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  • Glitch-Tastic!


    Right this isn't exactly life & death stuff but i've been meaning to ask about it for ages...

    Abit BH6
    256MB SDRAM @ 103 Mhz
    Celeron 300A @ 464Mhz
    G400 DH 32MB @ 200/150 Mhz

    DirectX 7.0A
    Powerdesk v5.50.010 using ICD not TurboGL
    Half-Life v1.0.1.6
    Counter-Strike b5.2

    Since taking the screen shots I have updated to powerdesk 5.52.015, no effect. I'm very sorry if all this has been convered before. Eagerly awaiting your reply,


  • #2
    I have alot of the same problems as well. I have one even worse than that though! When I try to exit out of a Multi-Player game I cant rejoin! Then everything goes crazy and dies. It really sucks. Can anyone help us?


    Tekram P6B40-A4X
    Intel 440BX Chipset
    128 Meg 100mhz RAM
    Pentium III 450mhz
    Matrox Millenium G400 32m
    DirectX 7.0a
    SB Live! Value
    Windows98 SE
    230w power supply

    Tekram P6B40-A4X
    Intel 440BX Chipset
    128 Meg 100mhz RAM
    Pentium III 450mhz
    Matrox Millenium G400 32m
    DirectX 7.0a
    SB Live! Value
    Windows98 SE
    300w power supply


    • #3
      Yeah i've got that too, but don't get me started on the truly nasty bugs, or we'll be here all night

      Good to know i'm not alone anyway

      It seems like either this is a taboo subject, or most poeple don't notice it. Wierd!


      • #4
        Hallelujah! I see these interference patterns and tearing in Half life with Pd 5.41/Turbogl and the interference patterns in Unreal(D3D) but have been unable to post an example.
        I can remove the tearing effects(which make the game dizzying) in Half Life. The tearing always is present when I load a save. If I immediately RELOAD it(press Esc>Load), the save comes back rock solid. I still can't figure out why this happens (over 200 trials)but its an easy fix and takes only a few seconds.

        ASUS P3BF 440BX MB,Intel PIII 500 Mhz, 128MB RAM,Fujitsu 13 GB HD, Creative 48X CDROM, Matrox G400 Max Bios 1.5.22, IRQ10, (ver 5.41), SB Live MP3+, IRQ5(ver 4.06.711) sound card with Liveware3.0, DX7.0, Linksys 16bit ISA ethernet/cable internet, Viewsonic E790 19"

        Win98se ,ASUS P3BF ACPI 1006,Intel PIII 500 i440BX, 128MB RAM,Quantum Fireball 20.5GB and Fujitsu 13GB HDs, LG Electronics 52X CDROM, Matrox G400Max 6.04 BIOS 1.6.25,SB Live MP3+(ver 4.06.711),Liveware3.0,DX7.0, SMC 10/100 PCI NIC/cable internet, Viewsonic E790 19" monitor


        • #5
          Thanks derah, I've added your pics. (Aren't I good?!)

          If you want to send more go ahead - the same goes for anyone else reading this

          One thing though - please don't send edited shots, but please do resize or crop them to 640*480 if you can.

          OK keep 'em coming (replies or pics)


          • #6
            Smiff: you ARE good! Thanks for posting the pics. The horizontal bands are really that bad. As you described,while turning, the closer to an object, the worse they become. And from a distance, the whole screen would appear like that. I was unable to snap them with HypersnapDx. The "snap" froze the frame and negated the shearing. And so after many attempts, came up with the edited image.. it, unfortunately, is accurate.
            The original snaps are a few weeks old and I now know that the jagged lines are to be expected and I can live with those.The mesh effect occurs very seldomly but I included it in case it is somehow related to the horizontal band nightmare.
            ASUS P3BF 440BX MB,Intel PIII 500 Mhz, 128MB RAM,Fujitsu 13 GB HD, Creative 48X CDROM, Matrox G400 Max Bios 1.5.22, IRQ10, (ver 5.41), SB Live MP3+, IRQ5(ver 4.06.711) sound card with Liveware3.0, DX7.0, Linksys 16bit ISA ethernet/cable internet, Viewsonic E790 19"

            [This message has been edited by derah (edited 27 February 2000).]

            [This message has been edited by derah (edited 27 February 2000).]
            Win98se ,ASUS P3BF ACPI 1006,Intel PIII 500 i440BX, 128MB RAM,Quantum Fireball 20.5GB and Fujitsu 13GB HDs, LG Electronics 52X CDROM, Matrox G400Max 6.04 BIOS 1.6.25,SB Live MP3+(ver 4.06.711),Liveware3.0,DX7.0, SMC 10/100 PCI NIC/cable internet, Viewsonic E790 19" monitor


            • #7
              Yeah, I got some of those symptoms in my games. Hey, how come I can't screen shot in my current games (i.e. Quake 2 and HL)? .

              Ant @ The Ant Farm (


              • #8
                Half-Life is based on a tweaked Quake 1 engine, often pushing it beyond its limits. There are some glitches there no matter the video card. I had plenty of similar glitches even with the good old Voodoo2 SLI. Unreal has a very, and I mean VERY buggy engine, especially in OpenGL\D3D; even with the V2SLI running through Glide there were some really stupid glitches. UT is much better, but still not quite perfect.
                Quake 2 and Q3, on the other hand, both have a very solid engine, built specifically with OpenGL in mind.

                I'm not saying Matrox' drivers are perfect, in fact, they're quite far from it. I do believe though that for many of these glitches a badly designed game engine is to blame.

                In the case of HL, many of the problems are specific to maps. I encountered the "two textures fighting" glitch while playing the mission pack made by Gearbox. The standard TFC maps, however, seem to be pretty much perfect, including the two new ones introduced in 1016.

                Anyway, here's a Half-Life glitch I believe to be specific to Matrox, at least it wasn't there with the Voodoo2:

                (Notice all that black garbage around the text.)

                And, as expected, HL just killed my system when I tried to quit the game after taking this screenshot. Oh, how do I love both of you, Win98SE and the G400 drivers...
                It seems it quits correctly now though if I don't take screenshots.

                primary sys: ASUS P2B-DS, Dual P3-500, 512 MB RAM, SB Live! Platinum, Pioneer DVD-303, Yamaha 6416S, Cambridge SoundWorks DeskTop Theater 5.1 DTT2500 Digital, and of course a Matrox G400 MAX
                secondary sys: Abit BE6, P3-500, 384 MB, SB Live! Value, Pioneer DVD-303, and of course a Matrox G400 OEM SH 32 MB

                [This message has been edited by fds (edited 27 February 2000).]


                • #9
                  check this one out, When I hit ESC from a game and try to go back or go to another game. The text gets all corrupted and stuff. Anyone know how to fix this?


                  Tekram P6B40-A4X
                  Intel 440BX Chipset
                  128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                  Pentium III 450mhz
                  Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                  DirectX 7.0a
                  SB Live! Value
                  Windows98 SE
                  230w power supply

                  [This message has been edited by DeFrag (edited 27 February 2000).]
                  Tekram P6B40-A4X
                  Intel 440BX Chipset
                  128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                  Pentium III 450mhz
                  Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                  DirectX 7.0a
                  SB Live! Value
                  Windows98 SE
                  300w power supply


                  • #10
                    Yeah, nicely put DeFrag! Thanks for the laugh Are you taking the piss?

                    I'm going to update my page later tonight with new shots & more info.

                    Seriously though, please send me unedited shots I want to reply to everyone later, but i've gotta go right now...


                    • #11
                      I'll reply on the forum so that everyone else can see I think I know why you can't take screenshots - you're using TurboGL right? I think this is an issue with TurboGL - try using the ICD (just rename the file OpenGL32.dll in your Half-Life folder). Make sure you have bound a key to "screenshot" (e.g. at the console type "bind f5 screenshot" without quotes (the default is f5 anyway). Then it's time to go glitch hunting Also, I was wondering is there any reason why you haven't updated to 5.52.015? It seems alot faster for me Sorry to be stupid, but what is the horizontal band nightmare?!

                      Perhaps you have the same problem as derah - try renaming the file Opengl32.dll in your game folder to use the ICD. It's almost as fast now anyway (about 3 FPS difference for me!)

                      Good point! I checked it out and... no! it's not the game engine - or if it is, other graphics cards are managing to deal with it. You're right that the interference only happens in certain places but that doesn't change the fact that other cards don't have this problem. Thanks for reminding me about the "furry text bug", this is something I meant to mention but, er, forgot. If you look at my page I've tweaked your pic to show the effect more clearly.

                      Yup, I get that too - it's the biggest bastard bug of them all 'cos it properly rodgers your game Does it happen when you ALT-TAB out & back (by mistake...) aswell as when you escape > resume?

                      This reminds me - does anyone know a Half-Life equivalent to the Quake2 cvar win_noalttab? I like to use the ALT and TAB keys - you can guess what often happens

                      How do we attract the attention of the big guns? Kruzin, Ant, Haig, Rags - are you guys there? Can you help us?


                      • #12
                        Hehe, no I got them thanks, I just sent you an email... I've got ISDN here so big files are not a problem


                        • #13
                          Whoops forgot about the whole editing thing ;p Ill take another screen shot since there so easy to get. stupid bugs. Yes, it happens when I alt+tab out as well, plus the sound stops working when I come back from Alt+tab.


                          Tekram P6B40-A4X
                          Intel 440BX Chipset
                          128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                          Pentium III 450mhz
                          Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                          DirectX 7.0a
                          SB Live! Value
                          Windows98 SE
                          230w power supply

                          Tekram P6B40-A4X
                          Intel 440BX Chipset
                          128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                          Pentium III 450mhz
                          Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                          DirectX 7.0a
                          SB Live! Value
                          Windows98 SE
                          300w power supply


                          • #14
                            Here ya go, nice un-editied screen shot of the corrupted text. plus check out the Multi-Colored Textures! Whats that all about? This all happens when I ESC out of a Counter-Strike Multiplayer game.

                            Tekram P6B40-A4X
                            Intel 440BX Chipset
                            128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                            Pentium III 450mhz
                            Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                            DirectX 7.0a
                            SB Live! Value
                            Windows98 SE
                            230w power supply

                            Tekram P6B40-A4X
                            Intel 440BX Chipset
                            128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                            Pentium III 450mhz
                            Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                            DirectX 7.0a
                            SB Live! Value
                            Windows98 SE
                            300w power supply


                            • #15
                              This one here is interesting also, notice the TV Screen texture, this happens when I get far away from them.


                              PS: notice my cool logo as well?

                              Tekram P6B40-A4X
                              Intel 440BX Chipset
                              128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                              Pentium III 450mhz
                              Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                              DirectX 7.0a
                              SB Live! Value
                              Windows98 SE
                              230w power supply

                              Tekram P6B40-A4X
                              Intel 440BX Chipset
                              128 Meg 100mhz RAM
                              Pentium III 450mhz
                              Matrox Millenium G400 32m
                              DirectX 7.0a
                              SB Live! Value
                              Windows98 SE
                              300w power supply

