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All right, so how do you move IRQ's around?

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  • Don't get too far off track with this...but all power isn't the same--and it isn't just a matter of quantity, but also quality. Converters like what you use in Korea don't all act the same, or convert in the same way. Some things like hair dryers, etc. are very forgiving...other things are not. I can just about guarantee that Gateway has a recommended spec for things such as this.

    WAIT FOR OTHER ADVICE...This isn't really my field--but another option is to get a 220v internal power supply for your comp. I'm going to head over to Gateway TS to see what they might recommend.

    Go to bed now, and we'll fight this battle tomorrow. You can rest assured that Jorden will read back through all of this, and give a good recommedation about whether any of this power stuff matters. Stay on track, and we'll trap and kill this bug soon.
    Greebe's juiced up Athlon @750 on an MSI Irongate Based M/B Marvel G200 TV with HW/DVD Daughtercard,
    CDBurner, Creative DVD, two big WD Hdds, Outboard 56K modem
    Parallel Port Scanner, Creative S/B AWE 64 (ISA), and a new Logitech WebCam (My first USB device)


    • Okey Doky, I'm going to stay up just a little bit more... and see if Jorden logs on. Ummm... right now the comp is not hanging... I just rebooted and didn't try any of the programs that cause it to hang...
      I'll to surf the web and come back... see you guys! Thanks for the help


      • Welcome back Chris...
        Printing out and reading back
        In the mean time, go surf.

        Tim, ... yeah, I know, wait for Jorden



        • Jorden!!!! All right!

          Hey guys, this is really weird... my system has been on for 1:30 minutes, it has NOT gone into sleep mode because i've been on the net the whole time, and the system doesn't hang. At all. It's fast as hell... stuff pops up in the blink of an eye... It's great! What could be going on? I reported that this was happening before... I'll keep an eye on it and see how lone the system has to be up before it stops hanging...



          • Backlogging on answers I see

            How to get into the configuration screen?? (Do know, I use a Dutch version, so you might've been there already, because it's got another name.)
            Just press Start, goto settings -> configuration -> software.

            Check there for something pointing towards the Promise, if there's something, delete it.

            Go back to the desktop, press Start again, settings again, Taskbar and menu Start, Programs in menu Start (second tab), advanced, and check in your startup folder if there's some kind of driver pointing towards anything doing with the Promise, if so, delete it.

            That was what I initially meant
            Now fase 3.

            Can you tell me what programs run in the background? (The ones in the system tray (next to your clock) and the ones you only see when you press ctrl+alt+delete (ONE time ONLY, please!!!. Pen these programs on a piece of paper before you press cancel, then give them to us.)

            Fase 4 is coming up, but I'm still waiting for Tim to email some s

            tuff (as he's promised to do so a couple of days back... he must've been too busy with ICQ so he forgot )


            [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 01 December 1999).]


            • Here's the list Jorden...


              That's it...

              Getright is a program i use to help me d/l stuff...

              Gwhotkey is the Gateway keyboard... it has these buttons at the top that let me adjust the sound, start up Internet Explorer, etc.

              Pdesk is power desk, right?

              MSwheel is my MS Intellipoint mouse...

              And the rest you know, right?

              In the system tray, to the left of the time, starting from the left and going to the right...

              Sound adjuster, Windows Guardian (some program that came with Gateway), Matrox QuickDesk, and the Getright monitor.

              That's it. Should I uninstall the Windows Guardian? It's kinda like a virus scanner, but it does not scan for virus's... it's more like a system check... I've uninstalled it before, so that's no problem.



              • Well, if it didn't help at that time, I don't see how it would help this time

                This keyboard you have is a multi-media one then?? You could try deleting the drivers for the keyboard and after a reboot reinstalling them, reboot again and see if that helps.

                But I don't think so, since you've been using everything all this time without the slightest hanging.

                I'm thinking about what Tim (Bixler) said about the power... But need to ask an electrician about that. (And you're in luck, a mate of mine is )

                Now about something practical: Does it always hang, or only if you try to go online??


                • Ok, about the hanging.

                  Now about something practical: Does it always hang, or only if you try to go online??
                  No it does not always hang. It does NOT hang when i try to get on the net either.

                  The programs that seem to make the system hanging are things like System Information, Device manager, Display properties, games, control panel... It has never hanged after a clean reboot. It does not start hanging until I do any of the things i just listed. Getting on the net does not cause it to hang.
                  And the only way to get rid of the hang is to reboot.

                  Hope that helps

                  Ok guys, have a nice day, i'm going to bed...
                  tired, must get sleep, starting to hallucinate...

                  Bye, thanks for your time



                  • HEY GUYS!!!!!!! I think I found the problem!
                    After that last post, I went and got rid of that Windows Guardian crap. It was a program from Gateway, it helped get you started and stuff. I went and deleted it from the comp, and GUESS WHAT????????

                    NO MORE HANGING!!!

                    It was that stupid little program!!!!! Now that I think back (I can't be 100% sure one this... but I THINK i'm sure... ), I uninstalled this right after I said that the system wasn't hanging... and then after i thought it wasn't hanging anymore, I reinstalled it. Windows Guardian has a little program on it that scans the whole system and tells you if you got a bad link. So I used it to find bad links... I'm sure that's what happened. Now that it's gone, the system doesn't hang at all, I can open 6 different things at the same time and it won't even bug the HD!!!! It's so great to have my comp up and running at it's maximum again! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! This is the second best thing to sex! Hehehe

                    Don't worry, the system is totally fine. I've rebooted TONS of times just to see if the hanging would come back, but NOPE. I've also turned the comp off. The hanging was caused by that Windows Guardian shit program.

                    Should I put the Promise back in? I'm not going to do anything until tomorrow... i'm too tired now, but man am I glad the comp isn't hanging anymore!!!!!!!!! YESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Reason for Edit: I got a little carried away...

                    [This message has been edited by McRhea (edited 01 December 1999).]


                    • A little more Info on the Gateway program...
                      it's called "the Help Spot", and it comes with every Gateway comp... If you go look for it on their site, i'm sure you'll find it... I don't know WHY that was causing the hanging... but if it works like a virus scanner, always pinging the system, then I'd understand why the comp was hanging... I'm going to destroy that "HelpSpot" CD right now! That thing is evil!!!!

                      What should I do next guys?


                      • fase 4-2 (what -2?? Err, after typing away for about 30 minutes I found out I used the Award BIOS manual )

                        Printing this out could use helpfull
                        • Close Windows
                        • Reboot
                        • Go into the BIOS
                        • Goto Cache Memory
                        • Disable all caching
                        • Goto Advanced Harddisk Features
                        • Set Type to Auto
                        • Set LBA mode Control to Auto (or LBA)
                        • Set 32-bit I/O to enabled
                        • Set Transfer Mode to Fast DMA A (or change it to B upon a next boot, or F upon a next boot, only if you still have problems!!)
                        • Goto The Advanced Menu
                        • Set Plug and Play OS to No
                          And now I need your help first

                          See that > PCI Configuration ?? It's a submenu. Use the arrow keys to navigate to it, then press enter.
                          Now I need to know what it says here, to the letter !!

                          So pen it down and report.

                          Do this also for the > Advanced Chipset Configuration and > I/O Device Configuration.

                          Why?? Because this damn manual I have doesn't say what's underneath... Stupid Phoenix !!
                          Don't leave so soon...
                        • press Escape
                        • Save changes and Reboot

                        I'll be back later to check (after you and I both slept, no doubt )


                        [This message has been edited by Jorden (edited 01 December 1999).]


                        • ROFLMAO!!! Way to go McRhea!!!!

                          Yup, I think you should put the system back together, Promise card and all. We have seen similar problems with Norton's software and the G400.

                          Oh well, it has been an educational process for all of us. I'm just glad it was something simple and not hardware gone bad and in need of replacement.


                          [This message has been edited by ALBPM (edited 01 December 1999).]
                          "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                          • I know!!! It's the simplest thing!!!! Just delete some program off the comp...
                            I'm soooooooooo happy! It's 3AM right now, so I'm not going to be doing ANYTHING to the inside of my comp... too tired... but the problem is gone for DAMN SURE! We need to tell Gateway that their program has a bug! HAHAHA I'll check back tomorrow guys! Have a nice day/night where ever you are! Bye now!



                            • Always the simplest thing...WOW.

                              A word of caution...the constant reminders about stepping through this in a logical and organized fashion should make sense now. Right???

                              Looks to me like you and Jorden were posting on top of each confirm his instructions before you proceed.

                              --and you still probably should, now that you've become a junior grade expert.


                              Greebe's juiced up Athlon @750 on an MSI Irongate Based M/B Marvel G200 TV with HW/DVD Daughtercard,
                              CDBurner, Creative DVD, two big WD Hdds, Outboard 56K modem
                              Parallel Port Scanner, Creative S/B AWE 64 (ISA), and a new Logitech WebCam (My first USB device)


                              • Now write a book on it... and give Tim and me some royalties

                                Jorden, congratulating you for the time being... I think we'll be seeing you tomorrow

