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Stress Relief (again) aka new fun thread

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  • #61

    Could you compile the epic and publish on the web somewhere so we can visit/read it there instead of going through the MURC Forum?

    Of course, you can start a new thread everytime you release an installment so we know.

    Just a suggestion.


    System Details

    "If it looks like shit,
    and it sounds like shit,
    then it must be shit!" - Jack Horner, Boogie Nights
    <b>JamesA</b>: Just a <b>Dumbass MURCer</b>


    • #62
      JamesA..i write this a piece at a time each nite while I wind down for the day...but if i did have a way to post it in its entirety, i would... so would you still rather me to start a new thread for each installment?

      or would people rather i finish the piece completely and then find a place to post it for all to read in one shot?

      btw the next piece is ready to post

      Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


      • #63
        Dilitante1, keep posting them as episodes...


        Agent31™. All comments Copyright © 1999 Agent31. All rights reserved.
        Look, I know you think the world of me, that's understandable, you're only human, but it's not nice to call somebody "Vain"!


        • #64

          I would prefer they be posted in a new thread for every episode in its entirety. Perhaps the recap in one post, and the new episode in another but both in the same thread (hopefully not multipage).

          I know I am picky and demanding. Take it as a suggestion.

          Can't wait for the next soap episode of Murcywaves!

          <b>JamesA</b>: Just a <b>Dumbass MURCer</b>


          • #65
            Oh, Ash, I'm sorry you've got a cold. Wish I could e-mail you some soup or something....

            You were biting Tish I think, for quoting oneself... I'd pop you back there but searches don't work anymore, if anyone's noticed.... I was just joking with your bad attitude, no prob.

            I like the thread the way it is, though it's going to end up huge. I would like the whole story as a standalone thread when it's done, though.

            I think our commentary is almost as much fun as the story!

            the once and future motub

            [This message has been edited by HollyBerri (edited 08-23-1999).]


            • #66
              Darling, go check up on:

              and the rest you can find yourself... Just look if anything green is in/on this guy...

              (Is "snigger" the word??)

              The once and probably nomore future Jorden.


              • #67
                ok...they will be posted on the fly as they have so far...when this is done I'll put them together and allow someone to post the on the net for all to see/DL ok?

                our story continues.....................

                MURCYWAVES - continued....

                {story thus far...our travelers have arrived beyond thier control
                to a forum far in the future...only to be made to wait for thier dinner
                PurpleHaze has made known to the group of how she arrived in this strange place
                and still they wonder what force brought them here in the first place...}

                {the meals arrive..enter Acolyte of M}

                A of M: Dinner is served. Bon appetite!

                HolliBerry: Finally, I am starved.
                {dives into her plate eating}

                Jorden: How much is this stuff? there were no prices on the menu.
                {hands HolliBerry a napkin}

                A of M: No need to worry sir, your good deeds in the forums have
                paid for your meals long before your arrival. You see, here
                good deeds will be rewarded while the opposite will be punished.

                Slartibartfast: Hey, can i ask a favor? Would you mind calling me Ash?
                You see once people get a little tippy, noone can pronounce
                my name properly, and it truely annoys me.
                {Slartibartfast becomes Ash, formerly known as Slartibartfast}

                Joel: Time to eat, its been a bit since I ate last.
                {begins to eat}

                Ash: tastes great,mmmmmm

                {our heros eat until their heart's content..HolliBerry starts to become frisky...
                (what else is new, right?) but Jorden isnt complaining music starts to play
                and our travellers mingle onto the floor with the others waiting for the BIG CLIMAX}

                {scene changes to Tyllie who has found an unguarded computer terminal and
                determines that this is his time to pay back Murcywaves for the insults he's received}

                Tyllie: Now they'll pay...I'll show them who is master over computers..hehehehe

                {Tyllie now atempts to enter the Murcywaves systems to see what damage he can
                cause...but spamming doesnt work..and all other attempts fail to produce results
                he gets frustrated to the lack of skill he has proven to himself..which only makes
                him angrier.....he pisses on the keyboard and interfaces on the table only to be jolted
                by the current in the system itself he puts his shrivelled pecker away}

                Tyllie: Dammit I'll fix this place yet...
                {he limps away from the table, looking back at the pain he caused only to himself
                as he holds his pathetic fried organ}

                {dance floor....our heroes dancing with the others notice the occassional
                passing of Buuri and his spooge mop as he cleans up the local facilities...
                more new faces arrive..SwAmPgIrL,Greebe,Kruzin and KvHagedorn..all asking
                the same question: why?

                when from the far side of the room a door opens and 3 hooded figures enter
                the room carrying staffs with G4x10 to the 2000th power processor
                emblems on the tops..
                the third figure is older, slower than the other two...the room is silent due to the
                appearance of the robed visitors}

                {to be continued}
                Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                • #68


                  • #69



                    • #70
                      More, More

                      "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                      • #71
                        Bis Bis, more more...!!

                        I'd even pay for the good dinner!! Damn, was the best I ever had, how about you guys?? Tried the chicken-curry??
                        I wish there was a smile with a tongue



                        • #72
                          Okay, geez I Can't believe I missed most of this...

                          Now what am I doing besides wanting a "bigger part" and "waiting for the big climax" as dark figures um, loom and lurk?

                          And Holly, I'm sure you'd look just fine in this dress - and how come I don't get anything for dinner! (wah!)

                          Doesn't matter anyways, looks like we're all gonna die, or our textures will be discarded or somethin. :P

                          BTW. as for personal descs. steve knows. short little asian chick with a stuck in the 80s goth 'fashion sense'. :P

                          Ami Y. Koriuchi - MY EMAIL IS DEAD

                          Asus K7V266 - Athlon XP 1800+ - GeForce 4 TI 4600 128MB -
                          1024 MB PC2100 DDR -
                          200 GB UDMA100 7200 RPM - 60GB LVD 160 10K RPM

                          Asus A7V133 - Athlon 1.4 - G400Max
                          768MB PC133 - 75 GB of 10k RPM SCSI UW



                          • #73
                            fhew! thought i was gonna get blasted by PurpleHaze!...glad you liked the dress

                            Buuri..just wait, things aren't always as they seem

                            more to come(and not just Jorden and HolliBerry either!
                            Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


                            • #74
                              Ami - if you want a bigger part, come this way...

                              [This message has been edited by SteveC (edited 08-25-1999).]


                              • #75
                                Dilitante1 was deleted by the server... he's got some problems...

                                Here's what he wrote me, and what I wrote back to him:

                                "> hey there...there is still a problem now that the forum
                                > server is back: I cant log in or add anything to the
                                > forum...tells me my password is no good...and GA sends me
                                > blank info for my username and password....funny huh? i
                                > mailed the host for the forums but they havent helped
                                > sooo can you let everyone know i am still out there but i
                                > cant do anything untill 1) they reinstate my username and
                                > password or 2) delete me completely so i can register again
                                > (and keep posting the murcywaves stories pleaser pass
                                > this on to haig or joel i'm sure either one can fix
                                > this...thank you very much -Dilitane1

                                Dil, you need to re-register under another name, like Dilitant2...
                                Greebe was ****ed up as well this time, and we had problems with page 2
                                of the Relief thread...

                                I'm going in now to backup whole of the thread to my harddrive, plus
                                I'll put it on my homepage.


                                BTW, It's Ant who's the moderator of the MURC pages as well as the MHW
                                forum where the Relief thread resides.
                                Not Joel, nor Haig can help you there, sadly enough.
                                Just re-reg under a new name and you'll be junior member again and able
                                to get onto the fori again. Sad, but true.


