooking (drivers drivers drivers) till it is ready for eating

                          p.s.: uhm .... wait much would you pay ...400$ ???

                          [This message has been edited by deprived (edited 08-24-1999).]


                          • #73
                            Hi Deprived,

                            This was the posting I was waiting for you to make! The flaming never started with your personnal attacks but with normal questions you asked... When people tell you what they think, you often reply with : if you would have read my e-mail carefully... you did not understand at all.... well, people are trying to help and you merely insult them... once they reply, frustrated, rather then saying sorry or not getting with the bandwagon, you jump in and insult them even more.... Check your tone and your reply and there will never be any problems... you saw from the start people were willing to help you... but start bashing only one guy here and I can garantee that you will have everyone on your back. it's as simple as that, respect people and they will respect you back... please don't reply to this flaming me, else you will simply give credit to my post!

                            No hard feelings I hope


                            [This message has been edited by armyworm (edited 08-24-1999).]


                            • #74
                              The only hard feelings i have are for ant , sheriff of nottingham
                              Just read his latest post in the "ignore" thread ....he insults me like he wants... knowing that any backflaming from me will result in a ban ....
                              ..uhh, strong man ant , really strong

                              ( i don´t give a shit if he bans me now again as i already got what i wanted ...a perfectly running g400max and since this is the last matrox card for a long time (nv10 or glaze3d is coming i wont need murc either

                              [This message has been edited by deprived (edited 08-24-1999).]

