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Read this about G800!!!

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  • Didn't the CeBit announcement rumor start here? I think, after Matrox didn't announce anything at a past show, someone mentioned that the next opportunity would be CeBit. This somehow evolved into "Matrox will be announcing at CeBit."



    • Well they probably won´t announce anything this time. I could be wrong.

      But any eventual announcements are usually made the first two days. Just look at Nokia and Ericsson, tons of announcements the first day. Although not computer components (cell-phones) it shows that it is important to make a big impression early.


      • I hope my guess of March 30th-April 1st for something to be announced turns out to be at least remotely correct.


        • I've to say something about this whole NDA debate here and how STRICT it is handled at Matro*.

          This whole discussion is redic. If anybody really wants to pass information about a new product, he/she can do that without any problem.

          He/She gives it to a friend anywhre in the world (penpale?) and he/she posts it into the net.

          That's it. If somebody working 25 years for the FBI can spy for russia for 15 years without being caught, that should not be a problem. I think the guys in DC have even more strict rules.

          Do you agree?


          • Sure, I agree that one of us could do that, but we have more integrity than you do.

            I suspect that Matrox is more discretionary towards who they pass out NDA's to than you would be...obviously.



            • Rags, he didn´t say that he would do it. He just said that there is a possibility. Don´t blame him for being without integrity, I think he was just speculating.


              • I know what this thread needs....

                Compliments of the Beta Boyz since you guys are intent on supplying the Whining....LOL

                Believe me, the BB are as anxious as anyone to get a new card

                Timing is everything and Matrox has more class than to shoot their wad (pardon the lack of Political Correctness) and make an announcement on the opening day of CEBIT like the hoards of companies who do so. It wouldn't bother me if Matrox didn't announce anything new at this show either.


                "Never interfere with the enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself"


                • Dear Sir/Madam,

                  I have not long inserted a G400 MAX in my system. I have been gaming for a long time with a TNT2. I'd like to say, that my Q3A business is booming!

                  DVDs are another fine business!

                  And my web browsing activities have had their shares boosted by twin outputs

                  Sorry? Did someone say leaving the gaming market? All I know is that they are out the fps market for the moment, so to anyone who disagrees. Maybe they won't bring out an 'fps' solution, but as long as they keep all those other 'business' features, I'm all Matrox

                  Yours sincerely,

                  Mr. P.
                  Meet Jasmine.


                  • Can't believe it. I used to be a regular of this forum. But I sold my G400 probably a year ago and been thru various cards ever since so after I gave up Matrox it took me a few months to say goodbye to this forum as well. I return and what do I see? People being so worked up about the "G800" - which is about where I left them many months ago - that they insult each other. Don't you see guys what this is doing to you? I remember the seniors (Gurm, Greebe, Rags & co.) being more polite and, yes, even funny. The words of Uncle Tom (from THG) come to my mind: "It's a card guys, it's not a god". (Originally about Voodoo 2).
                    Asus A7V, Duron 600@900, 192MB PC133@100, G200, Guillemot MUSE, etc.


                    • You're right Nordic, we "could have said something." But, we didn't.
                      Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                      • Abusive post deleted.

                        [This message has been edited by Kruzin (edited 25 March 2001).]
                        bruce c. sucks


                        • <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Wombat:
                          You're right Nordic, we "could have said something." But, we didn't.
                          I'm not saying you should have told us anything about the card. It would have been nice if someone said "It isn't getting announced this year" or something like that instead of letting the rumors build up again.


                          • You're missing my point.
                            Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.


                            • <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Wombat:
                              You're missing my point.</font>
                              I guess I am then. I think you all get some sort of pleasure in watching all these rumor threads starting when you know there isn't anything coming out in the near future.

                              I guess if I was in the same situation I'd find this all pretty funny too.


                              • I posted this in another thread already, but ill post it here again, just so you all know it will be called g8000maxxx3 :

                                allright, just came home from cebit. got a matrox pen, and miss marvel (or was it miss millenium???) was so nice to give me a t-shirt. they didnt say anything about the g800, but they are starting to make fun of us in public.
                                one of the miss m's was holding up a sign which said "g8000maxxx3 sighted over texas" during the show.
                                when i asked one of the matrox people about the g800 he didnt really give me an answer ("i heard rumors about a new card, called g800" his answer:"yep, we heard those rumors, too" )
                                he said that matrox is definitley gonna release a new chip sometime (he didnt say soon, he said sometime), but whether it will be called g800 or have the specs everyone talks about is not sure. guess they told them to say that, cause the other matrox guy i asked (on the other side of the booth ) said about the same thing.
                                another thing is that during the show a third lady arrived, and miss marvel and miss millenium asked: "who is that, shes stealing us the show".
                                and at the beginning they were saying something about rumors as well.

