In response to your post <u>AND</u> email
, I did not experience any crashes at all. It was rock solid to me. 
And for the rest of you <font color="#0000FF">MURCers</font>, here's my pitch for a guild name (I <font color="#FF0000">love</font> the idea of a guild!)...
Since there are going to be Paladins (my choice of character class), and they are religious zealots, I was thinking we can create a guild that revolves around the religion of M.
If you guys are too young to know, I "play" the Acolyte of M and Warrior Acolyte of M here at the <font color="#0000FF">MURC Forum</font>. 
So, for a guild name:
<h5><font color="#0000FF">Holy Acolytes of M</font></h5> or <h5><font color="#0000FF">Guild of Holy M Acolytes</font></h5>
Then all guild members should have Acolyte as part of their name/guild or something.
OK. Maybe I am not good with names...
(This whole Acolyte thingie stems from reading the first couple of issues of the X-Men (not the uncanny one). Magneto and his Acolytes, are like, sooooo cool!
Off to a meeting...
JamesA: Just a Dumbass MURCer
System Details
"Have you had any licorice lately?"
{Wrote really bad HTML that may have crashed the server. Sorry guys.}
[This message has been edited by JamesA (edited 09 June 2000).]
In response to your post <u>AND</u> email

And for the rest of you <font color="#0000FF">MURCers</font>, here's my pitch for a guild name (I <font color="#FF0000">love</font> the idea of a guild!)...
Since there are going to be Paladins (my choice of character class), and they are religious zealots, I was thinking we can create a guild that revolves around the religion of M.

So, for a guild name:
<h5><font color="#0000FF">Holy Acolytes of M</font></h5> or <h5><font color="#0000FF">Guild of Holy M Acolytes</font></h5>
Then all guild members should have Acolyte as part of their name/guild or something.
OK. Maybe I am not good with names...

(This whole Acolyte thingie stems from reading the first couple of issues of the X-Men (not the uncanny one). Magneto and his Acolytes, are like, sooooo cool!

Off to a meeting...
JamesA: Just a Dumbass MURCer
System Details
"Have you had any licorice lately?"
{Wrote really bad HTML that may have crashed the server. Sorry guys.}
[This message has been edited by JamesA (edited 09 June 2000).]