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  • #61
    > hehe, let me guess, and he´s back, right?

    For now Nuno, I think they got him.

    I'd rather think about all the people that lost their lives today, their families and friends.

    Politics aside, this was genocide.
    Don't make me angry...


    • #62
      Don't blame the whole ARAB world, they're not all hating the "western culture". But unfortunately some wealthy ones make (ab)use of the islamic religion to turn the minds of the uneducated and undecisice ones (seems unfortunately to be the majority) into directions they like it to be.

      And I seriously disbelieve the attacks on Kabul are an American response - it would simply be too fast. It's probably more probable that the afghanian opposition tries to make profit of the situation (but of course there's still the possibility that GW Bush let those aircrafts stationed in the turkey start and disavows any knowledge of it - but this would IMHO be totally against his nature and more a Clinton kind of thing...)
      Last edited by Indiana; 11 September 2001, 16:37.
      But we named the *dog* Indiana...
      My System
      2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
      German ATI-forum


      • #63

        all I was pointing out is the US media is shielding the public from events in the Arab world.....much like back in the 70s when we supported the Shaw of Iran and showed his country was "peachy" and next thing we know is the hostages were taken at the US Embassy there....and the Ayatolla was in charge....the Iranians were blaming us for supporting the dictatorish actions of the Shaw........when the US public had NO clue what had been happening there.....

        As for Palastinians celebrating, I havent seen that yet, but I believe it.....the US has been involved in trying to keep the peace there when the region hasnt been truely peaceful since Noah's Flood! They feel we should butt out and let the strongest fight/survive the war there...

        Better to let one think you are a fool, than speak and prove it


        • #64

          Thank you indiana for your sensible take on the Arabs. The clips of the palistinians celebrating disturbed me greatly. Two things I noticed about it. The clips were during the day, so it would only be right after the attack. While they might not have know the severity of the attack, it is still a horrible thing to do to laud such evil actions. I am convinced, though, that if a terrorist took out some Soviot building thirty years ago, there would be some sick individuals dancing in our own streets. The second thing I noticed is that there were six palistinians dancing at what appeared to me to be the urging of the cameraman. We should not condemn the entire cause for a minority action.

          Asus P2B-LS, Celeron Tualatin 1.3Ghz (PowerLeap adapter), 256Mb PC100 CAS 2, Matrox Millenium G400 DualHead AGP, RainbowRunner G-series, Creative PC-DVD Dxr2, HP CD-RW 9200i, Quantum V 9Gb SCSI HD, Maxtor 20Gb Ultra-66 HD (52049U4), Soundblaster Audigy, ViewSonic PS790 19", Win2k (SP2)


          • #65
            I can't believe what happened.
            And I can't believe what I'm reading here. Smarten up people!

            My thoughts and prayers are for all.


            • #66
              Something i came across this morning..

              Now, i know that Nostradamus had alot of predictions that have not came true, some have.. whatever.. i just thought this was interesting...

              Nostradamus tells what the first target will be.

              The sky will burn at forty-five degrees.
              Fire approaches the great new city.

              In this phrase, Nostradamus refers to a great city in the new world of America near forty-five degrees latitude. Experts agree this could only be New York.

              By fire he will destroy their city,
              A cold and cruel heart,
              Blood will pour,
              Mercy to none.


              • #67
                My heart goes out to the families and friends of the people both lost and injuried in this tradegy.

                Good point Indiana,
                people please remember all the worlds media enjoy sensationalism, before you decide to get angry with any group of people sift through the facts and make a rational decsision about who and what was to blame.

                Personally I hope the people responsible for this are brought to justice and quite literally 'hung, drawn and quartered'

                Again my sympathy goes to all the people affected by this tradegy.

                Juu nin to iro

                English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


                • #68
                  As I come to the end of my holiday in Australia, I have watched the tragic events unfold. I have received word that my sister is safe, as she was due to fly home from LA to the UK last night, but I pray for those still trapped and missing.

                  I know some questions will have to be asked, and as I'm on an Internet cafe I've not looked at the whole thread, but suffice to say, my thoughts are with those who do not know about there loved ones.

                  Meet Jasmine.


                  • #69
                    If you want to learn more about Nostradamus, I suggest you look here

                    It is a very interesting read.
                    AMD Athlon K7 750MHz
                    Asus K7V Motherboard
                    384MB PC-100 SDRAM
                    20GB Maxtor 7200RPM Hard Drive
                    30GB Maxtor 5400RPM Hard Drive
                    Generic DVD-ROM
                    IDE-CD ReWritable-2x2x6x
                    SB Live Value
                    Matrox Millenium G400 32MB
                    SMC EZ Card 10/100 (SMC1211TX) (Network Card To Cable Modem)
                    3Com EtherLink III ISA (3C509b-TPO) (Network Card To Network Bridge)
                    Windows ME
                    6.20 G400 Drivers


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Tony Andrews

                      Can any of you guys remind me where Chase-Manhattan bank is? I have a relative who would have been there at the time.

                      IIRC Chase is next to HSBC tower which was next to the WTC.


                      • #71
                        Thankyou Foft. I think you are right


                        • #72
                          Thanks for the offer, Ash Catchem...

                          ... at the moment, though, I think everyone's OK. I was able to reach my aunt in DC, and thank GOD that two of her daughters-- who are both airline hostesses for United and American-- were NOT flying yesterday. She had talked to my aunt in NYC yesterday morning, but then the phones in NY went down. A friend in New Jersey has also tried without success. I'll try again at about 6 local time. I'm sure my aunt and uncle are OK (they rarely go into Manhattan), but I just want to hear their voices.

                          I also really want to know how anyone could pull this off without:
                          1. anyone having the first clue about it;
                          2. anyone even having a chance to stop those planes (even if they failed).
                          What are all those air traffic controllers and F-16s for, then?

                          This absolutely should not have happened!! I want answers!

                          Last edited by motub; 12 September 2001, 02:07.

                          "All we need is a voluntary, free-spirited, open ended program of procreative racial deconstruction."
                          -Jay Bulworth


                          • #73

                            I agree.....

                            How could air-traffic control not notice these planes flying off course...

                            Don't they have airfcraft on standby in case of such an event...

                            To successfuly hijack four(?) planes requires a lot of coordination and i would have thought half a dozen men per plane... internal airport security???

                            This should never have been alowed to happen.
                            The Welsh support two teams when it comes to rugby. Wales of course, and anyone else playing England


                            • #74
                              I remembered this morning that the FAA center for Boston and surrounding smaller airports is about 1 mile away from my home, would have made a good target


                              Precise placement of multiple EMP dumb bombs, followed by massive ground forces
                              Come on, be brave, tell us who you are, your god will love you for it.....
                              System 1:
                              AMD 1.4 AYJHA-Y factory unlocked @ 1656 with Thermalright SK6 and 7k Delta fan
                              Epox 8K7A
                              2x256mb Micron pc-2100 DDR
                              an AGP port all warmed up and ready to be stuffed full of Parhelia II+
                              SBLIVE 5.1
                              Maxtor 40g 7,200 @ ATA-100
                              IBM 40GB 7,200 @ ATA-100
                              Pinnacle DV Plus firewire
                              3Com Hardware Modem
                              Teac 20/10/40 burner
                              Antec 350w power supply in a Colorcase 303usb Stainless

                              New system: Under development


                              • #75

                                Holly-> I'm glad to hear that your relatives are safe and sound; last night on the phone I was kinda at a loss for words. Or at least English words.
                                I also have relatives in the USA, but since they live in California; I've reasons to believe that they are OK.

                                Now let's hope that the death toll stays as low as possible.
                                The path I walk alone is endlessly long.<br>It's 30 minutes by bike, 15 by bus.<br><i><font size="1">Puni puni poemi</font></i>

                                Anime worth watching:
                                <img src="">

