Talking about Matrox, at this moment, is a little bit difficult for me. Much of us, regularly, chage their own video card for the simple reason that we needs to have the must impressive, powerfull hardware circulating in the world. I think that the video card is a primary need of the today Big Computer Peaple community. For people like me that adore powerfull g-chip without quality compromise and stability there are no change at this time to choose a good vendor. Ati quality is poor compared with Matrox Image Quality and driver stability. Same words for the Nvidia parts. The lack of information regarding future products are became a big mountain to move (is something related to the faith???)
. I keep in mind that Matrox are in late compared with the rivals. The development of new technology, now, is a point to reach every time the situation change. Microsoft have a lot to do with "Avalon" DX10 and extended shader operation. Other os's are looking new ways for displaying graphics (vector, voxel rendering, real time ray-tracing). What Matrox are planning to stay in the game? Will Matrox stay in the game?. I suggest to Matrox to implement new technology and innovating in the manner that Matrox can do. 28 years of innovation is not a reason to stop and look the past glory. Matrox must look forward, in the future, and continue to give us excellent product.
Just a tip: wath about to implement in hardware a technology like the f-prime rendering? This rendering really optimized software really rocks. Imagine what can be done in hardware...
Don't criticize, please, just comment to talk in this hot summer...

Just a tip: wath about to implement in hardware a technology like the f-prime rendering? This rendering really optimized software really rocks. Imagine what can be done in hardware...
Don't criticize, please, just comment to talk in this hot summer...
