Classic lawyer joke:
What's the difference between a dead lawyer and a dead skunk on the road?
There's skid marks in front of the skunk.
An engineer dies and reaches heaven's gates -
St. Peter: I see another engineer...let me check our records...hmmmm...that's odd...
Engineer: What?
Pete: I have you down for hell. Very strange indeed, first engineer I've seen go to hell.
Eng: That has to be a mistake, I was good on Earth.
Pete: Sorry, but I have to do what the book tells me.
And so the engineer goes to hell.
Satan: Wow, an engineer, first one I've seen.
Eng: I wonder why.
Satan: Can't say, not my descion.
Eng: Have you ever noticed how much hell sucks?
Satan: Tell me about it.
Eng: I bet I can fix this place up rather nicely...
So the engineer proceeds to put in air conditioning, fire extingushing systems, running water, septic systems, etc and makes hell a peaceful place to live. God decides to stop by and make fun of the Satan one day when he is shocked to see what happened to hell. God immediately finds Satan and asks what happened.
Satan: We got this engineer down here a few years back and...
God: Excuse me? You're not allowed to have any engineers.
Satan: Well, too bad, I got one and I'm not giving him up!
God: You better or I'll sue!
Satan: And where are YOU going to get a lawyer?
What's the difference between a dead lawyer and a dead skunk on the road?
There's skid marks in front of the skunk.
An engineer dies and reaches heaven's gates -
St. Peter: I see another engineer...let me check our records...hmmmm...that's odd...
Engineer: What?
Pete: I have you down for hell. Very strange indeed, first engineer I've seen go to hell.
Eng: That has to be a mistake, I was good on Earth.
Pete: Sorry, but I have to do what the book tells me.
And so the engineer goes to hell.
Satan: Wow, an engineer, first one I've seen.
Eng: I wonder why.
Satan: Can't say, not my descion.
Eng: Have you ever noticed how much hell sucks?
Satan: Tell me about it.
Eng: I bet I can fix this place up rather nicely...
So the engineer proceeds to put in air conditioning, fire extingushing systems, running water, septic systems, etc and makes hell a peaceful place to live. God decides to stop by and make fun of the Satan one day when he is shocked to see what happened to hell. God immediately finds Satan and asks what happened.
Satan: We got this engineer down here a few years back and...
God: Excuse me? You're not allowed to have any engineers.
Satan: Well, too bad, I got one and I'm not giving him up!
God: You better or I'll sue!
Satan: And where are YOU going to get a lawyer?