Rags et al, where have you been (re-read thread)...Gurm accused me of burning children. How is that for slander.
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Sometimes it is ok to spank your kids
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Originally posted by dancray
Rags et al, where have you been (re-read thread)...Gurm accused me of burning children. How is that for slander.
You, sir, are one HUGE idiot.
1. You have to prove damages.
2. You have to show that he defamed your name somehow, and nicknames in a forum don't count unless he is using your real name or you are.
3. Because he posted from within the US, he is bound by US law, which has far more common sense than that senseless ruling, and you would have no case.
4. Your post did seem to advocate burning a child.
5. You are a complete moron.
6. You are living proof that stupid people shouldn't breed.
Sue me anytime, pal.
Ok dancray, I've re-read your sugestion for how to teach a child how not to touch a hot stove - and I've read gurm's reaction.
Pity you havn't studied medicine. Your sugestion does run the very real risk of seriously burning a child, yes you may be able to put your hand on the plate for 45 seconds, a child skin is not able to withstand as much heat or cold before injury.
To that extent I agree with gurm your advice is advocating a much larger risk to the childs health and well-being then a quick gentle smack on the hand. You are a danger to your children if you do have any if you seriously belive that is an appropriate thing to do. If you sir have no fear of your sugestions please feel free to forward me your details and I will contact child protection serverices in your local area and see what their oppinion of your actions are.
DanJuu nin to iro
English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.
Hey Dancray, if you're going to sue me, go right ahead. I'll make sure your trip to the US is worth it. Also, if you're going to sue me (and Gurm, and Joel, and Ant), then I'm sure you realize that from this moment on you should refrain from any exchanges with the other parties in the case. Now go away. I think Ant should even be nice enough to help you along by banning your IP from here.
<FONT SIZE=-1><I>Edit: Names changed to protect the confused.Last edited by Wombat; 1 June 2002, 23:05.Gigabyte P35-DS3L with a Q6600, 2GB Kingston HyperX (after *3* bad pairs of Crucial Ballistix 1066), Galaxy 8800GT 512MB, SB X-Fi, some drives, and a Dell 2005fpw. Running WinXP.
Giv me your personal address and I'll publish in your local newspaper this whole thread just so your neighbours know what a child abusing prick you are.
My invitation for a 'civilised' meeting is still on. Unless you can't put your 'money' where your mouth is.
Opening an e-mail address @ hotmail is very easy, post your real one if you dare.
Oh, and let me join everyone by accusing you of being a child absing prick with propable sexual disfunction. I guess you get off by posting all this rubbish and making people mad at you.
Maybe you're getting your kick by making good people like Gurm mad at you ?
Just to revise, I'm accusing you of:
Being a COWARD, child abuser, prick (use the worst definition and then add a bit) and a sick pervert (as opposed to the rest of us who are great cool perverts) that gets off by angering good men.
Now, please post your TRUE e-mail and address so I could give you a GOOD reason to comem to Israel and TRY and sue me.
C'mon little coward chickenshit. Do it, IF YOU DARE ?
edit: Too bad you have children, you could have made a great Darwin award member.
LMAO. Man, this is the funniest thread I have ever read in my life. Please sue me dancray so it will be all the more worth it....and funnier.
But dancray, and I say this in total honesty and truth, you are by far the biggest *@!#$% (put whatever slanderous word you want in place of that) I have ever met. By all means though, please continue to post so I can keep laughing.System Specs:
Gigabyte 8INXP - Pentium 4 2.8@3.4 - 1GB Corsair 3200 XMS - Enermax 550W PSU - 2 80GB WDs 8MB cache in RAID 0 array - 36GB Seagate 15.3K SCSI boot drive - ATI AIW 9700 - M-Audio Revolution - 16x Pioneer DVD slot load - Lite-On 48x24x48x CD-RW - Logitech MX700 - Koolance PC2-601BW case - Cambridge MegaWorks 550s - Mitsubishi 2070SB 22" CRT
Our Father, who 0wnz heaven, j00 r0ck!
May all 0ur base someday be belong to you!
Give us this day our warez, mp3z, and pr0n through a phat pipe.
And cut us some slack when we act like n00b lamerz,
just as we teach n00bz when they act lame on us.
For j00 0wn r00t on all our b0x3s 4ever and ever, 4m3n.
Originally posted by BuddMan
LMAO. Man, this is the funniest thread I have ever read in my life. Please sue me dancray so it will be all the more worth it....and funnier.
But dancray, and I say this in total honesty and truth, you are by far the biggest *@!#$% (put whatever slanderous word you want in place of that) I have ever met. By all means though, please continue to post so I can keep laughing.
Isn't it amazing how the indignant liberals conveniently rewrite history?
"I spank my kid."
"Spanking is, in fact, abuse..." (repeat about a hundred times, with no real proof or substance, just a bunch of repetitions of the "spanking is abuse" statement with different wordings...)
Now, note that I, being a grown-up, did NOT immediately write "You're saying I abuse my kid! Libel! Libel! Slander! Defamation! I want your contact info so I can sue you!"
No, instead I went on to prove what a ****nut this idiot is. Then, when HE suggests that we hold a child's hand down on a burning hot surface, I simply provide a bit of satire by saying that HE is an abuser of a worse sort - the kind that likes to burn kids.
Then HE starts screaming slander. Mind you, he probably wouldn't have, if the thread were going his way. Instead, he has not a single supporter, but instead has dozens of people telling him what a pathetic idiot he is.
My full name, Dancray, is well known. Do a search on the forums, and you'll turn up my name, my wife's name, my son's name, our location, our home e-mail address, and a million other useless facts, such as that we drive expensive European cars that we can't REALLY afford to maintain, don't like Pennsylvania too terribly much, and that I'm currently a stay-at-home dad because the IT job market in the Lehigh Valley sucks more than the Lehigh Valley itself does (hard to believe, but true).
But no, you don't WANT my information. You just want to mock me, and call me a child abuser. You're quite lucky we DON'T meet face to face. Like I said, I'm a bit touchy where Logan is concerned. He is one of the few meaningful things in this absurdly meaningless universe as far as I'm concerned, and the fact that you not only seem to like to hurt kids physically, but have threatened to have mine taken away by calling me a child abuser (slander that CAN and WILL have a horrifying effect with child services) would probably make me lose my temper. I don't often lose my temper, but it's kind of like David Banner said - "You wouldn't LIKE me when I'm angry..."
Of course NOW you will probably add threatened physical assault to your slander charge.
Fire away, pal.
As for the New Jersey thing - and I can't BELIEVE I'm dignifying this with an answer - I made it quite clear that all I wanted in that case was the callback I was promised by the supposed magistrate involved. I am quite willing to pay the "ticket", if it in fact proves to be legitimate. However, the fact that nobody down there seems capable of doing their job does not provide me with sufficient incentive to waste several days of my time driving back and forth to Trenton in order to get the matter "cleared up".
You, on the other hand, probably don't mind the several days it usually takes to find parents dumb enough to let you burn their children.
- Gurm
Edit: See? Look! I, too, can go back and edit my posts. Only _I_ don't do it for misdirection... unlike SOME (*cough*Dan*****cough*) people around here.The Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
I think Dancray has fully realised he's lost the argument. His perfect world is shattered. Now doubt if this was in a pub he would have resorted to violence. Instead since he can't punch anyone he resorts to hiding behind legal threats.
What a loser.
Bring it on. I use my real name, the e-mail is not some hotmail account and my city and state are clearly listed in my prolife. Unlike you dancry hiding behind a forum nick and giving your location as "my cave". Oh I do have access to you IP address though. You ask us to show courage while you act like such a coward. Deleteing and rewriting your post and then blaming others for making up things and you are unwilling to post your personal info.
So I say again bring it on. Prove that my remarks have harmed you in anyway other than hurt your feelings.
JoelLibertarian is still the way to go if we truly want a real change.
System Specs: AMD XP2000+ @1.68GHz(12.5x133), ASUS A7V133-C, 512MB PC133, Matrox Parhelia 128MB, SB Live! 5.1.
OS: Windows XP Pro.
Monitor: Cornerstone c1025 @ 1280x960 @85Hz.
But didn't you know? He claims that emotional damage is WORSE than physical damage. That's how he justifies giving a child 3rd degree, disfiguring burns rather than slapping the child's hand.
But wait... um... won't the 3rd degree burns ALSO cause the child emotional harm? WHOA! I FOUND A LOGICAL FALLACY IN DANCRAY'S ARGUMENTS! Who'd have thought?
- GurmThe Internet - where men are men, women are men, and teenage girls are FBI agents!
I'm the least you could do
If only life were as easy as you
I'm the least you could do, oh yeah
If only life were as easy as you
I would still get screwed
Originally posted by dancray
You're accusing me of burning children and this can't be since I'm a known pedophil and I admire little children. Besides, you have no way to blame me since I'm a proven dickelss shmock.
Besides, forced anal penetration with large pointy objects isn't considered emotional harm, ask my kids !
What a sick perv. Time to ban him and hopefully the right authorities will check out his confession.